sm3jla at telia.com
sm3jla at telia.com
Tue Nov 2 14:30:16 EST 2004
Jo men CW får man köra överallt enligt IARU.
Men det är ju bara en rekommendation precis som Janne sa.
The IARU bandplans have been compiled and modified over the years to reflect
changes in operating requirements and are to be used as a guideline by the
individual societies of each country. Unique situations in certain countries
may require slight modification to that individual country's own bandplan
but the impact of any changes must take into consideration their effect on
other countries.
These bandplans are voluntary and as such cannot legally be enforced, except
in some countries in which the bandplans are written into the national
regulations. The vast majority of amateurs in all countries do conform to
the IARU bandplans and it is in our own interest that it should continue to
be this way. The plans are prepared in a democratic way with input from any
country's member society. The plans are discussed, modified and voted upon
at IARU Regional General Assemblies with each country (large or small)
having only one vote. If an individual or group is not satisfied with the
bandplans as they are and has a suggestion for improvement then he should
submit it, with as much documentation as possible, to his IARU member
IARU bandplans are for your benefit and have withstood the test of time for
over sixty years.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Erik Holm" <sm2ekm at telia.com>
To: <toec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: [TOEC] CQWW SOSB 40m
> Nej då, föresten i CQWW CW delen kommer det säkert
> att vara en hel del trafik i segmentet 7040-7100 så
> det kanske jämnar ut sig.
> / EKM
> --------
> sm3jla at telia.com wrote:
>> Glömde att CW´n är ju död nu så de e väl bara att köra.
>>> IARU har väl en rekommendation att köra SSB mellan 7040-7100.
>>> Vad det nu är värt ?
>>> /JLA
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Hakan Eriksson SM5AQD"
>>> <SM5AQD at telia.com>
>>> To: "Jan Erik Holm" <sm2ekm at telia.com>
>>> Cc: <toec at contesting.com>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 6:51 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [TOEC] CQWW SOSB 40m
>>>> Tack för info - då har man lärt sig något nytt
>>>> Ha det / Hawk
>>>> citerar Jan Erik Holm <sm2ekm at telia.com>:
>>>>> Hakan Eriksson SM5AQD wrote:
>>>>> > Körde med min nya contest signal SA5W - hade inga problem med HA
>>>>> > prefix missförstånd ---- det blev väl ca 30 timmar.
>>>>> > Blev jätte trött 07.00 snt första morgonen (det var ju fel
>>>>> > att bli trött där) - det var dåligt drag under natten - det var
>>>> svårt
>>>>> > att hitta någon ledig Hz på vårt segment..... vad händer om man
>>>> ligger
>>>>> > under 7040... ??
>>>>> >
>>>>> Ingenting. I Sverige får man köra alla tänkbara sändningsklasser
>>>>> mellan 7000 - 7100.
>>>>> 73 EKM
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