[TenTec] Source for 470 pf doorknob capacitors

Bob McGraw K4TAX rmcgraw at blomand.net
Wed Aug 15 09:18:51 EDT 2018

Check for those on E-Bay.  Usually Russian made.   I've replaced many of 
those drifting / heating disk ceramics.    Don't forget to replace the 
pair of series 50 pf capacitors on the output at the Antenna switch.   
For that I used a 30 pf doorknob.


Bob, K4TAX

On 8/15/2018 2:06 AM, Peter Klein wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a good source for the 470 pf doorknob capacitors that can replace the switched-in ceramic disc caps in the Ten Tec 229B antenna tuner? After thinking about it for a while, I've decided that I would like to make that mod on some rainy day this fall or winter.
> After all, while a flux capacitor is desirable in a time machine DeLorean, a fluctuating capacitor in an antenna tuner is annoying. :-)
> Thanks and 73,
> Peter, KD7MW
> --Peter, dictating to my iPad
> (If it misconstrues, please excuse)
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