[TenTec] Power Mite PM3A CW offset????

Steve Ellington steven4lq at gmail.com
Tue May 2 20:30:37 EDT 2017

I'm playing with a PM3A and noticed there is no CW offset. There's nothing
mentioned in the "manual" and the VFO has no means of shifting frequency
when the key is down. This is a mystery since without this feature, anyone
coming back to my CQ will be zero beat and couldn't be heard. I have done
some Googling. Offset and Powermite don't seem to be used together.
I guess I could rig up a varicap to do the the job. Does anyone have any
experience with this rig?
Note: I am not using crystals nor does it have any xtal jack. I'm using the
same VFO for xmt and rx.

Shiftless in Charlotte

Steve N4LQ

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