[TOEC] SD V10.19 test logg pgm

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Tue Jun 29 01:47:22 EDT 2004

Är det måntro någon som provat detta pgm?

Janne SM2EKM

Paul O'Kane wrote:

> V10.19         27 June 2004
> Keyer and Rig Control Ports:
>     COM1 to COM8 now supported, to accommodate USB
>     to Serial converters.  If you previously used
>     LPT1 or LPT2 for CW, you must use the PORTS
>     command to select 9 (for LPT1) or 10 (for LPT2).
> Sidetone:
>     CW sidetone has been restored to the Windows
>     programs - SD, SDI, SDV and SDX.  It's handy
>     for checking memory playback when not connected
>     to a radio.
>     A CW port must be, or have been, enabled before
>     sidetone can be heard.  The SIDETONE command
>     toggles audio o/p and the keying o/p - it's one
>     or the other, but not both, at any one time.
> SDI - IOTA Contest:
>     Error in F2 memory playback (the exchange) fixed.
>     Fixed SDICHECK - post contest log and analysis.
>     Got broken somewhere in the conversion to 
>     Windows.
> SDR - Rescore Cabrillo and SD Logs.
>     SDR accepts a Cabrillo .LOG file or an SD .ALL
>     file as input.  This version, 10.19, is robust.
>     Earlier versions should be deleted.
>     SDR rescores each QSO and identifies dupes and
>     multipliers.  It is intended only for contests
>     with multipliers and/or with variable points per
>     QSO.    
>     SDR will rescore Cabrillo logs for most contests
>     supported by SD, regardless of the program used
>     to create the Cabrillo file.  However, it must
>     conform to the appropriate QSO template at 
>     www.kkn.net/~trey/cabrillo/qso-template.html,
>     or, for RSGB contests with district codes, to
>     the second template at
>     www.contesting.co.uk/hfcc/formats/templates.shtml
>     Errors or exceptions, if any, are appended to
>     the corresponding records in a newly-created
>     .ALL file, and can be inspected with a text
>     editor.  They do not affect the ability of SD
>     or SDCHECK to load this .ALL file.
>     If you get into trouble, you will still have
>     your original .LOG file or an .OLD file (a copy
>     of your .ALL file created by SDR) as backup.
> SDV - VHF Contests.
>     Post-contest logging option, with the OFFLINE
>     command, was broken in V10.18.  Fixed.
> ___________________________________________________
> The programs may be downloaded from www.ei5di.com
> IMPORTANT:  Keep a copy of whatever version(s) you're
> using now - as insurance!
> The programs are all freeware. If you use them, please
> join the sd-user mailing list at
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/sd-user
> This is the easiest way to get help from other users,
> and to hear about updates and bug fixes.
> As it's not long now to the next IOTA contest, please
> try SDI and let me know if you see anything that
> doesn't look right.
> 73, 
> Paul EI5DI
> _______________________________________________
> UK-Contest mailing list
> UK-Contest at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/uk-contest

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