Goran Ostman sm4dhf at telia.com
Fri Dec 5 15:24:25 EST 2003

Bom Dia from the Azores,
still on the Island of Sao Miguel,
now as a tourist after a great contest
last weekend.
Typing in English as the keyboard does not have
our Swedish letters...
Will send a better report when I get home, but
the QSO's was 2504 I think and just over 800000 points.

Started great with hugh piles from the States and 400 qsos in 3 hours 
but the following 5,5 hrs just produced 22 contacts!!
>From 0230 to about 0730 GMT the band was almost dead so following night 
I took a sleeping break then.
Very few JA's on Saturday but a hugh pile from JA on Sunday which made
me feel for a bit that I was loosing control.. every station equally 
strong and just a big wall of signals....

Thanks to all SM's that called in.
Had great fun and was hosted by Ana CU2YK and her parents in a great 

73 Goran CU2F / 

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