[TenTec] Omni VI opt 3.... PLL problem

Jim Goudie jagoudie at comcast.net
Thu Jan 27 20:05:35 EST 2022


[ I sent this a day ago….  and it never appeared, so trying again ;-). ]

I have an option 3 Omni VI that has developed a gargley warbley wobbly intermittent sound heard on Tx and RX, and I also hear it on the 5-5.5mhz PLL signal.  At times, that ‘noise’ seems to be affected by mechanical bumps and repositioning the chassis.   So, I opened things up…. “exercised connectors,” cleaned up and re-soldered areas on the PLL board that looked suspicious, and didn’t find much else.  Before going deeper, I decided to put it back together and see if my initial work had solved the problem.

I was very encouraged for a while.  I was even tweaking the alignment before planning to put it back in the case.   But then…. it warbled again.  It seems to be making the noise less often so far, but ...

Any advice/experience with what might be wrong or how to proceed?  There’s no direct access to the 5 mhz PLL board during normal operation…  So… I’m open to suggestions…

Jim  AF3Z

Jim Goudie   —  jagoudie at comcast.net
610 Kraybill Church Rd
Mount Joy, PA 17552

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