[TenTec] Please help - value of capacitor in parallel with R58 on Argo 516 PA Board needed

Carlos PECO BERROCAL carlos.peco at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 05:13:19 EST 2020

Hi Steve,

Is that capacitor visible without having to lift the PCB ? (unbolting

Can you take a photo with your finger pointing to the part ?  I left my
schematics at the office so I have no idea of who R58 is.

Carlos VK1EA

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, Steve Ireland <stevevk6vz at tpg.com.au> wrote:

> G’day
> A friend and I are trying to repair a TT Argonaut V 516 PA board. The
> fault seems now to lie with a small capacitor which is in parallel with R58
> (470 ohms) on the PA board.
> This capacitor has gone open circuit but is not shown on the Ten Tec 516
> PA board schematic!!! To make matters worse, on this particular capacitor,
> the value is indistinguishable, owing to fading.
> The resistor and capacitor is part of the 3 times negative voltage
> generator, which generates -150V to ensure the PA low pass filters, apart
> from the one being used, are switched out of circuit.
> Please can anyone let me know what the value of this mysterious component
> is? Thank you!!
> Vy 73
> Steve, VK6VZ (also G3ZZD)
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> From: Steve Ireland
> Sent: Monday, 23 November 2020 12:42 PM
> To: TenTec516 at groups.io
> Subject: Please help - readable Ten Tec 516 schematics/manual needed to
> repair radio
> G’day from Glen Forrest, Western Australia
> In the process of trying to repair an TT Argonaut V 516, which has a power
> amplifier/power amplifier low pass filter fault.
> My problem is the schematics of the downloadable Ten Tec Argonaut V manual
> available on the Ten Tec website are just about unreadable to me as a 65
> year-old. 😉
> Please does anyone have a PDF – or know where I can get a PDF – of the
> manual/schematics which are complete/more readable than the TT download?
> Even better, if they can email it to me at stevevk6vz at tpg.com.au, it
> would be much appreciated.
> Thank you!!!
> Vy 73
> Steve, VK6VZ/G3ZZD
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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