[TenTec] Orion ll encoder.

gunnerjuulnyholm at me.com gunnerjuulnyholm at me.com
Wed Dec 5 06:08:27 EST 2018

Hi Andy,

I need the main tuning encoder for my ORION II. The present one has begun not to give impulses correctly. Very annoying!


Gunner Juul-Nyholm	
Maglegårds Allé 93 B		OZ6NF  -  5P5S
2860 Søborg

Mobil: +45 4013 0044


> On 4 Dec 2018, at 21.07, P.C. Anderson <xtraham58 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Howdy guys, I saw last week or so that someone was looking for the main tuning encoder for the Orion ll.
> I knew I had one that I bought from Gary a  few yrs back just to have it. I just found it still wrapped up in bubble rap.
> Since I no longer have the Oll I will part with it. Asking $40 plus shipping.
> Contact me at W3LI at arrl.net or 570-369-8682
> Regards, Andy ...W3LI
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