[TenTec] TenTec Digest, Vol 170, Issue 21
Ham Hicks
ham306 at bellsouth.net
Sun Feb 19 13:42:58 EST 2017
I am a proud owner of a TenTec Omni-VII and a previous owner of an Omni-D.
Patience always has its rewards and we will look back on times such as this
with "remember when ...". As we say in the Marines, OoooRah ! Great
TenTec days are ahead.
-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
tentec-request at contesting.com
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2017 11:33 AM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: TenTec Digest, Vol 170, Issue 21
Send TenTec mailing list submissions to
tentec at contesting.com
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
tentec-request at contesting.com
You can reach the person managing the list at
tentec-owner at contesting.com
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
"Re: Contents of TenTec digest..."
Today's Topics:
1. Re: UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC (Starr Center)
2. Re: UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
(Michael Chowning)
3. Re: 1251 T kit (Jim Carragher)
4. Re: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC (Richard Bell)
5. Re: UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC (Tom)
6. Orion 565 (Wolf Wita)
7. Re: UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
(gunnerjuulnyholm at me.com)
8. Re: UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
(Steve Ireland)
9. Re: UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC (Fernando)
10. Re: UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC (Tom)
11. Re: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC (David Propper)
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 20:20:15 -0600
From: Starr Center <starr.center at me.com>
To: Gordon Jacobs <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <6E19225B-A921-4B58-B578-F969EDB4D9C8 at me.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
I fully applaud the efforts being made by every member of the Ten Tec Team.
My sincere thanks to Mike Dishop for making this happen. Entrepreneurs take
a risk to build a dream into reality. Mike has done so. I wish Mike and
the Team success in their adventure.
I look forward to owning more Ten Tec radios and gear. As an aside, I
somehow have managed to acquire a few of these radios. I like them. My
newest is a used Eagle that I recently purchased. I?m still planning to try
some more of the other untried models as well.
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 20:26:17 -0600
From: Michael Chowning <mike.chowning at mgccc.org>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <F9E80167-7CD1-44F6-A9E7-A0F52E60125B at mgccc.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
I have owned several Ten Tec radios, and still can?t part with my Omni VII.
So, keep us the fight. While I am retired and on a tight budget, I hope
that someday, I can once again buy TEN TEC products. May be some sort of
collaboration and/or partnership with that other U.S.A. amateur radio
manufacturer located in CA. Ten Tec set the standard for engineering and
service. I hope and pray the company can continue and thrive.
Mike, N8TTR
> On Feb 18, 2017, at 5:37 PM, rick at dj0ip.de <Rick at DJ0IP.de> wrote:
> Dear OM and YL's
> Last night Mike Dishop gave me an update on the current status of the
> two companies and asked me to pass it on wherever I can. Here is the
> status, followed by a personal message from me:
> It is sad to read the recent email posts on several forums,
> questioning whether these two companies are out of business or still
> in business. Both companies are very much alive and slowly progressing.
> Recently Dishtronix completed its two new web pages for these
> companies, migrated all of the data from its old RKR website to the two
individual new
> web sites, and closed down the old site. This is great progress.
> UNFORTUNATELY the closing of the old site was seen as an omen of bad
> news when indeed it is a breath of fresh air!
> The new sites are now up and running.
> Here are the two new web sites:
> . ALPHA: http://www.alpharfsystems.com
> . TEN-TEC: http://www.tentec.com
> Here is the current status of both companies:
> ALPHA: Alpha is currently producing 9500 and 8410 amplifiers. Both
> amplifiers will be back in stock in March (2017) and sitting on the
> All back orders have already been filled. Alpha repair service has
> always been operating and continues to deliver first class service to
> its customers.
> TEN-TEC: Ten-Tec has moved to its new, larger facility and has
> continuously repaired radios at its Sevierville TN site. It has been
> getting repaired radios out the door on a daily basis (except for the
> few days where they were moving shop). There is still no telephone
service. Email-only.
> Service requests should be sent to service at tentec.com .
> "Robert" is answering emails, but only works on Tuesday, Wednesday,
> and Thursday. If you email on Friday, you need to be patient because
> he isn't going to read it until Tuesday. The repair technicians are
> working five days a week fixing radios.
> TEN-TEC production: The current plan is to do a small run of Eagle
> transceivers. The projected price (stripped) is $1600 to $1700. It
> is obvious that Ten-Tec cannot compete on price alone with the
> subsidized engineering in Japan and slave (like) labor in China. If
> you love Ten-Tec and want a Ten-Tec radio, then you will have to pay
> what it costs to build a Ten-Tec in USA.
> [End of official Message]
> Privately I wish to say thank you to Mike Dishop for all of his
> efforts to rescue these two traditional American companies. He is
> fighting an uphill battle and rather than coaching him on, it seems
> some people would rather re-send false and fake news about his efforts
> - as if they hope he will fail. Disgusting!
> At the end of the day it is up to us to decide whether we want Alpha
> RF Systems and Ten-Tec to survive, or go the route of Collins, Drake,
> Hammerlund, Heathkit, and others.
> I challenge all of you to join me in applauding Mike Dishop for his
> efforts to keep these two companies alive, but Mike is beginning to
> feel like nobody cares anymore, based on the ongoing flow of negative
> If you approve of his efforts , PLEASE EXPRESS IT IN AN EMAIL - (he
> reads our email posts).
> Just REPLY here to this email.
> You don't have to send money, just tell Mike you appreciate his efforts.
> The ball is in YOUR court. Come on guys, LET'S DO IT.
> 73
> Rick, DJ0IP
> _______________________________________________
> TenTec mailing list
> TenTec at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
Message: 3
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 20:10:16 -0800
From: Jim Carragher <k7ikn2 at gmail.com>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] 1251 T kit
<CAAoH+tRXUyc_PRUv+43cK-dhOCUH+-Yrz_XMLBs7Pb8q70Ey+g at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
I'm sorry, No suggestions on the variable inductors, unless it would be a
roller coil. If size were not a problem I used a roller coil from a BC-610
antenna tuning unit. If I find something will let you know. Jim K7IKN
On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 4:24 PM, <k8bbm at srt.com> wrote:
> yep, thanks, I am having trouble opening/saving pix.... but that's a
> local problem here..... not sure what is going on. have the email &
> attachments.
> appreciate it-
> any suggestions as to a source for the variable inductor...... been
> wanting to build a tuner with 1 cap and two inductors for balanced line
> stuff..... maybe I will be able to fine another 1251
> thanks again
> dave
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Jim Carragher <k7ikn2 at gmail.com>
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 16:29:55 -0600 (CST)
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] 1251 T kit
> Dave
> Did you receive the schematic and parts list I sent to your e-mail
> address at k8bbm at srt.com? Jim K7IKN
> On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 6:13 AM, <k8bbm at srt.com> wrote:
> > hi, need schematic, documentation etc for the T-Kit 1251 RF
> > counterpoise
> > -- current site at dishtronics, no joy thanks
> > dave nd0cw at srt.com or old call k8bbm at srt.com
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > TenTec mailing list
> > TenTec at contesting.com
> > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
> >
> _______________________________________________
> TenTec mailing list
> TenTec at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
> _______________________________________________
> TenTec mailing list
> TenTec at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
Message: 4
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 22:34:12 -0600
From: Richard Bell <richfbell at sbcglobal.net>
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <FC99FAC2-823D-411A-AD71-74BA9DF623BD at sbcglobal.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Count me in as a supporter and a pleased Omni VII owner.
Message: 7
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 00:37:50 +0100
From: "rick at dj0ip.de" <Rick at DJ0IP.de>
To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec at contesting.com>,
<TenTec_Eagle at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <005701d28a40$05079a10$0f16ce30$@de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear OM and YL's
Last night Mike Dishop gave me an update on the current status of the two
companies and asked me to pass it on wherever I can. Here is the status,
followed by a personal message from me:
It is sad to read the recent email posts on several forums, questioning
whether these two companies are out of business or still in business. Both
companies are very much alive and slowly progressing.
Recently Dishtronix completed its two new web pages for these companies,
migrated all of the data from its old RKR website to the two individual new
web sites, and closed down the old site. This is great progress.
UNFORTUNATELY the closing of the old site was seen as an omen of bad news
when indeed it is a breath of fresh air!
The new sites are now up and running.
Here are the two new web sites:
ALPHA: http://www.alpharfsystems.com
TEN-TEC: http://www.tentec.com
Here is the current status of both companies:
ALPHA: Alpha is currently producing 9500 and 8410 amplifiers. Both
amplifiers will be back in stock in March (2017) and sitting on the shelves.
All back orders have already been filled. Alpha repair service has always
been operating and continues to deliver first class service to its
TEN-TEC: Ten-Tec has moved to its new, larger facility and has continuously
repaired radios at its Sevierville TN site. It has been getting repaired
radios out the door on a daily basis (except for the few days where they
were moving shop). There is still no telephone service. Email-only.
Service requests should be sent to service at tentec.com .
"Robert" is answering emails, but only works on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday. If you email on Friday, you need to be patient because he isn't
going to read it until Tuesday. The repair technicians are working five
days a week fixing radios.
TEN-TEC production: The current plan is to do a small run of Eagle
transceivers. The projected price (stripped) is $1600 to $1700. It is
obvious that Ten-Tec cannot compete on price alone with the subsidized
engineering in Japan and slave (like) labor in China. If you love Ten-Tec
and want a Ten-Tec radio, then you will have to pay what it costs to build a
Ten-Tec in USA.
[End of official Message]
Privately I wish to say thank you to Mike Dishop for all of his efforts to
rescue these two traditional American companies. He is fighting an uphill
battle and rather than coaching him on, it seems some people would rather
re-send false and fake news about his efforts - as if they hope he will
fail. Disgusting!
At the end of the day it is up to us to decide whether we want Alpha RF
Systems and Ten-Tec to survive, or go the route of Collins, Drake,
Hammerlund, Heathkit, and others.
I challenge all of you to join me in applauding Mike Dishop for his efforts
to keep these two companies alive, but Mike is beginning to feel like nobody
cares anymore, based on the ongoing flow of negative emails.
If you approve of his efforts , PLEASE EXPRESS IT IN AN EMAIL - (he reads
our email posts).
Just REPLY here to this email.
You don't have to send money, just tell Mike you appreciate his efforts.
The ball is in YOUR court. Come on guys, LET'S DO IT.
Rick, DJ0IP
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 00:05:30 -0500
From: "Tom" <tomscotlandbridge at yahoo.com>
To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec at contesting.com>,
<TenTec_Eagle at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <039801d28a6d$cb471f70$61d55e50$@yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Really glad to hear that Ten Tec continues on. I'm still using the Ten Tec
Argosy I bought new in 1982 as a 15 year old, using all my savings from
mowing lawns, and was glad that Ten Tec serviced it still 3 years ago.
Would buy Ten Tec again
-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
rick at dj0ip.de
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2017 6:38 PM
To: 'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment' <tentec at contesting.com>;
TenTec_Eagle at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Dear OM and YL's
Last night Mike Dishop gave me an update on the current status of the two
companies and asked me to pass it on wherever I can. Here is the status,
followed by a personal message from me:
It is sad to read the recent email posts on several forums, questioning
whether these two companies are out of business or still in business. Both
companies are very much alive and slowly progressing.
Recently Dishtronix completed its two new web pages for these companies,
migrated all of the data from its old RKR website to the two individual new
web sites, and closed down the old site. This is great progress.
UNFORTUNATELY the closing of the old site was seen as an omen of bad news
when indeed it is a breath of fresh air!
The new sites are now up and running.
Here are the two new web sites:
ALPHA: http://www.alpharfsystems.com
TEN-TEC: http://www.tentec.com
Here is the current status of both companies:
ALPHA: Alpha is currently producing 9500 and 8410 amplifiers. Both
amplifiers will be back in stock in March (2017) and sitting on the shelves.
All back orders have already been filled. Alpha repair service has always
been operating and continues to deliver first class service to its
TEN-TEC: Ten-Tec has moved to its new, larger facility and has continuously
repaired radios at its Sevierville TN site. It has been getting repaired
radios out the door on a daily basis (except for the few days where they
were moving shop). There is still no telephone service. Email-only.
Service requests should be sent to service at tentec.com .
"Robert" is answering emails, but only works on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday. If you email on Friday, you need to be patient because he isn't
going to read it until Tuesday. The repair technicians are working five
days a week fixing radios.
TEN-TEC production: The current plan is to do a small run of Eagle
transceivers. The projected price (stripped) is $1600 to $1700. It is
obvious that Ten-Tec cannot compete on price alone with the subsidized
engineering in Japan and slave (like) labor in China. If you love Ten-Tec
and want a Ten-Tec radio, then you will have to pay what it costs to build a
Ten-Tec in USA.
[End of official Message]
Privately I wish to say thank you to Mike Dishop for all of his efforts to
rescue these two traditional American companies. He is fighting an uphill
battle and rather than coaching him on, it seems some people would rather
re-send false and fake news about his efforts - as if they hope he will
fail. Disgusting!
At the end of the day it is up to us to decide whether we want Alpha RF
Systems and Ten-Tec to survive, or go the route of Collins, Drake,
Hammerlund, Heathkit, and others.
I challenge all of you to join me in applauding Mike Dishop for his efforts
to keep these two companies alive, but Mike is beginning to feel like nobody
cares anymore, based on the ongoing flow of negative emails.
If you approve of his efforts , PLEASE EXPRESS IT IN AN EMAIL - (he reads
our email posts).
Just REPLY here to this email.
You don't have to send money, just tell Mike you appreciate his efforts.
The ball is in YOUR court. Come on guys, LET'S DO IT.
Rick, DJ0IP
TenTec mailing list
TenTec at contesting.com
Message: 6
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 07:36:29 +0000 (UTC)
From: Wolf Wita <g4ssx at yahoo.co.uk>
To: "tentec at contesting.com" <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Orion 565
Message-ID: <1220854331.637844.1487489789764 at mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
hii can not get my sub receiver to work any helpwolf g4ssx thanks
Message: 7
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 10:48:16 +0100
From: gunnerjuulnyholm at me.com
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <8AB5E963-085F-4DF3-9733-D7E942910096 at me.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Dear Mike,
We may not be very visible, but I know at least 10 Danish OZ hams, which
value their T-T equipment as the trend setter during many years. We all
follow your effort to keep T-T alive and look forward with great
expectations for future unique ham products.
Rest assured. We are here.
Gunner Juul-Nyholm
Magleg?rds All? 93 B OZ6NF
2860 S?borg
Mobil: +45 4013 0044
> Den 19. feb. 2017 kl. 00.37 skrev rick at dj0ip.de <Rick at DJ0IP.de>:
> Dear OM and YL's
> Last night Mike Dishop gave me an update on the current status of the
> two companies and asked me to pass it on wherever I can. Here is the
> status, followed by a personal message from me:
> It is sad to read the recent email posts on several forums,
> questioning whether these two companies are out of business or still
> in business. Both companies are very much alive and slowly progressing.
> Recently Dishtronix completed its two new web pages for these
> companies, migrated all of the data from its old RKR website to the two
individual new
> web sites, and closed down the old site. This is great progress.
> UNFORTUNATELY the closing of the old site was seen as an omen of bad
> news when indeed it is a breath of fresh air!
> The new sites are now up and running.
> Here are the two new web sites:
> . ALPHA: http://www.alpharfsystems.com
> . TEN-TEC: http://www.tentec.com
> Here is the current status of both companies:
> ALPHA: Alpha is currently producing 9500 and 8410 amplifiers. Both
> amplifiers will be back in stock in March (2017) and sitting on the
> All back orders have already been filled. Alpha repair service has
> always been operating and continues to deliver first class service to
> its customers.
> TEN-TEC: Ten-Tec has moved to its new, larger facility and has
> continuously repaired radios at its Sevierville TN site. It has been
> getting repaired radios out the door on a daily basis (except for the
> few days where they were moving shop). There is still no telephone
service. Email-only.
> Service requests should be sent to service at tentec.com .
> "Robert" is answering emails, but only works on Tuesday, Wednesday,
> and Thursday. If you email on Friday, you need to be patient because
> he isn't going to read it until Tuesday. The repair technicians are
> working five days a week fixing radios.
> TEN-TEC production: The current plan is to do a small run of Eagle
> transceivers. The projected price (stripped) is $1600 to $1700. It
> is obvious that Ten-Tec cannot compete on price alone with the
> subsidized engineering in Japan and slave (like) labor in China. If
> you love Ten-Tec and want a Ten-Tec radio, then you will have to pay
> what it costs to build a Ten-Tec in USA.
> [End of official Message]
> Privately I wish to say thank you to Mike Dishop for all of his
> efforts to rescue these two traditional American companies. He is
> fighting an uphill battle and rather than coaching him on, it seems
> some people would rather re-send false and fake news about his efforts
> - as if they hope he will fail. Disgusting!
> At the end of the day it is up to us to decide whether we want Alpha
> RF Systems and Ten-Tec to survive, or go the route of Collins, Drake,
> Hammerlund, Heathkit, and others.
> I challenge all of you to join me in applauding Mike Dishop for his
> efforts to keep these two companies alive, but Mike is beginning to
> feel like nobody cares anymore, based on the ongoing flow of negative
> If you approve of his efforts , PLEASE EXPRESS IT IN AN EMAIL - (he
> reads our email posts).
> Just REPLY here to this email.
> You don't have to send money, just tell Mike you appreciate his efforts.
> The ball is in YOUR court. Come on guys, LET'S DO IT.
> 73
> Rick, DJ0IP
> _______________________________________________
> TenTec mailing list
> TenTec at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
Message: 8
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 20:20:27 +0800
From: "Steve Ireland" <vk6vz at arach.net.au>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <9D5F013D0C124D3EB4857AA1627934AB at StevesHPpcPC>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hi Mike
Just to say a huge thanks for buying Ten Tec and keeping it going. My TT
Orion II superceded an Elecraft K3 here and is the best radio I?ve ever had
? just ahead of a TT Corsair which still sounds great. I hope one day you
will have a chance to bring out a new TT radio.
Vy 73
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 00:37:50 +0100
From: "rick at dj0ip.de" <Rick at DJ0IP.de>
To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec at contesting.com>,
<TenTec_Eagle at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <005701d28a40$05079a10$0f16ce30$@de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear OM and YL's
Last night Mike Dishop gave me an update on the current status of the two
companies and asked me to pass it on wherever I can. Here is the status,
followed by a personal message from me:
It is sad to read the recent email posts on several forums, questioning
whether these two companies are out of business or still in business. Both
companies are very much alive and slowly progressing.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Message: 9
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 07:58:39 -0800
From: Fernando <n2fq at sbcglobal.net>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <C69CB76E-AF7E-4CF7-A671-48B8E2EDE7B0 at sbcglobal.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Got a Jupiter for my 55th birthday and it replaced all
the other rigs. That was 15 years ago without any problems.
Now have 3 Jupiters, Orion, RX-340 and a Hercules 2.
And none of them needed Tentec service. With the support of
technical people on the groups, I?ve been able to do some minor
updates to the Orion. So you can
tell I?m into Ten Tec and a supporter.
My only wish is ?What were the OPT1 and OPT2 on the RX-340 ??
Fernando N2FQ/6
n2fq at sbcglobal.net
> On Feb 18, 2017, at 3:37 PM, rick at dj0ip.de <Rick at DJ0IP.de> wrote:
> Dear OM and YL's
> Last night Mike Dishop gave me an update on the current status of the
> two companies and asked me to pass it on wherever I can. Here is the
> status, followed by a personal message from me:
> It is sad to read the recent email posts on several forums,
> questioning whether these two companies are out of business or still
> in business. Both companies are very much alive and slowly progressing.
> Recently Dishtronix completed its two new web pages for these
> companies, migrated all of the data from its old RKR website to the two
individual new
> web sites, and closed down the old site. This is great progress.
> UNFORTUNATELY the closing of the old site was seen as an omen of bad
> news when indeed it is a breath of fresh air!
> The new sites are now up and running.
> Here are the two new web sites:
> . ALPHA: http://www.alpharfsystems.com
> . TEN-TEC: http://www.tentec.com
> Here is the current status of both companies:
> ALPHA: Alpha is currently producing 9500 and 8410 amplifiers. Both
> amplifiers will be back in stock in March (2017) and sitting on the
> All back orders have already been filled. Alpha repair service has
> always been operating and continues to deliver first class service to
> its customers.
> TEN-TEC: Ten-Tec has moved to its new, larger facility and has
> continuously repaired radios at its Sevierville TN site. It has been
> getting repaired radios out the door on a daily basis (except for the
> few days where they were moving shop). There is still no telephone
service. Email-only.
> Service requests should be sent to service at tentec.com .
> "Robert" is answering emails, but only works on Tuesday, Wednesday,
> and Thursday. If you email on Friday, you need to be patient because
> he isn't going to read it until Tuesday. The repair technicians are
> working five days a week fixing radios.
> TEN-TEC production: The current plan is to do a small run of Eagle
> transceivers. The projected price (stripped) is $1600 to $1700. It
> is obvious that Ten-Tec cannot compete on price alone with the
> subsidized engineering in Japan and slave (like) labor in China. If
> you love Ten-Tec and want a Ten-Tec radio, then you will have to pay
> what it costs to build a Ten-Tec in USA.
> [End of official Message]
> Privately I wish to say thank you to Mike Dishop for all of his
> efforts to rescue these two traditional American companies. He is
> fighting an uphill battle and rather than coaching him on, it seems
> some people would rather re-send false and fake news about his efforts
> - as if they hope he will fail. Disgusting!
> At the end of the day it is up to us to decide whether we want Alpha
> RF Systems and Ten-Tec to survive, or go the route of Collins, Drake,
> Hammerlund, Heathkit, and others.
> I challenge all of you to join me in applauding Mike Dishop for his
> efforts to keep these two companies alive, but Mike is beginning to
> feel like nobody cares anymore, based on the ongoing flow of negative
> If you approve of his efforts , PLEASE EXPRESS IT IN AN EMAIL - (he
> reads our email posts).
> Just REPLY here to this email.
> You don't have to send money, just tell Mike you appreciate his efforts.
> The ball is in YOUR court. Come on guys, LET'S DO IT.
> 73
> Rick, DJ0IP
> _______________________________________________
> TenTec mailing list
> TenTec at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
Message: 10
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 16:22:07 +0000
From: "Tom" <wa8wzg at wa8wzg.net>
To: "Discussion Of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Content-Type: text/plain
I have 2 omni 5's Used as IF rigs for my uhf/ vhf staions, and an Omni 6
plus for my current HF radio, and Centurion Amp.. All have been flawless
and have impressive receivers,,, I just bought a used decked out Orion 2,,
so looking forward to getting it on the air,,, Ten Tec has aways been and
Always will be my radio of choice,,,,, and thanks to Mike and crew for
keeping TT, a Great american radio,, GREAT again!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: "rick at dj0ip.de" <Rick at DJ0IP.de>
Sender: "TenTec" <tentec-bounces at contesting.com>Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017
To: 'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'<tentec at contesting.com>;
<TenTec_Eagle at yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Dear OM and YL's
Last night Mike Dishop gave me an update on the current status of the two
companies and asked me to pass it on wherever I can. Here is the status,
followed by a personal message from me:
It is sad to read the recent email posts on several forums, questioning
whether these two companies are out of business or still in business. Both
companies are very much alive and slowly progressing.
Recently Dishtronix completed its two new web pages for these companies,
migrated all of the data from its old RKR website to the two individual new
web sites, and closed down the old site. This is great progress.
UNFORTUNATELY the closing of the old site was seen as an omen of bad news
when indeed it is a breath of fresh air!
The new sites are now up and running.
Here are the two new web sites:
ALPHA: http://www.alpharfsystems.com
TEN-TEC: http://www.tentec.com
Here is the current status of both companies:
ALPHA: Alpha is currently producing 9500 and 8410 amplifiers. Both
amplifiers will be back in stock in March (2017) and sitting on the shelves.
All back orders have already been filled. Alpha repair service has always
been operating and continues to deliver first class service to its
TEN-TEC: Ten-Tec has moved to its new, larger facility and has continuously
repaired radios at its Sevierville TN site. It has been getting repaired
radios out the door on a daily basis (except for the few days where they
were moving shop). There is still no telephone service. Email-only.
Service requests should be sent to service at tentec.com .
"Robert" is answering emails, but only works on Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday. If you email on Friday, you need to be patient because he isn't
going to read it until Tuesday. The repair technicians are working five
days a week fixing radios.
TEN-TEC production: The current plan is to do a small run of Eagle
transceivers. The projected price (stripped) is $1600 to $1700. It is
obvious that Ten-Tec cannot compete on price alone with the subsidized
engineering in Japan and slave (like) labor in China. If you love Ten-Tec
and want a Ten-Tec radio, then you will have to pay what it costs to build a
Ten-Tec in USA.
[End of official Message]
Privately I wish to say thank you to Mike Dishop for all of his efforts to
rescue these two traditional American companies. He is fighting an uphill
battle and rather than coaching him on, it seems some people would rather
re-send false and fake news about his efforts - as if they hope he will
fail. Disgusting!
At the end of the day it is up to us to decide whether we want Alpha RF
Systems and Ten-Tec to survive, or go the route of Collins, Drake,
Hammerlund, Heathkit, and others.
I challenge all of you to join me in applauding Mike Dishop for his efforts
to keep these two companies alive, but Mike is beginning to feel like nobody
cares anymore, based on the ongoing flow of negative emails.
If you approve of his efforts , PLEASE EXPRESS IT IN AN EMAIL - (he reads
our email posts).
Just REPLY here to this email.
You don't have to send money, just tell Mike you appreciate his efforts.
The ball is in YOUR court. Come on guys, LET'S DO IT.
Rick, DJ0IP
TenTec mailing list
TenTec at contesting.com
Message: 11
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 10:32:46 -0600
From: David Propper <k2dp at charter.net>
To: "Reflectors - TenTec at contesting.com Ten-Tec Equipment"
<tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
Message-ID: <0C42FBE4-4A35-4EBF-98DD-9A85C7FE9011 at charter.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
As the operator and maintainer of 3 Alpha amplifiers (1-8410 and 2-8100?s)
used in an Emergency Operations Center Communications Room, I continue to
look forward to your success in maintaining the Alpha name as the
pre-eminent designer and manufacturer of tube based HF amplifiers !!!!!
Keep up the good work !
As the personal owner and user of a Ten Tec Centurion Amplifier which is 23
years old, I wish you the best of success in bringing Ten Tec back on line
as an American designer and manufacturer of commercial and amateur radio
equipment. While my Centurion suffered the loss of the HV xfmr approximately
9 years ago and has since required other normal (20 year plus) type
maintenance and repairs, it remains a solid HF 1KW DC output amplifier that
is highly reliable and a pleasure to use on a daily basis.
Best of luck and 73,
Dave, K2DP
St. Louis, MO
> On Feb 18, 2017, at 10:34 PM, Richard Bell <richfbell at sbcglobal.net>
> Count me in as a supporter and a pleased Omni VII owner.
> Message: 7
> Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2017 00:37:50 +0100
> From: "rick at dj0ip.de" <Rick at DJ0IP.de>
> To: "'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'" <tentec at contesting.com>,
> <TenTec_Eagle at yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [TenTec] UPDATE: Status of Alpha RF Systems and TEN-TEC
> Message-ID: <005701d28a40$05079a10$0f16ce30$@de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Dear OM and YL's
> Last night Mike Dishop gave me an update on the current status of the
> two companies and asked me to pass it on wherever I can. Here is the
> status, followed by a personal message from me:
> It is sad to read the recent email posts on several forums,
> questioning whether these two companies are out of business or still
> in business. Both companies are very much alive and slowly progressing.
> Recently Dishtronix completed its two new web pages for these
> companies, migrated all of the data from its old RKR website to the two
individual new
> web sites, and closed down the old site. This is great progress.
> UNFORTUNATELY the closing of the old site was seen as an omen of bad
> news when indeed it is a breath of fresh air!
> The new sites are now up and running.
> Here are the two new web sites:
> . ALPHA: http://www.alpharfsystems.com
> . TEN-TEC: http://www.tentec.com
> Here is the current status of both companies:
> ALPHA: Alpha is currently producing 9500 and 8410 amplifiers. Both
> amplifiers will be back in stock in March (2017) and sitting on the
> All back orders have already been filled. Alpha repair service has
> always been operating and continues to deliver first class service to
> its customers.
> TEN-TEC: Ten-Tec has moved to its new, larger facility and has
> continuously repaired radios at its Sevierville TN site. It has been
> getting repaired radios out the door on a daily basis (except for the
> few days where they were moving shop). There is still no telephone
service. Email-only.
> Service requests should be sent to service at tentec.com .
> "Robert" is answering emails, but only works on Tuesday, Wednesday,
> and Thursday. If you email on Friday, you need to be patient because
> he isn't going to read it until Tuesday. The repair technicians are
> working five days a week fixing radios.
> TEN-TEC production: The current plan is to do a small run of Eagle
> transceivers. The projected price (stripped) is $1600 to $1700. It
> is obvious that Ten-Tec cannot compete on price alone with the
> subsidized engineering in Japan and slave (like) labor in China. If
> you love Ten-Tec and want a Ten-Tec radio, then you will have to pay
> what it costs to build a Ten-Tec in USA.
> [End of official Message]
> Privately I wish to say thank you to Mike Dishop for all of his
> efforts to rescue these two traditional American companies. He is
> fighting an uphill battle and rather than coaching him on, it seems
> some people would rather re-send false and fake news about his efforts
> - as if they hope he will fail. Disgusting!
> At the end of the day it is up to us to decide whether we want Alpha
> RF Systems and Ten-Tec to survive, or go the route of Collins, Drake,
> Hammerlund, Heathkit, and others.
> I challenge all of you to join me in applauding Mike Dishop for his
> efforts to keep these two companies alive, but Mike is beginning to
> feel like nobody cares anymore, based on the ongoing flow of negative
> If you approve of his efforts , PLEASE EXPRESS IT IN AN EMAIL - (he
> reads our email posts).
> Just REPLY here to this email.
> You don't have to send money, just tell Mike you appreciate his efforts.
> The ball is in YOUR court. Come on guys, LET'S DO IT.
> 73
> Rick, DJ0IP
> _______________________________________________
> TenTec mailing list
> TenTec at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
Subject: Digest Footer
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End of TenTec Digest, Vol 170, Issue 21
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