[TenTec] Repair of Hercules II
Ken Brown
kenradiobrown at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 18:59:48 EDT 2022
Hmmm, I guess I'll have to take a look at the 9420 schematics again. Anyway
to go any further we really need details from Michael about how is is using
his amplifier and what it is and is not doing.
On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 12:47 PM Terry Zivney <n4tz at arrl.net> wrote:
> Ken,
> The 9420 power supply will not power the Herc II at all ifone of the power
> supply modules drops out. There is a controlboard that determines that.
> Terry N4TZ
> On Friday, September 23, 2022 at 06:07:59 PM EDT, Ken Brown <
> kenradiobrown at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I have a Hercules II and have serviced it myself. So I have perused
> the schematics enough to be pretty familiar with it. Maybe I can help you
> figure out what is going on.
> I changed out all of the PA transistors in mine because a few of them
> were weak. From my previous experience servicing VHF and UHF LMRS repeater
> and remote base transmitter PAs I know that it is best to change all PA
> transistors with new ones, from the same production batch if possible,
> rather than just changing the ones that you think are bad. Having said
> that, maybe the PA transistors are not even the problem in your case. The
> RF PA part of the whole system may be completely solid and a keying, T/R
> switching or other control system fault could be the problem. What are the
> symptoms? What does the amplifier do, and what does it not do? How are you
> powering it? Maybe there is a fault in your power source.
> I have only powered mine with the Ten-Tec 9420 power supply. I know
> some people use batteries and/or other power supplies. The 9420 is
> essentially four power supplies. Each powering one of the four PA sections
> inside the Hercules II, using separate wires and connector pins for each
> power supply and PA section. A failure in one part of that could make the
> amplifier not perform up to normal, without complete outage.
> Ken N6KB
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 8:43 AM Michael Tortorella via TenTec <
> tentec at contesting.com> wrote:
> > My Hercules II has been acting up and I am asking the list if anyone can
> > recommend a good repair facility/service for this.
> > Thanks in advance, 73, Mike W2IY
> >
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