[TenTec] New parts available for the Orion and Orion II

Michael Tortorella w2iy at verizon.net
Tue Jan 17 16:48:21 EST 2023

Hi Gary,


Do you know where I can get some of the TaikoDenki TMP-K01X-A1 plugs that mate with the on-board connectors in the Orion?


Thanks and 73, Mike W2IY


-----Original Message-----
From: TenTec [mailto:tentec-bounces+w2iy=verizon.net at contesting.com] On Behalf Of dukeshifi
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 9:50 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] New parts available for the Orion and Orion II


Hi Ralph! So good to hear from you again.


I am asking $50 plus $5 shipping for the boards. I have one set aside for you.




> On Jan 16, 2023, at 11:42 PM, Ralph Covington <ralph.covington at hotmail.com> wrote:


> Hello Gary,

> I would like to acquire one of the boards. My Orion II with the TenTec 500 watts auto tune is my bread and butter. At age 85 (tomorrow) I don’t want a failed system.

> vy 73,

> Ralph/W7SK

> 😇😼😈🖖

> …_._



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> ________________________________

> From: TenTec <tentec-bounces+ralph.covington=hotmail.com at contesting.com <mailto:tentec-bounces+ralph.covington=hotmail.com at contesting.com>> on behalf of dukeshifi <dukeshifi at comcast.net <mailto:dukeshifi at comcast.net>>

> Sent: Monday, January 16, 2023 6:04:01 PM

> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com <mailto:tentec at contesting.com>>

> Subject: Re: [TenTec] New parts available for the Orion and Orion II


> I still have three or four functioning Orion synthesizer boards.


> Gary




>> On Jan 16, 2023, at 7:30 PM, Scott Sheppard <scott.vy1co at gmail.com> wrote:


>> Folks


>> Some of you may have read about some of my issues with the freq

>> alignment of my Orion. Turns out the tcxo is hooped...given the tcxo

>> is now inobtanium, I found a manufacturer of such devices and wrote

>> them to see what it would take to make a new tcxo. In the interim,

>> another fine fellow on this list found some new old stock--albeit a

>> small number. I decided to follow through with the company anyway

>> given they had extended the courtesy of following up with me.


>> I am not sure how wide spread the tcxo issue is, but in the event some

>> are interested, I could follow through with a minimum order of tcxo's

>> if needed. As I say, my own supply issues have been solved by Marcus

>> and his connections to Japan, but others may be in need.


>> This is not a business proposition. Purely extending the courtesy to

>> see if others are interested in getting their hands on a purpose-built

>> tcxo for their Orion. Cost is estimated at 50$ each if it were to go

>> ahead, based on a minimum production run of 10.


>> I honestly dont know what the life expectancy of the TCXO is, and I

>> suspect I may be an anomaly, but sometimes its nice to have spares...


>> If interested, just let me know, I am good on QRZ.


>> Kind regards to all...


>> Scott  VY1CO

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