[TenTec] Quick question

Michael Goins wmgoins at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 03:11:40 EST 2018

Thanks very much for the long email and the time it took to put together.
Very much what I was looking for.  Want to get the computer set up and will
give it a try.  73 and thanks again.  Mike,  k5wmg

On Feb 12, 2018 2:06 AM, "Jim Brown" <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:

> If I'm going to take the time to compose a reply, I'll do it for the list,
> figuring that others might also be interested.  I faced this question when
> I got back on the air in 2003 after a long absence. It may have been dumb
> luck, but I am VERY pleased with DXKeeper, the choice I made then. I've
> recommended it to many friends, and those that have said anything about it
> have said they like a lot too.
> DXKeeper is by Dave, AA6YQ, and is part of a suite of six or eight
> programs that can be used individually or linked together. They are all
> FREE, and are supported on a Yahoo Group that Dave actively monitors and
> answers questions, usually within a few hours! I started with DXKeeper, the
> logging program, and soon added DXView, which looks up beam headings for a
> call (or country), sunrise/sunset, computes distance from your QTH, tells
> you on what bands and modes you've worked that country, etc.
> DXKeeper has a nice logging window for entering the QSO, and when you
> enter a call, all QSOs with that station show up in the main log window.
> There are spaces in the entry window and the log for most of what we log,
> including name, QTH, State/Province, county, reports, frequency, mode,
> grid, zone, power, comments, notes on QSLing, and lots of other stuff. It
> keeps track of lots of awards, including all the major ones. It makes
> applying for DXCC and WAS like falling off a log. It uploads and downloads
> to LOTW, eQSL, and ClubLog almost automatically when you tell it to do it.
> DXKeeper imports logs in ADIF (.adi) and several other formats from other
> logging programs. I'm an active contester, and after each contest, I export
> the log as an ADIF, import it into DKKeeper, and let DXKeeper send it to
> LOTW, eQSL, and ClubLog. And it keeps track of the awards that I chase --
> DXCC, WAZ, CQ Fields, and IOTA.  DXKeeper will print QSL labels for both
> the QSO info and mailing address on a half dozen sizes of standard adhesive
> labels that you can run through your printer.
> http://www.dxlabsuite.com/Presentations/DXing%20with%20DXLab
> %202014-09-19.pdf
> http://www.dxlabsuite.com/
> The other parts of the suite include a rig control program that does lots
> of stuff if you need it (I simply use it to read frequency and mode from
> the radio to put in DXKeeper); a very nice "front end" for freeware
> RTTY/PSK programs; a program that collects DX spots that you choose from
> geographic areas and sources that you choose, checks them against your log,
> and gives you a display of countries, states, etc. that you need and that
> are spotted in your geographic region. I use all of those. I don't use one
> that looks up QSL info, or one that does propagation prediction.
> AA6YQ received a Technical Excellence Award several years ago for this
> software.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> On 2/11/2018 8:28 PM, Michael Goins wrote:
>> Been off the air a while and getting re set up with a old laptop here.
>> I've
>> never computer logged, etc. so I'm looking for advice about programs to
>> consider for the computer. Chase DX, want to work PSK, RTTY again, etc.
>> Please reply off list.
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