[TenTec] Orion 2 100hz off

Scott Sheppard scott.vy1co at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 23:49:57 EST 2022

I truly appreciate all the assistance offered to date--on or off list.

The situation is as follows with respect to the tcxo on the Orion 2:

A station transmitting on upper sideband--say 14 140.00 will sound
correct if I tune my dial to read 14.140.100  That is to say, I need
to tune my dial 100 hz higher than what the actual TX freq is. I work
mostly CW but no matter.

To date,  I have checked all the voltages immediately available to me
without removing the board etc and they seem fine. The main voltage
regulator is flat on 10v, and the voltage that appears to be servicing
the TCXO (from U10 that I cant get to?)  is just under 4.933v, and
just over 5 volt the other side of the R? (cant recall what number the
resistor was).

When I went in to tune the tcxo, I used my elecraft XG3 sig
gen--basic, but thats all I needed. It provided a s9 tone at 14.020.
On my audio analyzer, the best I could tune my 700 hz tone to was 697
and 703 hz LCW and UCW respectively...a difference of 6 hz.Tuning the
tcxo beyond that point, no matter how carefully, only increased the
offset from what the actual freq should be.

To summarize, across the bands I have checked,I have to compensate my
dial frequency 'X' hz higher to be on the other stns freq:

20m 100hz

40m   30 hz

80m   ~15hz

Additionally, the tcxo is not labeled as Siwart...the only reading is:

44.550 Mhz

I hope this makes sense to those more familiar with the rig and those
more electronically inclined than myself!

Again, many thanks to all and the very best for the new Year from the
Wilds of the Yukon Territory.

Scott VY1CO

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