[TenTec] notch filter for Eagle?

rick@dj0ip.de Rick at DJ0IP.de
Fri Jul 21 02:19:31 EDT 2017

Darell, you are spot on in your description.

I will add that Scott (W4PA) offers an INRAD option to the 7300 that enables you to insert a preselector...

And there is a guy in Greece producing a preselector ("assembled board but kit" because you must add the band switch and the cabinet).  It is only missing the 60m band.
See: https://www.sv1afn.com/ham_band_presel.html 
Legally it's a kit but there's not much to do to get it to work.
Obviously this was to avoid FCC and CE approval hassles.

So with those two add-ons, the problem is solved for us Europeans.

It just bothers me a bit that after 30 years of needing a preselector, then finally storing them away when the Orion/Eagle/K3 came along, we're back to needing the preselector again.

Which just goes to show ya, you still can't have your cake and eat it too!

Rick, DJ0IP

-----Original Message-----
From: Darrell Bellerive [mailto:ve7iu at runbox.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 12:28 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Cc: rick at dj0ip.de
Subject: Re: [TenTec] notch filter for Eagle?

It is really hard to beat the value of the IC-7300. It is not perfect, but considering the features, performance, audio quality, and ergonomics at its price point, it is tough to beat.

Not only is there a manual notch filter, but there are three width settings for the manual notch: wide, mid, or narrow. I am not sure what the those settings correspond to in Hertz though.

When I purchased my Eagle, my choice was between the Eagle, the Kenwood TS-590S, and the Elecraft K3. At that time there were no TS-590SG or K3S models.

I chose the Eagle because of its performance edge over the TS-590S. I do not care for the ergonomics or audio of the K3. And the K3 was more expensive.

Today, I would choose the IC-7300. I am fortunate to live in an area that is not plagued by nearby high powered transmitters, so the lack of bandpass filtering in the IC-7300 is not a big factor for me.

At the price point of the IC-7300, with its performance, features, audio quality, and ergonomics, it is tough to beat. The TS-590SG does come close, but it is older technology, and the issues Kenwood has had with the fans being installed backwards and not starting at low speed, worries me that Kenwood's quality may not be what it used to be.

73, Darrell VE7IU

On 17-07-20 02:45 PM, rick at dj0ip.de wrote:
> Now that's super, Darrell!
> I haven't used one yet, only looked at it at the ham fest in 
> Friedrichshafen.
> I didn't see the manual notch.
> It's beginning to look like the 7300 is the only radio left out there 
> to buy.
> All others are for rock collectors or computer geeks! (hi)
> The 7300 as with most of the SDR radios lacks decent bandpass filters 
> on the front end, making them a bit flaky here in Europe.  For 
> instance when on 20m, the filter only has 10 dB rejection of signals on the 40m band.  Same
> goes for the strong broadcast stations on the 41 and 49m bands.   A
> preselector will be a must on a large multi-band antenna.
> But as I said, not much choice these days.
> 73
> Rick, DJ0IP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of 
> Darrell Bellerive
> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 5:33 PM
> To: tentec at contesting.com
> Cc: rick at dj0ip.de
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] notch filter for Eagle?
>   From page 43 of the Icom IC-7300 manual
> (http://www.icomamerica.com/en/downloads/DownloadDocument.aspx?Documen
> t=787)
> :
> "The IC-7300 has Auto Notch and Manual Notch functions.
> Auto Notch:     Used in the SSB, AM and FM modes.
> Manual Notch:     Used in the SSB, CW, RTTY and AM modes."
> How's things out in right field, Rick? :-)
> 73, Darrell VE7IU
> On 17-07-20 05:08 AM, rick at dj0ip.de wrote:
>> 7300? 7600?  > > Icom is selling the older radios at dumping prices 
>> because
> everybody > wants the new stuff (without manual notch filter). > > I 
> guess I should have said "every radio designed within the past 5 > 
> years".... > > However it is indeed possible to have the auto-notch 
> work within the > AGC loop. My little SKY-SDR QRP transceiver does and 
> its notch depth > is over
> 90 dB. It can even notch out two-tone interference by that > amount, 
> leaving the SSB signal on channel, free and in the clear. > > And it 
> does not turn on during CW because it would notch every dit > and dah 
> completely out. > >
> 73 Rick > > -----Original
> Message----- From: TenTec > [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com] On 
> Behalf Of Greg S via > TenTec Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 2:00 PM To:
> Discussion of > Ten-Tec Equipment Cc: Greg S Subject: Re: [TenTec] 
> notch filter for > Eagle? > > Every ICOM HF rig has a manual and auto notch.
> Unfortunately most are > an either/or proposition. Greg, KC8HXO >
> -------------------------------------------- On Thu, 7/20/17, > 
> rick at dj0ip.de <Rick at DJ0IP.de> wrote: > > Subject: Re: [TenTec] notch 
> filter for Eagle? To: "'Discussion of > Ten-Tec Equipment'"
> <tentec at contesting.com> Date: Thursday, July 20, > 2017, 3:30 AM > > 
> You guys are all out in right field. > > No radio's auto notch filter 
> works in CW mode. They cannot > distinguish between the useful tone 
> and the disturbing tone. > > And yes, in that case, a manual notch 
> filter is indeed better, but > show me a radio built today that has 
> one. > > I find the Eagle's notch filter effective on SSB. > > 73 
> Rick, DJ0IP > -- Darrell Bellerive VE7IU
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Darrell Bellerive

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