[TenTec] Orion I , worth the trouble?

Gary F dukeshifi at comcast.net
Fri Jun 2 23:55:38 EDT 2017

An Orion is not a radio to shy away from. Yes Ten Tec is not what it was and yes, some chips cannot be found. That is true for ALL solid state radios built in the last 20 years or so, probably gen longer.

What percentage of radios actually fail in areas where parts availability is an issue? Maybe 5%? 

If you want to be insulated from lack of parts, stay with your Collins and live with the inferior 1960's performance. Otherwise, jump on the Orion as described and open up a new world of hearing sensitivity, stability and selectivity. While Ten Tec DSP noise reduction is not my favorite it is far better than nothing, which is what you get with your old friends, Collins...

Don't get me wrong. I love old Collins radios, but not because they work better than new ones (they don't) but because, like my 1979 Mercedes Benz 280SL, they represent the best that was available at the time, and they are still beautiful, and repairable.


Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 2, 2017, at 6:09 PM, dale via TenTec <tentec at contesting.com> wrote:
> I was planning to trade off some collins equipment and received a offer  to trade the collins ,about 1100.00, for a Orion I. Is this a rig to stay away from? Has tuner, all filters, updated to blue screen. I have 2 worries,1 that ten tec is not going to be around as we know it and 2nd , there are major chips or chip that is no longer able to get ,from anyone ,yet alone Ten Tec. I have a closet kilowatt, and a mix of other ten tec gear , always liked it. If anyone has thoughts about this ,please get back.
> 73
> dale
> wt4t
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