[TenTec] I surrender

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Mar 4 14:18:24 EST 2018

If VOX can be set to work on the input that you're using for digital 
modes, consider using it. Since getting hot and heavy with RTTY  more 
than ten years ago and WSJT modes about five years ago, I've had rigs 
that do allow VOX from the line input that I use to feed audio from the 
computer. Since 2008 I've used K3s; before that, FT1000MPs, both rigs 
driving Titan 425 amps. (I think the line input on the MPs might have 
been called the "patch" input).

I never use anything but VOX for digital modes and SSB -- it works great 
and saves me from the complications that are being discussed here. I use 
MMTTY and 2Tone for RTTY. The same setup works great for playing back CQ 
messages during contests.

73, Jim K9YC

On 3/4/2018 8:35 AM, Joe Papworth via TenTec wrote:
> I'm keying the rig through the serial port when using MMTTY and FLDigi. I was hoping to do the same with WinLink/Winmor.
> Lee has it working so I just need to find out what he's doing right and what I'm doing wrong HI HI

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