[TOEC] Help for <ham in Sweden from Iceland!
Sun, 7 Apr 2002 22:43:32 +0200
<i am an <American ham here at my cousin's home near Savsjo, =
Sm=E4land. <<his name is <kenneth Ek and he was previously the police =
chief here.
<i have a 2 meter rig with me and would like to have some contacts =
with local hams but < <i donot know the Swedish 146 band frequencies. =
Can you help me<-<+? also you can tell <i am not used to the Swedish =
Right now we live in <iceland, with the <us navy, but as said, this =
week <i am in Sweden. <kenneth=E4s phone is 038 253 023 but if you can =
just send me some info on 2 m frequencies to this email address it would =
be great!
Thanks for your help, =20
Bruce <pierce KH6IK/TF in Iceland or KH6IK in USA
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