[TenTec] Corsair 560 further notes on the rig

chuck adams chuck.adams.k7qo at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 19:07:52 EST 2017

On 02/02/2017 04:08 PM, Stuart Rohre wrote:
> Chris,
> Even the heat sink compound sold at remaining Radio Shack stores 
> should be fine or replacement on the new transistors.  Most finals are 
> a pair of identical transistors or similar power rating at least.  You 
> should replace both transistors even if you only find one bad one.  
> That is to ensure you have the same power gain in each.
> In some cases, you might also need the driver transistor.  Be sure and 
> check that it is not shorted.  Usually the failures will be opens or 
> shorts.
> Good Luck!
> Stuart Rohre
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Here is an excellent youtube video on repairing a TenTec Eagle,
but the techniques can be used for a lot of other rigs.


I apologize if this has been pointed out before.  I've done this
on several Corsair and Paragon transceivers in the past that
I picked up cheap at swapmeets and auctions.  Even a TR7.

Hope this helps.

chuck, k7qo

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