[TenTec] Eagle & Heath SB-200 Amp
Bob McGraw K4TAX
rmcgraw at blomand.net
Tue Feb 25 18:14:51 EST 2020
Yes there are various ways to safety deal with keying issue. However if one is not absolutely sure of what they are doing and assured of the results, then it may become a science project with unknown results. That would be bad.
In other words, there is one chance to get it correct and many chances to get it incorrect.
Bob, K4TAX
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 25, 2020, at 5:00 PM, Rodney Dewald via TenTec <tentec at contesting.com> wrote:
> I have used a 12vdc relay and use the contacts to switch the 120v
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> From: Rick at dj0ip.de
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 5:41 PM
> To: 'Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment'
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eagle & Heath SB-200 Amp
> Actually there are various kits for installing inside of the SB-200 that present a 12v keying circuit.
> That's why I said he needs to tell us exactly how the amp has been modified, with circuit drawing.
> I don't recall all of the names and sources; one was called a soft key, and used solid state keying that could handle the 120 volts, yet presents 12v to the transceiver.
> That's why I also said STOP, DON'T DO ANYTHING . . . until we find out.
> Otherwise there will be an expensive repair to the Eagle.
> 73,
> Rick, DJ0IP
> (Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)
> May the Sunspots be with us!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TenTec <tentec-bounces+rick=dj0ip.de at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Bob McGraw K4TAX
> Sent: 25 February 2020 17:40
> To: tentec at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eagle & Heath SB-200 Amp
> WOAH! STOP! If the amp has not been modified for the KEY circuit, it has 120 volts on the center pin of the RCA connector. If this is connected to the Eagle it will immediately destroy the Eagle PTT Amp control circuit.
> The amp relay must be changed to a 12 volt relay and other circuit modifications done, OR you must use an Amp Interface between the radio and the amp.
> Who ever gave you the information DOES NOT know what they are talking about. This is normal for most hams unless they have actually interfaced the SB-200 to the Eagle. MFJ did make an interface suitable for the application.
> As Will Rogers said: "it's not what people know that concerns me, it is what they know that is not correct that gives me concerns".
> If you need additional information, I'll be glad to assist.
> 73
> Bob, K4TAX
>> On 2/25/2020 8:13 AM, Richard Wagner via TenTec wrote:
>> I’ve never dealt with an Amplifier before. A friend gave me a Heath SB-200. It appears I have to make a connection between the AMP KEY terminal of the ACC-1 accessory connector and the AMP KEY Socket of the amp. A plug for the socket and short jumper wire were included with my Eagle. This appears to be all that is needed. I’ll connect from the Eagle to the Amp then through my Antenna Tuner to the Antenna. Does this seem OK?
>> Rich Wagner
>> K4MZE
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