SM3CVM sm3cvm at swipnet.se
Sat Apr 25 15:04:03 PDT 2009

The calendar is available at http://www.sk3bg.se/

- 26/4 MOROCCO; 5C2Y, 5C2F, 5C2L, 5C2Z, 5C2A, 5C2C, 5C2J, 5C2B, 5C2SG and 5C2J/p AF-065
from mainland and Mogador Island (as 5C2J/p) by IØSNY (5C2Y), I2FUG (5C2F), I8LWL (5C2L), I8YGZ (5C2Z), IK2AQZ (5C2A), IK6CAC (5C2C), IK7JWX (5C2J), ISØAGY (5C2B) and IZ7ATN (5C2SG).  
 Announced frequencies:
CW 28025, 24895, 21025, 18075, 14025, 10115, 7025, 3525, 1825
SSB 28455, 24955, 21255, 18145, 14255, 7055, 3775, 1845
RTTY 28085, 24920, 21085, 18100, 14085, 10145, 7040, 3585
BPSK31 28075, 24915, 21075, 18100, 14075, 10145, 7040, 3595
Activity is also expected on 2m and 6m. Please  note  that  the
QSL 5C2Y via IØSNY (direct) or EA4URE (bureau), all others via IK7JWX (direct or bureau); stations in CQ Zones 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 can QSL via VK4FW (direct or bureau) for all callsigns. Further information, including online logs (to be updated on a regular basis during the expedition) and an Online QSL Request System (OQRS) for requesting your direct or bureau card, can be found at www.mogador2009.altervista.org/

JH1AWN and three members of the Akita DX Association (JA7AGO, JA7LU and JA7ZP) will be active from Ulaanbaatar. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 from two different locations, JT1KAA's shack and their hotel. Plans are to be QRV on 160-6 metres, but 160m activities will depend on local conditions. The callsigns and relevent QSL routes are: JT1AWN via JH1AWN, JT1AGO via JA7AGO, JT1LU via JA7LU, JT1ZP via JA7ZP. Cards can be sent direct or via the JARL bureau.

by DL2GAC. He plans to operate SSB with a focus on 80 and 40 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. DK9FN (CW operator) and DL2NUD (EME operator) will join DL2GAC (H44MS) in late 
February for a 2-3 week operation from Temotu Province. DK9FN will go back home on 16 March. He plans to operate CW only on 160-6 metres, hopefully as H4ØFN (the callsign he used back in 1999). Whatever callsign he will be using, the QSL route is via  HA8FW (bureau preferred).

- ca 30/4 PHILIPPINES; DU OC-129, OC-130 and OC-235
by MØGHQ. He plans to activate following islands:
OC-129, Cebu Island
OC-130, Mindanao Island
OC-235, Samal Island and
OC-129, Leyte Island. 
He intends to work with 100 watts and wires in SSB, PSK and RTTY on 160-10m (maybe also 6m). QSL direct or via bureau via homecall. 

Special event Scout station TS1LYMC (I Love You My Country). Expect activity on 80-10 metres CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and SSTV. QSL to TS1LYMC, 33 Rue plaine Lune Borj Louzir, Ariana 2073 Tunis, Tunisia.

- 3/5 GUYANA; 8R1AD
by KE7TBB and N7EAA. Activity will be on 20 meters using CW, SSB and PSK31. They plan to look for stations who are young ham operators and running low power (kilowatt and under). QSL via N7EAA.

by VE2TKH will be active from Quebec City (and again on 14-31 May) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the entry in service of the St. Lawrence Seaway. QSL via LoTW only (paper QSLs will not be available).

- 5/5 UGANDA; 5X1NH
by G3RWF. This time he may also give digital modes a try, and will try to improve his antennas for the low bands. QSL via home call.

- 6/5 BHUTAN; A52DT
by JA1DOT. He plans to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-10 metres. QSl via home call.

- 6/5 TONGA; A35KL OC-064
from Vava'u by W6ZL. He will operate mainly CW on 40-17 metres with 100 watts and a vertical dipole. QSL via home call or LoTW.
Also expect Paul, A35RK to operate CW and SSB as A35RK/p from the same location until at least 1 June. QSL via W7TSQ or LoTW. 

by K7WZB and K9WZB. Look for them on 160-6 metres CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK 31. They will be monitoring 6 metres most of the time for opening to US and Europe. QSL direct to K9WZB. 

- 10/5 MOROCCO; 5F1ROM 
by CN8VO for the FIA Touring Car Grand Prix that will be held in Marrakech on 1-3 May. QSL via EA7FTR.

- 31/5 UGANDA; 5X4X 
from Arua by DL8SBQ. He runs 100 watts into a spiderbeam for 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres and a Zepp antenna for 40 metres. He has been pirated on 160, 80 and 40 metres - if you worked him during the evening hours, please note that Peter cannot operate after 20 UTC, because the power is off in Arua. QSL via DF5GQ.

- 31/5 CANADA; XL, XN, XM,and XO
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway, Canadian amateurs are allowed to use the following prefixes: XL (VA stations), XN (VO stations), XM (VE stations), XO (VY stations). 

from Dhaka by DU1UGZ. He operates in his spare time using a low band dipole. For the time being, he will focus on 40 and 80 metres SSB and RTTY, but in May he should get a beam for 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20 metres and hopefully a linear amplifier as well. QSL via home call.

by DL3OCH (HB9EHJ). He plans to operate during his spare time on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. Hopefully he will also go and operate from IOTA group AF-076. Further information can be found at http://www.dl3och.de/. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

- 1/7 CHAD; TT8CF
by F4BQO. He plans to operate CW and SSB on the HF bands. QSL direct to F4BQO.

- 24/7 NIGERIA; 5N0OCH 
by DL3OCH. He plans to operate EME and on the HF bands (160-10 metres). Hopefully he will also go and operate from IOTA group AF-076. QSL via DL3OCH.

- 31/8  HONG KONG; VR2/F4BKV AS-006
mainly on PSK31 with some SSB during good propagation openings. His web site is at http://www.f4bkv.net/

by F4DYW says he will be working at Alfred Faure Base on Ile de la Possesson. He plans to operate on 20, 15 and 40 metres SSB during his spare time, using 100 watts and dipoles. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Look for updates on http://f4dyw.free.fr/index.php?langue=fr&contenu=ft5wo.html

is currently working at Antarctic Davis Base Station, Gridsquare MC81xk. His activity is limited due to his workload, but he is expected to be on all HF bands. He seems to like 20 meters between 1500-1800z. Operations have been on SSB and PSK31, but he plans to operate on other modes later on during his stay at the Davis Station. QSL via VK2CA. PLEASE NOTE: There is also a possibility of activating other field huts in the area, and he will sign as VK0BP/P. Look for more details on his Web page at http://www.vk0bp.org/

- ca 16/11   LEBANON; OD/W5YFN
has received approval from the local authorities to while in Lebanon, for one year starting on 16 November.

by EA4ATI to work in Kuala Lumpur for the whole year 2009. He will work with 400 watts and a vertical in CW and SSB on 40m/20m/15m/10m. He also plans to take part in all major contests (if possible from stations better equipped). QSL via EA4ATI.
- 31/10 2010    CANADA; VA7PX NA-075
                from Mayne Island. QSL via VE7AXU via bureau or direct.

from the Kwajalein atoll by WD8CRT, who will have to work here for two years starting on Jan 5, 2009. He will work mostly in CW on 160-6m. QSL via bureau or direct to Neil Schwanitz, PO Box 8341, APO, AP 96557, USA. His website is http://www.qsl.net/v73ns/

April - May? AVES ISLAND; YWØA NA-020
They are still waiting the schedule from the venezuela's navy!
The 4M5DX Group's expedition to Aves Island is scheduled to take place in March, hopefully for a full week. A large team of operators will be active on 160-6 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via IT9DAA (diret or bureau), or LoTW. Bookmark http://yw0a.4m5dx.info/ for updates.

28/4 - 1/5 COSTA RICA; TI6/K9KEJ and TI6/W9YOR
on 40, 20 and 17 metres SSB. QSL TI6/K9KEJ via EB7DX.

29/4 - 3/5 BRAZIL; ZW8BBC SA-072
from Canarias Island working in CW/SSB/digital modes on 160m-6m and via satellite (AO51/AO7/FO29/VO52/SO50). QSL via PS8DX.

29/4 - 5/5 JAPAN; 8J6DON AS-077
from Kyushu Island from the upcoming Hakata "Dontaku" Port Festival. QSL via JARL bureau.

29/4 - 5/5 OGASAWARA; JI1LET/JD1 AS-031
from Chichijima. He plans to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 40-10 metres, and on 6 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

29/4 - 5/5 MALDIVES; 8Q7SV 
by SV1JG. Activity will be mostly CW and digital modes on all bands. QSL via SV1JG, direct or by the bureau.

29/4 - 12/5 OGASAWARA; JD1BLK, JD1BMH and JD1BLY AS-031
from Chichijima. They plan to operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-6 metres, plus satellite. QSL JD1BLK via JM1LJS, JD1BMH via JG7PSJ and JD1BLY via JI5RPT. Logsearches and further information will be available on their individual websites, http://radio-dream.com/jd1blk/e/ (JD1BLK), http://sapphire.ganko.tohoku.ac.jp/jd1bmh/ (JD1BMH) and
http://www.ji5rpt.com/jd1/ (JD1BLY).

29/4 - 3/5 BRASIL; ZW8BBC SA-072
from Ilha das Canarias. Plans are to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres. QSL via PS8DX.

29/4 - 5/5 MALDIVES; 8Q7SV AS-013
by SV1JG. He plans to operate mostly CW and digital modes, on all bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

30/4 - 2/5 USA; NØTG, WA4DAN and AA4VK NA-067
from Core Banks from 23 UTC on 30 April through 15 UTC on 2 May. The island is similar in environment (terrain, sand, sea, remoteness, etc.) to Sable Island, and the purpose of the operation will be a "test" of seven potential antennas for use at CYØ in October. AA4VK will also test the feasibility of including operating FM satellites (SO-50, AO-51, and AO-27) in the CYØ operations. Frequencies and modes of operation from NA-067 will be posted to http://www.cy0dxpedition.com/

1/5 - 3/5 ARGENTINA; L21D SA-021
from Ariadne Island by seven operators (LU1EUU, LU4DBP, LU4DBT, LU4ETN, LU5DEM, LU7DSY and LU8DWR) active on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres CW, SSB and PSK31. QSL via LU7DSY, direct or bureau.

1/5 - 3/5 USA; W1ACT/p NA-046
from Martha's Vineyard including the New England QSO Party. QSL via N1JOY.

1/5 - 4/5 BRAZIL; PT1R SA-079
from Ilha Rasa by PY1ZV, PY1NB, PY1YB, PY1IBM, PY1KN, PY2WC, PY2NDX, PY4OG and PY4OY. They plan to be be QRV on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and digital modes with two stations, while another station will be active on 6 and 2 metres during the Araucaria VHF Contest (details at http://www.avhfc.com/). QSL via PY1NB, direct or bureau. The web page for the operation is at          http://riodxgroup.dxwatch.com/rasa/
1/5 - 8/5 FIJI; 3D2ZW/p OC-016
from Nadi, Viti Levu Group by OK2ZAW on a holiday Dxpedition. He plans to activate a few IOTA using his IC-706 (w/100 watts) into a vertical and dipole antennas. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. 

1/5 - 31/10 JAPAN; 8J6SL AS-077
from the Kumamoto Museum to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Hisatsu (Railroad) Line (Steam Locomotive) on the Island of Honshu (JIIA AS-077-001). Activity will be on all bands and modes. Possibly 5 stations will be on the air. QSL via the JARL Bureau.

2/5 USA; AJ4RW NA-058
from Cumberland Island. He will be on the air from approx. 1500- 1930z on the frequencies of 14.260 and 7.225 kHz, alternating between the two bands as there is only one station scheduled as of right now, but this might change as soon as they move closer to the date of operation. Frequencies may also vary depending upon band conditions. This will be SSB operation only. QSL via his home callsign.

2/5 - 4/5 FIJI; 3D2ZW/p OC-121
from Bounty Island by OK2ZAW on a holiday Dxpedition. He plans to activate a few IOTA using his IC-706 (w/100 watts) into a vertical and dipole antennas. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

2/5 - 5/5 OGASAWARA; JD1BMT AS-031
from Chichijima, to operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-6 metres, plus satellite. QSL JD1BMT via JE4SMQ. 

3/5 - 17/5 NAURU; C21TI
EA4ATI is preparing for a DXpedition (with a team of operators) to activate Nauru in the Pacific sometime in May. Tentative dates will be either from May 3-17th (after the cyclone season) or May 16-30th. This is the same location that previous DXpeditions to Nauru have used (such as C21BH, C21SX, C21XF, etc). Activity will be on all HF bands including 60m and 6m. The suggested frequencies mentioned (as of now) are:
  CW  - 1825.5, 3505, 7005, 10110, 14025, 18075, 21025, 24895 and 28025
  SSB - 1825.5, 3799, 5371.5, 7065, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28495 kHz
   6m -  50.115 MHz (CW/SSB)
They currently have two transceivers with HF amplifiers and will use a yagi beam antenna for 20/15/10 meters and several dipole antennas. QSL will be via EA4ATI.

4/5 - 6/5 FIJI; 3D2ZW OC-156
from Manta Ray, Yasawa Group by OK2ZAW on a holiday Dxpedition. He plans to activate a few IOTA using his IC-706 (w/100 watts) into a vertical and dipole antennas. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. 

by G0UNU. Activity will be mainly on 20 meters CW and SSB. More details will be forthcoming closer to these dates (on QRZ.com). QSL via G0UNU, by the Bureau or direct.

5/5 - 9/5 AUSTRALIA; JK1FNL/VK4 OC-160
from Hamilton Island. QSL via home call.

6/5 - 8/5 FIJI; 3D2ZW OC-156
from Botaira Beach Res., Yasawa Group by OK2ZAW on a holiday Dxpedition. He plans to activate a few IOTA using his IC-706 (w/100 watts) into a vertical and dipole antennas. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. 

from Punta Cana. Activity will be on 20/15/10 meters SSB. Suggested frequency for 20 meters maybe 14300 kHz. QSL via OT4R.

11/5 - 16/5 MICRONESIA; V63DX and V63CW OC-010
from Pohnpei by JA7HMZ (V63DX) and JH7IOS (V63CW) to be active on 40-6 metres. QSL via home calls.

14/5 31/5 CANADA; XOØICE/2
by VE2TKH will be active from Quebec City to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the entry in service of the St. Lawrence Seaway. QSL via LoTW only (paper QSLs will not be available).

15/5 - 17/5 USA; W1AW/8
Look for special event station to be on the air during the Dayton HamVention.

16/5 - 2/6 TANZANIA; 5H1HP and 5H1MS
from Zanzibar by DL2NUD and DL9MS. Activity will be on the HF bands and 6 meters, but an emphasis will be on VHF (EME/MS). Grid squares to be activated are: KI93RU and KI94RA.

16/5 - 20/6 NIUE; ZK2V OC-040
by ZL1CT. His 5-week expedition aims to give as many stations as possibile their first QSO with ZK2. Resources are limited, and he will operate mainly on 80, 40, 20 and 15  metres CW and SSB, with some activity on 30, 17 and 12 metres and some RTTY. QSL via N3SL. A log-search will be available at http://www.gm7v.com/zk2v.htm, and he plans to update it as often as possible.

23/5 - 24/5 CANADA; CG7GMT
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the George Massey tunnel, the Delta Amateur Radio Club (www.deltaamateurradio.com/) from Delta, British Columbia will be active from Deas Island (CisA BC-045). Look for activity on 80 and 20 metres between 17 and 1 UTC. QSL via VE7SUN.

29/5 - 30/5 USA; W4K NA-141
from Peanut Island to celebrate John F. Kennedy's birthday. Reports indicate it is from "JFK's old Cuban missile crisis bunker". Activity will be focused on HF (mainly 40/20m), 6 and 2 meters using CW and SSB. This will be the first time Peanut Island will be activated. More information should be forthcoming.

1/6 - 14/6 BAHAMAS; C6AMS NA-001
from New Providence by NA6M, N5RNA, W5TSN, K2CK and K9OWQ. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via NA6M, direct only. Updates and more information can be found at http://www.c6ams.com/

1/6 - 15/5 MALDIVES; 8Q7CQ AS-013
from Kuredu Island by G0VJG. This will be a limited operation because Nobby will be on his honeymoon (and he thanks his wife for putting up with him and the QRM). Activity will be mainly HF SSB but some 6 meters. QSL via Owen, G4DFI.

8/6 - 25/6 MALDIVES; 8Q7TB AS-013
from Embudu by PF4T. Activity will be on 40 and 20 meters using SSB. QSL via PF4T, direct to Tom Braam, Hondsrug 210, 8251 VB Dronten, The Netherland. PLEASE NOTE: Include a self addressed envelope with or 1 Green Stamp if you are in Europe. If outside Europe, please include 2 Green Stamps, as one is not enough to cover postage.

by PY2AAZ, PY2TNT, PY2WAS and N6OX from around 23 UTC on 10 June through around 13 UTC on the 15th. Expect activity on 160-10 metres CW and SSB, plus 60m under a special licence granted by the Brazilian authorities. QSL via PY2WAS, direct or bureau.

11/6 - 17/6 BERMUDA; VP9/KF4VTT NA-005
Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via his home callsign, by the LoTW, Bureau or direct.
12/6 - 19/6 MONTSERRAT; VP2MRT
by KB4CRT. His activity will include CW, SSB, possibly PSK, and the June VHF Contest. Asian stations are suggested to look for him on 20 meters between 1200-1300z. QSL via KB4CRT.

13/6 - 27/6 SAO TOME; S92LX AF-023
by DK7LX. Activity will be on 80-10 meters CW only. He plans to
have a Web site available which will include an online log search. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

16/6 - 6/7 GUYANA; 8R
by W3CMP, N3DB, K4RX and AC4TO on HF-50 MHz. Antenna for 6 meters will be a 6M7JHV yagi at 45 ft. on the Atlantic Ocean pointed towards EU and NA, and using a 3CPX800A7 amp. They hope to get some decent openings to, amongst other places, Northern EU, 5B/4X and W6/W7. They expect to have internet access most of the time. Operating frequencies and Web site will be announced at a later date.

19/6 - 5/7 SAN ANDRES; 5JØM NA-033
by K7BV, concentrate on 6 metres. He may also be QRV on the HF bands. QSL direct to W1JJ. Further information at  http://www.qth.com/k7bv/caribe2009/

23/6 - 3/7 ANTIGUA & BARBUDA; V2A/W6JKV NA-100
from Antigua. Activity will be on the HF bands, but his focus will be on 6 meters (Grid FK97). He has a very good location and will use a large antenna with power. QSL via his home callsign in Austin, Texas.

25/6 - 4/7 CANADA; VY1/K7Y 
from Kluane Lake in the Yukon. Emphasis will be for Field Day from Jacquot Island (Special Event/New CISA) by members of the North County DX Association. Activity will be on 20, 40 and 80 meters. Primary 14260 and 7260 kHz (+/- QRM). QSL via KL7JR direct w/SASE for full-color QSL.

from Miquelon Island incloding the IARU HF World Championship Contest (July 12-13th). Activity outside of the contest will be on 160-6 meters using CW and SSB. K9OT prefers CW on 30 meters and down, while KB9LIE likes SSB, especially on 17, 20 and 40 meters. Location will be Room 5 at Motel de Miquelon (formerly Maxotel). QSL direct with return postage; bureau and LoTW okay. No eQSL. Their Web site is at http://hamradio.pnpfarms.com/

21/7 - 29/7 BELIZE; V31UR and V31WL NA-073
from Caye Caulker by W6WTG (V31UR) and N2OWL (V31WL). Expect activity on the HF bands and 6 metres, and look for V31UR to participate in the IOTA Contest (25-26 July). QSL via W6UR. Further information and updates at http://www.w6wtg.com/

23/7 - 26/7 USA; W4T NA-083
from Tangier Island by K4CQW, K4MIL, K5VIP, KE4AZL, KI4RXC, W4TVG, W4VIC and W8RJL IOTA Contest included. They will run three stations on 80-6 metres CW, SSB, and RTTY. QSL via K5VIP.

23/7 - 26/7 CANADA; CG2ØØI NA-128
from Ile Verte by members of the "NA-128 Contest Group", VA2RC, VA2ZO, VE2EDA, VE2EBK, VE2FSK, VE2TKH, VE2MTK and VE2QRA, IOTA Contest included. The special callsigns celebrates the 200th anniversary of the lighthouse located on the island. Look for them on 160-6 metres all modes. QSL via VE2CQ, direct or bureau. Further information can be found at http://www.qrz.com/ under CG2ØØI.

23/7 - 27/7 BAHAMAS; C6APR, C6AXD and C6AQO NA-113
from Crooked Island by K3IXD, K4QO, W2GJ and W3PP. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as C6APR; before and after the IOTA event C6APR will be on 80-10 metres CW and SSB. The team will sign C6AXD on RTTY and C6AQO on 6 metres (grid FL22). The calls are good for Bird Rock Lighthouse (ARLHS BAH-005). All QSLs via K3IXD.

23/7 - 5/8 ALASKA; KL7RRC NA-233 New One!
from Ogliuga Island in the Delarof Islands Group, IOTA Contest included. Look for details on http://www.na-234.com/contact_chuginadak_expedition.html or          http://www.na-234.com/index.html (click on "NA-233 Plans").

31/7 - 11/8 SWAZILAND; 3DAØSS and 3DAØ/hc
by GI4FUM (EI4DJ, 3DAØDJ), G4LDL, MØMVV, NC4MM and UT5EL will be active from the station at the Hawane Resort. The object of this activity is to provide a ham radio station at an international scout camp near Manzini between July 31st and August 11th. There are permanent antennas on the site including a 60 ft. lattice steel tower with HF beams for 20/15/10m and the WARC bands. There
is a "Four Square" array of 40m dipoles suspended from the tower. Each team member will have their own 3DAØ callsign. 

29/7 - 12/8 LESOTHO; 7P
K5LBU is once again making plans for another African trip, this time to Lesotho. 

30/8 - July 2011 FRENCH POLYNESIA; FO
by F5PHW. Since he is there for work, his on air activities will be limited, but he will try to operate as much as possible. If he lives in a house, Phil intends to be active on all HF bands from 80-10 meters mainly on CW and RTTY (possibly some PSK31) with very little SSB using only 100 watts. His antennas from the house QTH will be: 80-40m - Inverted V + HF6VX (GP), 30m - HF6VX, 20-10m - HF6VX + Spiderbeam (not sure). However, if he lives in an apartment the antenna may only be the HF6VX. QSL via F8BPN, by the Bureau or direct. 

Operators GI4FUM (EI4DJ, 3DAØ0DJ) and G4LDL will activate the station 3DA0SS during the month of August. The object of this activity is to provide a ham radio station at an international scout camp near Manzini. Station 3DA0SS was the first ham radio
station to operate in the "Jamboree on the Air" for the scouts of Swaziland in October 2008. 

from the Island of Curacao. QSL via his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau or eQSL.

9/10 - 19/10 MIDWAY ISLAND; K4M OC-030
After a seven-year hiatus, in late January 2009 the U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Service announced that they would once again allow amateur radio operations from Midway Atoll "on a trial basis". A multi national team of 19 operators will be active for ten days. They will have 5-6 stations active on 160-6 metres, with at least one station on 20m around the clock. Further information, including details on how contribute to this expensive expedition, can be found at http://www.midway2009.com/

19/10 - 17/11 AUSTRALIA; VK7ACG OC-006 
from Tasmania by GØWFH. He will operate SSB on 160-10 metres, with a focus on the low bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.

19/10 - 26/10 SABLE ISLAND;  NØTG/CYØ, WA4DAN/CYØ and AA4VK/CYØ NA-063
They plan to have three complete HF stations, with three verticals, one "strategically placed" yagi and at least one wire antenna, and to operate CW and SSB on 160-10 metres, with an  emphasis on Asia. Twenty metres are likely to provide most contacts, and they will try to have two stations (CW and SSB) on that band at the same time. QSL for all callsigns via N0TG. The website for the expedition is at http://www.cy0dxpedition.com/

22/10 - 9/11 PAPUA NEW GUINEA; P2 OC-102, OC-231 and OC-205  
G3KHZ (P29NI) has announced a new IOTA DXpedition from the Tanga Islands (OC-102), the Green Islands (OC-231) and the Woodlark Group (OC-205). He and other four operators, CT1AGF, G3USR, G4EDG and SM6CVX) will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-15 metres, using new single band vertical dipoles for 30-15m and a ground plane for 40m. 
The announced schedule and callsigns are as follows:
OC-102 - Tanga Island; callsign P29VCX (via SM6CVX); October 22-26th
OC-231 - Green Island; callsign P29VLR (via SM6CVX); October 27-31st
OC-205 - Woodlark Island; callsign P29NI (via G3KHZ); November 2-9th
Further information is expected in due course. The web pages for the expedition are at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/p29_2009/index.html

24/11 - 3/12 JUAN FERNANDEZ; XRØZN SA-005
by CE6TBN, LA5FJA, LA6EIA, LA6FJA, LA7WCA, LA8BCA and RAØFU. QSL  route TBA. Preliminary information can be found at http://www.la6fja.eu/dx/XR0ZN/ 

CW: 28040, 24920, 21040, 18098, 14040, 10115, 7030 and 3530.
SSB: 28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 14260, 7055 and 3755.
The frequencies are NOT exclusive to IOTA!
IOTA net Saturdays at 1300z on 14260 and Sundays at 1300z on 21260!

SM3CVM 2009-April-26

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