[TOEC] CQWW 2002 CW score

Bengt Eriksson SM5CCT sm5cct at telia.com
Thu Oct 23 18:24:24 EDT 2003

Jag körde tre single band QRP med olika call.
Såg att jag hamnat i fel kategori i resultatlistan för ett av dem.
SM3CCT SB 80 QRP hamnade i HP.
Jag var tydligen inte ensam, Bob Cox K3EST skriver:

"Thank you for your letter about your CQWW 2002 CW score. Yes, we made a mistake. Our computer program made all 3.5 Mhz scores = high power. So all LP, QRP and assisted = HP. A correction will be placed on the CQWW.com and in CQ magazine, Dec issue."


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