[TenTec] Omni VI fan kit?

STEVEN JOBES w1dxh at aol.com
Mon Sep 13 15:44:41 EDT 2021

Hi Pete,
I had the fan kit for my Orion and when I sold the Orion I kept the fan and installed it on my paragon 2. It fit perfectly on the heat sink on the rear of the radio. I would like to think that the Omni and paragon vintage radios all used similar heat sinks.
By the way my friend and neighbor in Northborough was the former holder of W1BR. He was a very avid DXer. His name was Roger Prince now a SK. 
Steve W1dxh 

Steven L. Jobes 
Backflow/cross connection coordinator 
Town of Northborough 
Water&Sewer Department 
Sjobes at town.northborough.ma.us

> On Sep 13, 2021, at 3:11 PM, jbrannig via TenTec <tentec at contesting.com> wrote:
> Never saw one.I ran RTTY with my OMNI VI+ and never had an issue.JimSent from my Galaxy Tab® A
> -------- Original message --------From: Peter Bertini <radioconnection at gmail.com> Date: 9/13/21  2:49 PM  (GMT-05:00) To: tentec at contesting.com Subject: [TenTec] Omni VI fan kit? Was a fan kit ever offered for the Omni V or VI series rigs?  I am startingto dabble in digital modes and suspect some cooling might be a good idea.Pete W1BR_______________________________________________TenTec mailing listTenTec at contesting.comhttp://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
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