[TenTec] OMNI VI plus

Barry Simpson vk2bj at optusnet.com.au
Tue Sep 29 22:12:48 EDT 2020

I have seen the various replies to your request for help but I think we
need a bit more information from you.

You say that there is no RF out on transmit. Is the PA actually drawing
some current on transmit ?

If so, and given the sudden nature of the problem affecting receive and
transmit, I would suspect that it is something external to the rig.

Something very simple such as the failure of the PL259 plug in the antenna
socket of the rig - either not making proper contact or the centre
conductor of the co-ax has broken.

Have you considered and investigated an external cause ?

Barry Simpson  VK2BJ

On Wed, 30 Sep 2020 at 09:37, jbrannig via TenTec <tentec at contesting.com>

> My OMNI died suddenly.No signals on receive and no RF out on
> transmitEverything else functions as normal..ie. frequency read out, audio
> noise, bandchange...Any ideas on where to start looking?Tnx es 73JimSent
> from my Galaxy Tab® A
> null
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