[TenTec] ARGOSY 2

ROLAND HOWELL snowy.howell at btinternet.com
Sat May 14 15:00:55 EDT 2022

Hi all, i hope i have not sent this request for advice twice but here 
goes (again).

I have the above radio, the fault is no rf out either in the 5 or 50 
watt setting.

There appears to be no output on connector 39 on the exciter board, i 
have checked all voltages on U1, and all the trannies, all appear to be 
within spec, just a few millivolts out.

There is no increase in current rate when changing from RX to TX, 
voltages appear to be ok on the finals board.

What is U2 , a quad uhf modulator barrier diode array, that is the only 
item that i am unable to test, is there a suitable replacement?.

thanks in advance


Snowy G0HZE

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