[TenTec] Corsair 560 further notes on the rig

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Wed Feb 1 15:23:11 EST 2017

 Chris, why not replace the transistors? It’s not that hard to do.

Mike, WB8VGE

Mike Bryce
prosolar at sssnet.com

> On Feb 1, 2017, at 2:22 PM, C Brosh <akgnomad at gmail.com> wrote:
> I had asked previously about the Corsair with low output that varied from
> band to band, form a low of basically 0 up to a high of 25 watts. I decided
> to tear into the beast and found some blown electrolytic caps in the PA
> section, like maybe a polarity reversal had happened or a severe
> overvoltage, however it seems to me that it either event had taken place
> the entire radio would be well and truly bricked. We do have the other
> functions though, so not sure exactly how that happened.
> Also, when I powered it on the first time everything seemed fine. The
> second time the radio came on and then faded away...and the fuse had blown.
> Same power supply, same wiring. Replaced the fuse and the radio came back
> without indcident.
> It wasn't too hard to replace those caps, and will put it back together
> when I get a chance. Assuming the worst, that the PA's are toast, would a
> PA section from another Ten Tec, like an older Omni, possibly work? I don't
> know it I want to spend the money on new PA's for this radio. I might
> spring for some garlic and holy water.
> Thanks Chris KL5A
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