[TenTec] N1 and N2 slots

Ken Brown kenradiobrown at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 22:37:44 EDT 2017

I cannot give you details about the Inrad modification. I can tell you
about Omni VI and Omni VI+. Also, you can have Inrad filters, without the
Inrad modification.

This all has to do with the 9 MHz IF filters and NOT the 6.3 MHz bandpass
tuning IF filters. So the 2.4, 1.8, 500 and 250 buttons are not involved.
At least not with a Ten-Tec rig that has not been modified. Whether the
Inrad modification is controlled in any way by the 6.3 MHz IF filter select
buttons I do not know, but I suspect not.

In all Omni VI there is a 2.4 kHz wide 9 MHz filter that is in the signal
path for both transmit and receive all of the time.That filter rejects the
unwanted sideband in both transmit and receive.

If you have an older Omni VI that is not a + version, or one that has been
upgraded, then it has space for one optional narrow 9 MHz IF filter, used
only in receive, selected in or out with the NAR button.

If you have a Omni VI+ or a later Omni VI that was upgraded it will have
two optional narrow 9 MHz IF filter slots, which are selected by the N1 and
N2 buttons. You can use one or the other, or none, but not both. Again the
2.4 kHz "non-option" filter is always in use for both TX and RX..

I don't know the details of the Inrad modification. If you have some Inrad
filters in the narrow 9 MHz IF filter slots, you do not necessarily have
the Inrad modification. You may just have some Inrad filters.


On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Stan Gammons <s_gammons at charter.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have an Inrad roofing filter mod for the Omni VI and I'm unsure what it
> means on the N1 and N2 slots.  I assume the N1 slot is the standard 9 Mhz
> IF filter and N2 is the optional 9 Mhz IF filter? I'm also unsure what the
> instructions mean when it says some early Omni VI had only one narrow
> switch.  The Omni VI I have was made in Nov 1996, if I read the SN right,
> but all I see is 2.4, 1.8, .5, .25 and NAR.  So, is 2.4, 1.8, .5 and .25 N1
> and NAR N2?
> 73
> Stan
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