[TOEC] [CCF] SAC proposals for 2007 and beyond

Juha Rantanen oh6xx at sral.fi
Sat Sep 30 01:54:18 EDT 2006

Ilkka Korpela wrote:
>  In some way, the two events, CW and SSB weekend, have 
> their own flavor. Mixing the modes would perhaps ? bring more parti-
> cipants in total, but would each category have more competition?
> Would those who compete now in CW stay there, those who compete
> in SSB stay in that category, and would we get _new_ people to fill
> the CW/MIXED category (or to fill gaps in CW and SSB)? 
> This is perhaps wrong to assume, a more fair
> question would be: would there be a larger number of 2-way qsos
> in a one-weekend SAC in comparison to two separate weekends? A rule
> change should perhaps not lead to reduction in the total number 
> of 2-way SAC qsos. Also, SAC would fill a lot of spectrum leaving
> non-contesters just RTTY and the safe-segments on CW and Phone. It
> would not be liked by many.

I agree that separate CW and SSB contests have their own flavours. At 
the moment the taste of CW is a bit sweeter than the very bitter SSB.

Maybe if we turn this one around and think it from the other side. I 
would never bother participate to a contest where I know I can't make 
more than 200 qso's. And this is the situation we have now. There are 
some exceptions who run over 300 QSO's but not many. Yet again these are 
the people who do the contest for us. If there are no one coming back to 
our CQ's there is no contest. Would mixing the weekends into one give 
more qso's and more sensible contest to stations outside Scandinavia? I 
can only guess that it would. And by doing that we would get happier 
participants who would possibly bring in some new blood for us to work.

Has anyone ever calculated the number QSO's made in separate weekends? 
What is the trend? What are the percentages between CW and SSB?

> I hope I have answered your question in this. 

You did.

> There's room for discussion about suggestions of rule changes -
> I have even got some e-mails now from LA and SM in which there is support
> for moving SSB away from the current position, as well as other 
> suggestions/questions:

Too bad all those mails have been private. It's difficult to have a 
conversation and see the different aspects if there are only handfull of 
people participating in open email exchanging.

> - inclusion of a multi 2 category?

Yes please and remove the Multi/one. In M/S there is nothing to do on 
the mult station except get bored and drunk.

> - Allowing SO2R in single op (what is definition of single TX, refine)

Isn't is allowed already?

Juha OH6XX

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