[TOEC] 9A CW contest

SM3WMV Mikael sm3wmv at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 20 14:40:45 EST 2005


Körde en seriös satsning i helgen i 9A CW contest och det gick väl ganska 
bra. Körde dock som vanligt på tok för lite DX. Försökte köra jänkare på 20m 
men alla verkade köra RAC och fick bara ETT qso med NA på 20m, tragiskt. 15m 
öppnade knappt alls vilket gjorde att jag inte lyckades köra 1000 qson som 
var målet.

Aja, skönt att köra en test seriöst igen, var ett tag sedan sist. Får se när 
nästa gång blir, förhoppningsvis något single band i ARRL CW, beror på om 
det finns någon station ledig. Garanterat är dock Russian DX Contest  och 
WPX SSB i Mars.

                    Croatian CW Contest

Call: SM3W
Operator(s): SM3WMV
Station: SM3WMV

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Bäck
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   80    28
   80:  229    35
   40:  259    37
   20:  353    47
   15:   37    13
   10:    0     0
Total:  958   160  Total Score = 394,880

Club: Worldwide Young Contesters


Thanks to everybody for the qsos. As expected I would have too low qso point
average compared to guys further south. I worked only ONE US station on 20m, 
on 40m, 2 on 80m and 1 on 160m. The lowband conds were quite good but 15m 
opened up hence the bad result on that band. I guess we will need to wait 
March before working anything on that band again.

Otherwise I am quite pleased with the result. I worked 100,000 points more 
in 2003 when 10 and 15m was open. I guess that difference is mostly becuase 
improved hardware and full SO2R capability. I worked as much as 24% of the 
(228 qsos) on the 2nd radio and it was rather boring during the night to 
the same stations over and over on the 2nd radio :-)

The goal before the contest was 1000 qsos and make it into top 5. When it 
just a few hours left I went to hunt that goal and that made me miss a few 
on 15m I guess. I went to 20m too early and probably lost a few mults on 
The only thing I really regret during the weekend, otherwise I could not 
done it better with the gear I have and location. My QTH suck way too much
towards NA to be really competetive but atleast in the smaller contests I 
can be
a little bit competetive. Hope I make that top 5.

New claimed SM record atleast...I'll do it next year aswell and hopefully 
with a
few more hardware upgrades, like a yagi on 40m :-)

Check the website for station information

//Mike (SM3WMV // SM3W)

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