[TenTec] Omni-D with an Annoying 1khz Tone

forum4ll at verizon.net forum4ll at verizon.net
Tue Jan 1 15:05:18 EST 2019

I will do that when I get into the shop tomorrow. From your suggestion,I found these two other things I can look for in the frequency counter:
1.  https://www.eham.net/ehamforum/smf/index.php/topic,26529.0.html
2.  The digital whining from DL1CYP's Ten-Tec 544:      https://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/735?page=2

Lyman, KK6LPW

mmm... digital noise from the frequency counter?

Can you cut the DC suply to that module and tell us what happens?

Carlos VK1EA

On Tuesday, January 1, 2019, <forum4ll at verizon.net> wrote:
> Happy New Year everyone!
> This Omni-D that I've been working has an annoying tone that can be heard
across all bands and it is in the background. It measures about 1khz and
will vary harmonically when I slowly turn the VFO thus changing the 100s
hertz digit in the display. The waveform changes back and forth between a
sinusoidal and a rough sawtooth. I can mask this tone by turning up the Rf
gain but its still there. It is pronounce when the Rf gain is turned down.
> Does anyone know what the problem might be?  Could it be in the VFO or
possibly the IF section?
> Lyman KK6LPW

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