[TenTec] Orion II battery replacement

David Parsons dgparsons51 at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 26 05:29:21 EST 2018


I have been following the post and I too have an Orion II with tuner that should have the battery changed. By the sounds of your post it does sound easy to do.

Might you post the battery numbers and a photo if possible. Is there any precautions you might recommend? Does one loose user preferences when changing the battery?

I have had mine since 2010 and love the machine and had very few problems. 

Following these post has provided me with a wealth of knowledge thanks to the generosity of some great hams.

Thank you

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 25, 2018, at 7:52 PM, MadScientist <dukeshifi at comcast.net> wrote:
> Changing the battery on the Orion 2 is so easy, you certainly can do it yourself.
> I can do it and have batteries but you can get them from Digikey or Newark Electronics, about $7.
> All you need to do is remove the covers. Then remove the 12 screws that hold the front paned to the chassis. They are black Phillips.
> The front panel hinges open and you can then see the bright yellow batter right in front of you.
> Pry the old one out with your fingernail and plug the new one in its place.
> It will take you about 20 minutes.
> If you need the part number, let me know and I will go downstairs and get it and I can even send you a photo of the battery on the PC board so you know how it look properly installed.
> Gary
>> On Jan 25, 2018, at 12:42 PM, Robert P. Santella <bobw2pnj at optimum.net> wrote:
>> If the O2 has the built in antenna tuner, replace the button battery, I believe 
>> It's #CR2032 at the same time. 73 Bob W2PNJ.
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Jan 25, 2018, at 12:36 PM, john brown <n2ydf at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> My Orion II will be turning 5 years old soon. I am wondering if there is anyone out there doing battery replacement and software upgrades other than Ten Tec.  I am currently running 3.029 March 2012. I do not have a problem shipping the radio to Ten Tec, just looking to see if there is someone closer. I am in the Buffalo NY area. TNX, John, N2YDF.
>>> Sent from my iPad
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