[TenTec] .060 Allen wrench + PTO

Karl Schwab ktschwab at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 27 16:09:24 EDT 2017

Bob;  Use a 0.062" Allen wrench (hex key or wrench); it is only 2 thousands larger than what you are asking for.  I am a machinist and I have never seen a 0.060 hex wrench.  73, karl 

    On Thursday, July 27, 2017 3:48 PM, Robert Brown via TenTec <tentec at contesting.com> wrote:

 I have two "asks" as I get ready to rebuild a couple of PTOs:  1) does anyone have a spare .060 Allen wrench that they could spare?  I've looked all over and can't seem to find anyone who sells them.  This is the larger of the 2 needed to take the front panel knobs off of an Argosy.  

Second, does anyone have a spare PTO they'd be willing to sell for a reasonable price?  Doesn't need to work; I'm mostly interested in the housing.

Thanks in advance.

Bob Brown, N1CVX 

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