Bob McGraw K4TAX rmcgraw at blomand.net
Tue May 15 16:36:49 EDT 2018

Put a small dummy load on the Paragon ANT connector. Connect the receive signal from your coax switch to the REC Ant and switch to that antenna with the slide switch on the back of the radio.  Use the SPDT contact on the coax relay to put the Paragon in transmit when the DX 100 is in transmit.  

Bob, K4TAX

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 15, 2018, at 3:14 PM, Bob Good <k4bg at planters.net> wrote:
> In celebration of my 60th anniversary in Ham Radio, I have finished the overhaul of my Heath DX-100 transmitter to have some fun on classic radio AM mode.  I want to use my T-T Paragon 585 transceiver as my AM Receiver in conjunction with my DX-100.  I have built the “traditional” outboard antenna transfer relay with an auxiliary spst shorting mute output for use with the DX-100.  Now I find that the Paragon has NO provision for muting the receiver externally.  I am concerned about damaging the front end of the receiver with the DXC-100 output.  I doubt simply grounding the “antenna” jack on the Paragon would be adequate protection.  I therefore ask for this group’s knowledge and expertise as how to approach any needed modification or procedures required.  Thank you for your assistance.  QRZ Info is current.  Regards,  Bob K4BG
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