[TOEC] Just 3 weeks to the "coolest" Contest & DX meeting in 2007!

Luoma-aho Pasi Pasi.Luoma-aho at sysopendigia.com
Fri Dec 29 07:40:21 EST 2006

Just 3 WEEKS to the "coolest" Contest & DX meeting in 2007! --> on 19-21
January 2007

Welcome to the 12th Contest & DX Meeting by Contest Club Finland (CCF)
and OH DX Foundation (OHDXF).

If you haven't booked your cruise yet, DO IT NOW!
Only a limited number of cabins still available - be quick!

NOTE: You can join us also in Stockholm on Saturday, 20th January
- just for the Saturday's great presentations, or also cruising

For prices, more detailed information and the whole cruise agenda
please look at www.contestclubfinland.com

The on-line booking should be done via web-form at
Write 'CCF07' in the Accesscode field on the web-form
and click 'Login' to continue registering.

There will be people from at least 10 different DXCC countries on board,
and still more to come...  Don't miss this!

Great presentations, great food, great fun, and all those old and new
friends from around the world - That's the CCF & OHDXF Contest & DX

Pse forward this info to your friends, too.

Cu on 19-21 January 2007 !


Comments from previous years :

"Big success!"

"Thank you for organising a very, very successful weekend."

"Thanks for a fantastic DX and Contest Conference over the past

"Everything was arranged with typical Finnish efficiency and
friendship. You seem to have a winning formula."

"The cruise ship was a great idea and everthing was very well

"Thanks for a great weekend! Looking forward to the next one."

"It was really a wonderful event. I was very happy to meet many guys
only known by callsigns before, especially G guys!"

"It has been a unique opportunity to review some old friends and at
the same time to meet some new ones!"

"Congratulations to the organizers for the fantastic event!"

"Great presentations. Hope to be there next year as well."

"Thanks for having us! Best time so far, by miles!!!!"

"We had a wonderful time. I'm already marking the calendar for next

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