[TenTec] TenTec Digest, Vol 180, Issue 9
jfriend31 at comcast.net
Mon Dec 11 15:23:13 EST 2017
I have had trouble with O and O2 at times regarding the 1 Keying loop. The O2 is now working as it should but the O will NOT key anything on loop 1 or 2. In fact it stops keying anything CW with either loop turned on.
O would not key at all with either loop turned off until I did a full reboot, VFOB-LCK turn on and then MAIN RX/TX turn on. Then antenna 2 would key with both loops off.
Then after a while I did the full reboot again and antenna 1 would key CW again. Still turning on keying loop 1 or 2 will immediately shut the TX on either Ant 1 or Ant 2 off.
O2 seems to work fine now as I was in the 10M contest CW with loop 1 working fine and driving my ACOM 1000 to full power.
BUT, both O and O2 loose RX 2 along the way even after a full reboot. It is as if a self timer decides now is the time to shut down RX2. But the timer is not predictable.
I took O apart and unplugged and replugged all internal connectors several times with contact cleaner applied. After a while the same thing as formerly happened restarts.
If Ten Tec or whoever owns Ten Tec does not soon announce an O3 or similar even a double Eagle (2 RX) I am going to find someone else who builds such a rig to supply me one.
Sending back to Ten Tec is EXPENSIVE, at least $100 each way! Add to that any sort of repair time/parts! Both O’s have been back to Ten Tec in TN, O twice and O2 once. No more.
The O series is my first choice, but reliability is absolutely necessary for me to keep them. There is no other brand/model on the market that appeals to me more than the Orion, but the above qualification makes the matter mute.
73 Jack AK7O
Original owner of Orion and second owner of Orion II.
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Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 10:00 AM
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Subject: TenTec Digest, Vol 180, Issue 9
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Today's Topics:
1. Orion Keying Loop (Michael Marx)
2. Re: receiver isolation (Kim Elmore)
3. Re: Orion Keying Loop (Barry N1EU)
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2017 11:41:22 -0600
From: Michael Marx <sndtubes at vacuumtubes.com>
To: TenTec at contesting.com, TenTec at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [TenTec] Orion Keying Loop
Message-ID: <01FB98C3-CB49-47FC-A0B4-A416A3FB8621 at vacuumtubes.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Hi Guys,
I have been dealing with a sick Centurion. Still having problems. I am going to rebuild the QSK board and try again.
However, when I was testing the Centurion with my Orion 1, I had keying loop 1 connected and it was working?.for a short time. Something happened when I was testing and suddenly the amp would no longer key. I think the problem lies in the QSK board. I?m sure something failed there again.
But, when the amp stopped keying, so did the radio. If I have the keying loop turned on, the radio will not key at all. If I turn the key loop off, the radio keys fine. if I turn on keying loop #2, the radio keys fine. So the radio keys fine except when I have key loop 1 turned on in the menu.
So my question is, have I damaged keying loop #1? If so, what do I need to do to fix it?
thanks for all of the expert advice!
Michael Marx
sndtubes at vacuumtubes.com
SND Tube Sales
105 N. Division St.
Bonne Terre, MO 63628
Message: 2
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2017 12:37:15 -0600
From: Kim Elmore <cw_de_n5op at sbcglobal.net>
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] receiver isolation
Message-ID: <44ac8955-1aad-6fae-0983-5bc2ddf37f98 at sbcglobal.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
I may need to implement something along the lines of what's been
described in here for receiver isolation. While my DXEngineering
Receiver Guard will protect the RX ANT port from monstrous RF inputs,
when my K9AY loops are set to the direction of my TX antenna, I still
get enough RF into the RX ant port to disrupt my Orion II when running
1500 W. If I crank in 6 dB of RX attenuation, the problem is alleviated
so I must be right on the ragged edge of "too much RF at the RX ANT
port." I have a CMC on the RX feedline. If the loops are set to any
other direction, the problem vanishes, so it's not getting in via common
mode nor is it getting in via the control line. Since this is on the low
bands only (80 m and 160 m) I barely notice 6 dB of RX attenuation,
anyway, so that's the fix for now.
Kim N5OP
On 12/7/2017 8:34 PM, Dukes HiFi wrote:
I have been repairing an Icon IC-756 Pro 2. It is AMAZING what they went through to keep transmitted RF out of the receiver input.
They actually pick u[p on the TX 5 volt line and drive a transistor, which pulls a pair of series PIN diodes directly to ground (through a 0.1 uF capacitor). When this affair shorted out, the attenuation was over 90 dB!
It would be easy enough to do this for any radio with a separate receiver antenna input. The circuit only has about 8 parts.
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2017 20:47:57 +0000
From: Barry N1EU <barry.n1eu at gmail.com>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion Keying Loop
<CAFmfzDv2OXGEkWzXkdnW4upJcj5eMHad=31Ssnmm=BsDSr435A at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Are you saying keying loop #2 works with the amp connected to TX Out2/TX
En2? If not, what is connected to those jacks?
73, Barry N1EU
On Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 5:41 PM, Michael Marx <sndtubes at vacuumtubes.com>
> Hi Guys,
> I have been dealing with a sick Centurion. Still having problems. I am
> going to rebuild the QSK board and try again.
> However, when I was testing the Centurion with my Orion 1, I had keying
> loop 1 connected and it was working?.for a short time. Something happened
> when I was testing and suddenly the amp would no longer key. I think the
> problem lies in the QSK board. I?m sure something failed there again.
> But, when the amp stopped keying, so did the radio. If I have the keying
> loop turned on, the radio will not key at all. If I turn the key loop off,
> the radio keys fine. if I turn on keying loop #2, the radio keys fine. So
> the radio keys fine except when I have key loop 1 turned on in the menu.
> So my question is, have I damaged keying loop #1? If so, what do I need
> to do to fix it?
> thanks for all of the expert advice!
> 73
> Mike WB0SND
> Michael Marx
> sndtubes at vacuumtubes.com
> 636-939-9190
> SND Tube Sales
> 105 N. Division St.
> Bonne Terre, MO 63628
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