[TOEC] sac

sm2jdu sm2jdu@ac.lrf.se
Sat, 30 Sep 2000 21:18:50 +0200

Hej alla
K�rde sac.en och hade v�l inte riktigt tur med r�sten
men i alla fall h�r kommer mitt resultat....

                     Scandinavian Activity Contest
                 Sponsored by SSA, NRRL, EDR and SRAL.

         CALL:  SM2JDU           SWEDEN

      Contest category: __SOAB____________________________________

 	 QSOs	Points	Multipliers
80m:    0	  0
40m:	  0	  0	        0
20m:	376	833	       49
15m:	309	799	       44
10m:	  7	 19	        5
Total:692	1651	       98

Score:		161798
Station Description: YAESU FT 1000D
Antenna(s): KT34XA  + 5 EL MONO 20 MET
Operators: SM2JDU
Remarks: Bara el�nde ordentligt f�rtjyld och utan r�st fl�ckvis men tusan va
kul jag hade

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter
within the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and
regulations of the contest.

Signature____________________________________________ Call

ulf johansson, sm2jdu
umgransele 110

Best 73 de ulf  sm2jdu

TOEC on the Web:          http://www.qsl.net/toec/
Submissions:              toec@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  toec-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-toec@contesting.com