[TenTec] Corsair-I & VFO-243 Parts for Sale

Bill Cotter n4lg at qx.net
Tue Jul 30 11:27:46 EDT 2019

Shack and Shop Cleaning:

I have a 560 Corsair-I donor set that I am parting out. It was a 
working radio whose case was in rough cosmetic shape. I removed and 
used the PTO, knobs and one of the five toggle switches to restore 
a nicer looking Corsair-1. Everything else remains. If you need a 
board, an assembly, filters (250,500,1800,2400), the PA module, 
meter, digital counter, wiring, faceplate panel, etc - drop me a line.

I also have a parted out matching 243 Remote VFO minus the PTO and 
knobs. As well as two complete PTO's and one PTO board.

Everything will be very reasonably priced (below e-Bay numbers). I 
accept PayPal, checks, cash, and use USPS Priority mail.

Thanks - 73 Bill N4LG 

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