[TenTec] WWV and WWVH to get the axe with FY-2019 Federal Budget

A R raf_3 at msn.com
Mon Aug 20 21:49:21 EDT 2018

If this subject has been covered recently on this Ten Tec reflector, please forgive me.

The proposed FY-2019 Federal Budget will de-fund NIST’s WWV and WWVH operations. WWV and WWVH will cease operations.
If you rely upon WWV for time, frequency calibration standards, atmospheric and propagation conditions, or weather/storm alerts for marine and seafaring activities, you may want to voice your dismay and objection to shutting down WWV and WWVH operations, and request continued funding for this essential service.
On my QRZ page (W7GIF), I have posted a link for a petition to congress requesting continued funding of WWV and WWVH, and a VERY brief synopsis of the WWV funding impact on the total Federal budget (0.0001%).
The petition requires 100,000 signatures, and must be submitted to congress by September 15, 2018.


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