sm3cvm at swipnet.se
Sun Nov 1 13:08:10 PST 2009
The calendar is available at http://www.sk3bg.se/
is currently working at Antarctic Davis Base Station, Gridsquare MC81xk. His activity is limited due to his workload, but he is expected to be on all HF bands. He seems to like 20 meters between 1500-1800z. Operations have been on SSB and PSK31, but he plans to operate on other modes later on during his stay at the Davis Station. QSL via VK2CA. PLEASE NOTE: There is also a possibility of activating other field huts in the area, and he will sign as VK0BP/P. Look for more details on his Web page at http://www.vk0bp.org/
- 1/11 SENEGAL; 6V7Q
by F8IJV on his honeymoon. He plans to be active in the CQWW DX SSB Contest. He will try to operate before and after the contest on 160-6 meters, mainly on SSB and the Digital modes. He will be operating from Jean-Francois, 6W7RV, QTH in La Somone. QSL via F8IJV. More details will be forthcoming.
- 2/11 BRAZIL; ZZ6Z SA-019
from the Abrolhos Archipelago by PY6HD, PY6RT and PY6AWU. Ddates may vary depending on Brazilian Navy schedules. Expect them to operate SSB on 80-10 metres. QSL direct to PY6HD.
- 4/11 GUYANA; 8R1PY
from Lethem, Guyana by members of the "Amateur Brazilian Team". Activity will be on 160-6 meters, including 30/17/12 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. Operators mentioned are PU8TEP, PV8AZ, PV8DX, PV8IG, PY1YB, PY2TNT and PY2WAS. QSL via PY2WAS.
from Bantayan Island by DL4IAS on holiday. He will be on following QRGs:
CW: 7020, 10120 and 14020 kHz
PSK: 7035.15, 10140.15 and 14070.15 kHz
SSB: 7140 and 14140 kHz.
He will use his FT-857 and a dipole. QSL via DL4IAS.
by VK2CCC (LY1F). Callsign is to be announced later. Activity will be "part time", but mainly on 160 and 80 meters CW. QSL via VK2CC, by the Bureau or direct.
- 5/11 ISRAEL; 4X/K1HP
by JE2EHP. Activity will be on all the HF bands and 6m, using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL is via Bureau to his home callsign JE2EHP.
- 6/11 NEW ZEALAND; ZL/AI5P OC-036
from North Island. QSL via AI5P.
- 7/11 NIUE; ZK2DL OC-040
by DL2FAG. He plans to operate mainly RTTY, PSK and SSB on 10-80 metres, using a Triple leg multiband and dipoles. After Niue and before Samoa he will be visiting New Zealand's South Island (OC-134) and be active sporadically as ZL4/DL2FAG. QSL via home call. Log searches will be available at www.qsl.net/dl2fag/
from Isla Tierra Del Fuego (WLOTA L2448). Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL via PT2OP, direct is preferred or by the Bureau.
- 9/11 PAPUA NEW GUINEA; P2 OC-102, OC-231 and OC-205
G3KHZ (P29NI) has announced a new IOTA DXpedition from the Tanga Islands (OC-102), the Green Islands (OC-231) and the Woodlark Group (OC-205). He and other four operators, CT1AGF, G3USR, G4EDG and SM6CVX) will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-15 metres, using new single band vertical dipoles for 30-15m and a ground plane for 40m.
The announced schedule and callsigns are as follows:
OC-102 - Tanga Island; callsign P29VCX (via SM6CVX); October 22-26th
OC-231 - Green Island; callsign P29VLR (via SM6CVX); October 27-31st
OC-205 - Woodlark Island; callsign P29NI (via G3KHZ); November 2-9th
Further information is expected in due course. The web pages for the expedition are at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/p29_2009/index.html
- 11/11 NEW CALEDONIA; FK/F5NHJ OC-032 or OC-033
from either Grande Terre (OC-032) and Lifou or Mare (OC-033).He plans to focus on 30 metres digital modes. QSL via F5NHJ.
by KE7WRJ. This is a rare prefix only assigned to U.S. Service members assigned to Korea. His tentative schedule is to operate from 4 different locations in South Korea as follows: September 10-12th: Seoul, September 14-24th: Camp Casey, September 25th-October 18th: Camp Humphreys, October 19-29th: Camp Carroll October 30th-November 13th: Seoul. Activity will be on 40-10 meters, depending on the propagation, using CW and SSB. Operations will be at least 8 hours a day during the week and
longer over the weekends. Look for him to be in both the Extra and General portions of the bands. His equipment will consist of a 5000A by Flex Radio, a "3 element Yagi in a Bag" from Super Antennas. QSL via KE7WRJ, direct or LoTW.
- 15/11 CROZET I; FT5WO
by F4DYW. He is usually on 20 or 17 meters during Saturdays and
Sundays between 0600-1300z usually between 14260-14280 kHz. QSL via F4DYW.
- 15/11 EASTER I.; XRØY SA-001
by a six team members with Europe as main target running for almost two weeks. They plan to focus on 160, 80, 40 and above all 30 metres (CW only, as digital modes on 30m are not allowed). Working Europe on 30 metres will be their priority during the first week on the island. XR0YA will have three stations with two amplifiers and several antennas. Although SSB will not be neglected, CW will be the main operating mode, with some RTTY being planned as well. QSL route TBA. Further information can be found on the expedtion's web site http://rapanui2009.org/
- ca 16/11 LEBANON; OD/W5YFN
has received approval from the local authorities while in Lebanon, for one year starting on 16 November.
- 17/11 AUSTRALIA; VK7ACG OC-006
from Tasmania by GØWFH. He will operate SSB on 160-10 metres, with a focus on the low bands. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
The Mongolian Border Service Institute celebrates its 75th anniversary. Their QSL manager is JT1CH (LoTW also ok).
- 30/11 CANADA; VG7V
The Vancouver Olympics Amateur Radio Group (VOARG) will activate three special calls to celebrate the Olympic Winter Games and Paralympics which will take place in Vancouver/British Columbia in Feb/March 2010. This is the first. A website will go online soon, all logs will be uploaded to the LoTW. QSL cards can be sent via bureau or direct to: VOARG, 9362-206A St, Langley/BC, V1M 2W6, Canada.
- 31/12 JAPAN; 8J7M AS-007
from Honshu Island. QSL via bureau.
- 31/12 HONG KONG; VR2009EAG
special event to promote the Hong Kong 2009 East Asia Games. Operations will be primarily on the HF bands from 40-10 meters
and VHF on 6 meters. The modes used will be primarily SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. QSL Manager VR2XMT: Charlie Ho, PO Box 900, Fanling Post Office, Hong Kong.
by EA4ATI to work in Kuala Lumpur for the whole year 2009. He will work with 400 watts and a vertical in CW and SSB on 40m/20m/15m/10m. He also plans to take part in all major contests (if possible from stations better equipped). QSL via EA4ATI.
expects to be QRV from Mindanao Island. He operates CW only. QSL direct to Hans Bohnet, Purok 5, Lower Bon-Bon, Libertad, Butuan City 8600, Philippines or via the DARC bureau to DL5SDF (bureau card requests will have to wait until June 2010, when he will go back to Germany).
The next FIFA Soccer World Cup will take place in South Africa in 2010. QSL cards should be sent via the ZS bureau. If you want to send direct please use following address: SARL, PO Box 1721, Strubensvallei 1735, Republic of South Africa.
- 31/10 2010 CANADA; VA7PX NA-075
from Mayne Island. QSL via VE7AXU via bureau or direct.
- 2010 MARSHALL IS.; V73NS OC-028
from the Kwajalein atoll by WD8CRT, who will have to work here for two years starting on Jan 5, 2009. He will work mostly in CW on 160-6m. QSL via bureau or direct to Neil Schwanitz, PO Box 8341, APO, AP 96557, USA. His website is http://www.qsl.net/v73ns/
by F5PHW. Since he is there for work, his on air activities will be limited, but he will try to operate as much as possible. If he lives in a house, Phil intends to be active on all HF bands from 80-10 meters mainly on CW and RTTY (possibly some PSK31) with very little SSB using only 100 watts. His antennas from the house QTH will be: 80-40m - Inverted V + HF6VX (GP), 30m - HF6VX, 20-10m - HF6VX + Spiderbeam (not sure). However, if he lives in an apartment the antenna may only be the HF6VX. QSL via F8BPN, by the Bureau or direct.
from Grassey Key. Operations will be stationary at Grassey Key and mobile as he travels to Key West and all points on the ocean. He will use the callsign KG8DP, as well as his club callsign NA8KD. This will be a week trip. QSL both KG8DP/NA8KD via info on QRZ.com (w/SASE). Mark will be using an IC-7000, 1.2 kw amp mobile and GLA-1000B portable amp. Antennas were not mentioned.
2/11 - 23/11 MALI; TZ6JA
by JA8SLU. Activity will be SSB only. QSL direct only to: Mac Obara, P.O. Box 59, Tama, Tokyo, 206-8691 JAPAN.
3/11 - 15/11 MONTSERRAT; VP2MUM, VP2MXO and VP2MNK
by DL2RUM (VP2MUM), DM2XO (VP2MXO) and DJ8NK (VP2MNK). Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via their home callsigns per the QRZ.com address or by the Bureau.
4/11 - 11/11 VIRGIN IS; KP2/homecall
from St. Croix by N3XF, K1ZE and W1EQ. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and possibly RTTY. Look for KP2M during the ARRL CW Sweepstakes Contest (November 7-8th). QSL KP2M via info on QRZ.com. All other QSLs via home callsign and LoTW.
4/11 - 17/11 VIET NAM; XV4D AS-128
from the Island of Phu Quoc by DL7DF, who will lead a crew of operators. Their callsign has not been announced yet, but it is expected to be the XV prefix. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW and SSB with several stations on the air. One station will be exclusively dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. Their equipment consists of 3 transceivers (two K2 and one IC7000) with three kW linears into two 18m lowband verticals, a 2 element vertical for 40m, a 2 element vertical for 30m, two Spiderbeam for 20/17/15/12/10m, and some beverage antennas. Operators
mentioned are: DK1BT, DL4WK, DL5CW, DL7DF and DL7UFR. Pilot station for this DXpedition is Bernd, DF3CB. QSL via DL7DF, by the German QSL Bureau or direct to: Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, D-12621 Berlin, Germany. For complete details, visit http://www.dl7df.com/xv/index.html
4/11 - 18/11 BERMUDA; VP9KF NA-005
from Baileys Bay by W4/VP9KF (G4BKI). Activity will only be CW on all bands. QSL via W4/VP9KF: Paul Evans, 6809 River Road, Tampa, FL 33615. Visit his Web page at http://vp9kf.com/
Please, DO NOT send to the VP9 bureau.
6/11 - 8/11 EAST MALAYSIA; 9M6DXX/P and 9M6XRO/P OC-133
from Pulau Labuan Island by 9M6DXX and 9M6DXX. The operations will be as follows: 9M6DXX/P - On 80-10 meters; SSB only. 9M6XRO/P - On 160-10 meters; CW and RTTY. Each stations will be using amplifiers to a multi-band vertical and a 160m inverted-L, both mounted very close to the ocean. Operators hope it will be possible to operate on 160m CW at the same time as SSB on the other bands. QSL both 9M6DXX/P and 9M6XRO/P via M0URX, either direct, by the bureau or LoTW.
6/11 - 9/11 VENEZUELA; YW5F SA-058
from Farallon Centinela Island by members of the Grupo DX Caracas. Activity is to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Caracas DX Group. Operations will be on 80-2 meters using CW, SSB and FM. QSL via DM4TI.
7/11 - 16/11 SENEGAL; 6W/EI6DX
from Somone which is located 70 km southeast of Dakar. He will concentrate on the lower bands and CW. QSL via RX3RC, by the Bureau or direct. Look for updates at http://www.ei6dx.com/senegal/
10/11 - 16/11 W. KIRIBATI; T3ØKI and T3ØIW
by N1EMC and N1IW. Activity will be on 60-6 meters as conditions permit using CW/SSB. QSL via N1EMC.
11/11 - 13/11 PAPUA NEW GUINEA; P29VCX OC-117
from Hastings Island by SM6CVX. QSL via home call. The web page for the expedition is at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/p29_2009/
11/11 - 16/11 BRAZIL; PW6C SA-062
from Coroa Vermelha Island by PP1CZ, PY0FF, PY7RP, PY7XC, PY7ZY and K9AJ. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via K9AJ. For more details, visit their Web site at http://www.pw6c.com/
11/11 - 18/11 SAMOA; 5W OC-097
from the Island of Upolu by IK1PMR, K2LEO/PA3LEO, PA0BWL, AA4NN, OE2SNL, DJ5IW and OZ1IKY are planning a DXpedition to three semi-rare entities (and possibly some other operations) in the Pacific between November 11th and December 13th. Callsigns have not been announced yet. Focus will be on the lower bands, but activity is planned for 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. The team will use three Elecraft K2/100 with DSP and amps. For more information and updates, watch: http://www.ik1pmr.com/plans/a3/index.php?s=intro/
13/11 - 14/11 PAPUA NEW GUINEA; P29VCX OC-116
from Normanby Island by SM6CVX. QSL via home call. The web page for the expedition is at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/p29_2009/
13/11 - 23/11 COMOROS; D68F AF-007
by F6AML. He will operate CW (1828, 3520, 7020, 10115, 14020, 18071, 21020, 24951 and 28020 kHz) and SSB (3775, 7075, 14265, 18140, 21265, 24960 and 28480 kHz), with a focus on the low bands. QSL via F6AML, direct or bureau.
13/11 - 27/11 GHANA; 9G5TT and 9G5XX AF-084
Their activity will also include an IOTA trip to Abokwa Island (AF-084). Operations on the mainland will use the callsign 9G5TT, while operations on AF-084 will use 9G5XX. Activity will be on all HF bands (160-10 meters) and modes. On AF-84 there will be one station on 20 meters only. The time of the operation on
the island will be on a day to day basis and will depend on the sea condition and weather forecast. QSL via I2YSB, direct only. More information can be found at http://www.i2ysb.com/
14/11 - 21/11 FALKLAND IS.; VP8BUG (digital) and VP8BUH (SSB)
by members of the Uruguay DX Group's globetrotters. Their activity will focus on the lower bands, Digital modes and the 30/17/12 meter bands. Operators mentioned include: Gus/CX2AM, Gus/CX3CE, Bert/CX3AN, Mario/CX4CR and Luis/CX4AAJ. Probably QSL Manager is EB7AEY. More details are forthcoming.
15/11 - 16/11 PAPUA NEW GUINEA; P29VCX OC-240
from Loloata Island by SM6CVX. QSL via home call. The web page for the expedition is at http://www.425dxn.org/dxped/p29_2009/
15/11 - 3/12 TURKS & CAICOS IS.; VP5/homecall NA-002
from Providenciales by W7VV, VE7XF and possibly some other operators.Activity will include the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Multi-? entry and possibly a special callsign (TBA). QSL route TBA. Operators will be active before and after the contest on all bands (160-6 meters) and modes signing VP5/homecall. QSL via their home callsigns.
15/11 - 20/2 2010 ANTARCTICA; KC4USV AN-011
from McMurdo Station by K7MT. He will be on the HF bands on 14243 kHz, Sundays at 0000z. He will also be active on PSK-31 (on 14070 kHz) and CW (14043 kHz) if time permits. He has also mentioned that he will take an Arrow II antenna and his Kenwood TH-7 to
work the Amateur Satellites into VK and ZL land. He also has plans to be on APRS VHF/HF with a Kam Plus, so you might just see him driving around on the Ross Ice Sea as K7MT-7 on APRS. QSL via K1IED. Visit his home page for some interesting pictures at http://www.mt.net/~k7mt/
15/11 - 31/3 2011 ANTARCTICA; VU3BPZ and AT1ØBP
from the Maitri Base (WAP IND-03) by VU3BPZ. Updates and more details are expected on the WAP Web site at http://www.waponline.it/
17/11 - 30/11 SAMOA; 5WØKH OC-097
from Upolu Island by DL2FAG. He plans to operate mainly RTTY, PSK and SSB on 10-80 metres, using a Triple leg multiband and dipoles. QSL via home call. Log searches will be available at www.qsl.net/dl2fag/
17/11 - 15/12 MADAGASCAR; 5R8IC AF-090
from Saint Marie Island by F6ICX. Activity will be on 80-10 meters. QSL via his home callsign.
18/11 - 24/11 CANADA; VY2/W7ASF NA-029
from Prince Edward Island. Activity will include an entry in the ARRL Sweepstakes Phone ontest (November 21-23rd). QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
19/11 - 23/11 NEW CALEDONIA; FK/JA1NLX OC-033
from Ouvea Island along with his XYL. Activity will be on all HF bands (80-10 meters) using CW and RTTY with a IC-706MK2 100 watt transceiver and vertical antenna. QSL via the LoTW or by his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. For more details and log after his operation, visit the following Web page at http://www.ne.jp/asahi/ja1nlx/ham/fk_2009.html
19/11 - 9/12 TONGA; A3 OC-049
from the Island of Tongatapu by IK1PMR, K2LEO/PA3LEO, PA0BWL, AA4NN, OE2SNL, DJ5IW and OZ1IKY are planning a DXpedition to three semi-rare entities (and possibly some other operations) in the Pacific between November 11th and December 13th. Callsigns have not been announced yet. Focus will be on the lower bands, but activity is planned for 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. The team will use three Elecraft K2/100 with DSP and amps. For more information and updates, watch: http://www.ik1pmr.com/plans/a3/index.php?s=intro/
20/11 - 26/11 CANADA; VY1RST
from near Beaver Creek, Yukon by KL7JR, WL7MY and KL7BO. Emphasis will be on 160/80 meters SSB (using a 160m Inverted L) with a 2nd station on for 40-10 meters (vertical) SSB and PSK-31. QSL Manager is KL7JR. E-mail skeds are welcome at John.ReisenauerJr at alyeska-pipeline.com
20/11 - 10/2 2010 CANARY ISLANDS; EA8/homecall AF-004
from Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife Island by ON5JV and ON6AK. Activity will be on 40-10 meters during their evenings. They plan to use 100 watts into a vertical 14AVQ. QSL via their home callsigns, the bureau is preferred.
21/11 - 5/12 CHRISTMAS I.; VK9XX OC-002
by DM5TI, DL2JRM and DL2RMC. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. They plan to use verticals and beams, and also be an entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest as VK9XW (November 28-29th). QSL via DL1RTL, by the Bureau or direct. For complete details, visit the VK9XX Web site at http://www.dl2rmc.com/tom/VK9X2009/
22/11 - 2/12 BARBADOS; 8P9SS
by ND3F. Activity will probably be on all bands, but he will also be in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via LoTW or direct to ND3F.
23/11 - 1/12 BOTSWANA; A25NW
by K9NW. Activity will include the CQWW DX CW Contest (November
28-29th). QSL via his home callsign (QRZ.com).
23/11 - 2/12 TUNISIA; 3V3S
by a German team from the "Radio Club Station of Tunisian Scouts" (3V8SS) in Sousse. Operators mentioned are DJ7IK, DJ8NK, DJ9CB, DL9USA and DF1LON. The team will set up, and use a spiderbeam and verticals antennas. All antennas will be donated to the 3V8SS station. Look for them to also participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry.
QSL via DL9USA. A Web page will be active soon at http://www.3V3S.tk/
23/11 - 6/12 CHESTERFIELD IS.; TX3A
by AA7JV and HA7RY. The TX3A license is valid for 14 days only between the dates listed above. Because these dates could change (due to weather and other things), they "may" have to operate as FK/AA7JV or FK/HA7RY before and after this period. Their priorities will be 160, 80 and 40 meters, in that order. They will be active on the higher bands the rest of the time. The operators will use the same antenna that they used on Mellish Reef, but they have developed a new RX antenna, which they hope will improve their RX capabilities. QSL via HA7RY. Mailing direct -Please include 2 USDs with every direct QSL request for up to three cards per envelope. If you send International Reply Coupons (IRC), please make sure that it is not expired or is not about to expire. DO NOT SEND IRCs that are valid only until end of 2009! Cards are likely to be posted only early 2010. Mailing address: Tamas Pekarik, Alagi ut 15, H-2151 Fot, HUNGARY. * The preferred way is using the "Online QSL Request Service" (OQRS) on their Web site which they will launch once the DXpedition is over. You can use that form to request your direct QSL and cover the costs of sending the QSL card to you direct by using PayPal. They request a minimum of 5 USDs or 4 EUROs for this service.
* Bureau: They will launch an "Online QSL Request Service" (OQRS) on their Web site as soon as the expedition is over. If you want to receive your QSL via the bureau, please use that form to request the card. They will check your QSOs against the log and send your card to you via the bureau. This method will allow them faster processing, helps them protect the environment and you will receive your TX3A card faster. If you request your bureau card online, please do NOT request a direct card and do NOT send us your QSL card. More detailed information is available on their new Web page at http://www.TX3A.com/
24/11 - 1/12 BONAIRE, CURACAO; PJ4/homecall SA-006
from Bonaire by K4BAI and W4OC. Also look for them to be active as PJ4A during the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Multi-Op entry. QSL all callsigns via K4BAI. E-mail requests
for bureau cards will be accepted.
24/11 - 3/12 JUAN FERNANDEZ; XRØZN SA-005
postponed and is now expected to take place in March-April 2010. Updates at http://www.la6fja.eu/dx/XR0ZN/
24/11 - 6/12 BELIZE; V31PT NA-073
from Ambergris Cay by K8PT. No other details were provided. However, in past operations, activity usually is 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and some PSK-31. QSL via his home callsign.
25/11 - 27/11 MARTINIQUE; FM/JE1JKL/p
Activity will also include the CQWW DX CW Contest, signing as TO5T, and as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. QSL via JE1JKL.
25/11 - 10/12 PALAU; T88CI OC-009
from the Island of Koror by HA5AO. During this holiday style operation he will be working on the HF bands, throughout 80-10 meters, might be also on 160 m, mainly on CW, however SSB and RRTY activity is also possible. He will also attend to the CQ WW CW contest, in the single operator, all band, high power category. QSL via HA5AO direct, buraeu and LoTW. Logsearch will be available on his website http://ha5ao.novolab.hu/
26/11 - 1/12 ANTIGUA & BARBUDA; V26K
by AA3B. His activity includes the CQWW CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. This will be an all CW operation on the contest HF bands only. Please QSL via AA3B.
27/11 - 30/11 CYPRUS; 5B/G4IRN
Activity will include a CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th)
as a Single-Op/Single-Band (??) entry. QSL via LoTW or via G4IRN.
1/12 - 31/1 CANADA; VG7W
The Vancouver Olympics Amateur Radio Group (VOARG) will activate three special calls to celebrate the Olympic Winter Games and Paralympics which will take place in Vancouver/British Columbia in Feb/March 2010. This is the second special call. A website will go online soon, all logs will be uploaded to the LoTW. QSL cards can be sent via bureau or direct to: VOARG, 9362-206A St, Langley/BC, V1M 2W6, Canada.
2/12 - 5/12 NEW ZEALAND; ZL
from Auckland (logistics, possible activation of some IOTA group)
by IK1PMR, K2LEO/PA3LEO, PA0BWL, AA4NN, OE2SNL, DJ5IW and OZ1IKY are planning a DXpedition to three semi-rare entities (and possibly some other operations) in the Pacific between November 11th and December 13th. Callsigns have not been announced yet. Focus will be on the lower bands, but activity is planned for 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. The team will use three Elecraft K2/100 with DSP and amps. For more information and updates, watch: http://www.ik1pmr.com/plans/a3/index.php?s=intro/
3/12 - 8/12 CAMBODIA; XU7UFT
by F6AXX and F6HBR. Activity will be on the HF bands, but CW only. QSL via F6AXX, by the Bureau or direct (w/SAE and return postage). Look for direct QSLs to be answered after January
15th, 2010.
4/12 - 16/12 BRITISH VIRGIN IS.; VP2V/W3HQ
from Virgin Gorda. Activity will be CW only. Bands will be mainly 160 and 10 meters on weekends, and 30/17/12 meters during the week. QSL via W3HQ. Skeds are welcomed (2 way QRP skeds are preferred). His E-mail address is: w3hq at live.com
5/12 - 13/12 S. COOK IS.; E5
by IK1PMR, K2LEO/PA3LEO, PA0BWL, AA4NN, OE2SNL, DJ5IW and OZ1IKY are planning a DXpedition to three semi-rare entities (and possibly some other operations) in the Pacific between November 11th and December 13th. Callsigns have not been announced yet. Focus will be on the lower bands, but activity is planned for 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. The team will use three Elecraft K2/100 with DSP and amps. For more information and updates, watch: http://www.ik1pmr.com/plans/a3/index.php?s=intro/
10/12 - 31/12 THE GAMBIA; C5
SM1TDE is planning an operation. More details should be forthcoming.
13/12 - 17/12 SINGAPORE: 9v
by IK1PMR, K2LEO/PA3LEO, PA0BWL, AA4NN, OE2SNL, DJ5IW and OZ1IKY are planning a DXpedition to three semi-rare entities (and possibly some other operations) in the Pacific between November 11th and December 13th. Callsigns have not been announced yet. Focus will be on the lower bands, but activity is planned for 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. The team will use three Elecraft K2/100 with DSP and amps. For more information and updates, watch: http://www.ik1pmr.com/plans/a3/index.php?s=intro/
28/12 - 3/1 MADAGASCAR; 5R8HX AF-013
by G4OHX. Activity will be mainly CW. QSL via his home callsign direct only.
29/12 - 4/1 AUSTRALIA; VK6 OC-211
Robertson Island, Houtman Abrolhos. VK6YS is in the process of organizing an IOTA expedition. QSL via VK4AAR. For the time being the team includes VK6YS VK6NI, but they are looking for another two operators to share the costs. Please contact Wally (vk6ys at iinet.net.au) if interested. The Abrolhos were activated for the first and only time by VK9XZ/6 back in January 1996.
5/1 - 26/1 ARUBA; P4ØC or P4ØCG
by W2CG. Activity will be primarily CW/RTTY on 80-6 meters, usually between 1200-1400z and 2000-2400z, other times as schedule permits. QSL is via the LoTW (prefers), or via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct (U.S. stations, if not
LoTW then SASE via CBA).
10/1 - 24/1 SOUTH SHETLAND IS; XR9JA AN-010
from Arturo Prat-Greenwich Island-South Shetland archipelago, WW Loc. GC07FQ) by XQ5CIE, CE6UFF, F6DXE and CE5COX. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, PSK31 and the AO-51 Satellite. QSL via CE5JA. For more information, go to http://www.ce5ja.cl/
21/1 - 28/1 VANUATU; YJØXX, YJØDX and YJØMM OC-035
from Efate Island by a Croatian team of 9A4DU, 9A6DX and 9A8MM.
Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL Manager will be 9A8MM. More details and updates are available at: http://vanuatu.rkp.hr/
February COCOS I.; TI9
TI2HMG is trying to put together another operation to TI9 which will take place in February of 2010. Look for updates and details on: http://www.qsl.net/ti2hmg/cocos.htm
1/2 - 31/3 CANADA; VG7G
The Vancouver Olympics Amateur Radio Group (VOARG) will activate three special calls to celebrate the Olympic Winter Games and Paralympics which will take place in Vancouver/British Columbia in Feb/March 2010. This is the third special call. A website will go online soon, all logs will be uploaded to the LoTW. QSL cards can be sent via bureau or direct to: VOARG, 9362-206A St, Langley/BC, V1M 2W6, Canada.
10/2 - 21/10 KENYA; 5ZØH AF-040 and AF-067
from Lamu Island and Wasini Island by 5Z4ES, IK8TEO, IK8UHA and IK8VRH are planning to be in Kenya and activate two IOTA islands. QSL via LoTW, by the Bureau or direct to IK8VRH: P.O. Box 173, I-80016 Marano (NA), Italy. Visit the 5Z4H Web page at http://5z4h.sitonline.it/
17/2 - 23/2 BELIZE; V31RR
by AA4NC. Activity will be on the HF bands including 30/17/12m using CW, SSB and RTTY. His activity will also include the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 20-21st) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via his home callsign or LoTW.
18/2 - 22/2 NICARAGUA; YN2GY
by K9GY during the 2010 ARRL DX CW Contest (February 20-21st). Outside of the contest, look for CW activity on 30/17/12 meters. QSL via LoTW or to his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.
20/2 - 27/2 CHRISTMAS I; VK9X/G6AY OC-002
by G3SWH and G3RTE. They will operate CW only on 80-10 metres (no activity on 160 metres). Propagation permitting, they plan to have two stations on the air for as many hours every day as is possible. QSL via G3SWH, direct or bureau (requests for bureau cards can be submitted by using the relevant form on. Please visit http://www.g3swh.org.uk/christmas-island.html for further information.
5/3 - 12/3 SAINT MARTIN; FS/KT8X
This will be a holiday style operation with an emphasis on the 30/17/12 meter bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. However, he does plan to enter the ARRL DX SSB Contest as a Single-Op entry. QSL route will be the "Logbook of The World" (LoTW).
25/3 - 5/4 2010 OGASAWARA; JD1 AS-031
from the Island of Chichijima by JF3MYU, K8AQM, KG8CO, NF8J and possibly others. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW,
SSB and RTTY. More details are forthcoming as well as the QSL info and callsigns as they are issued.
10/4 - 18/4 VIET NAM; 3W6C AS-185
from Con Co Island by HB9BXE and a large group of operators from Switzerland, Germany and Vietnam will be running four stations 24 hours a day. Further information is expected in due course. For the time being, please visit http://www.3w6c.qrv.ch/
19/5 - 23/5 ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON; TO2FH
by a team of Brazilian operators. More details are forthcoming.
CW: 28040, 24920, 21040, 18098, 14040, 10115, 7030 and 3530.
SSB: 28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 14260, 7055 and 3755.
The frequencies are NOT exclusive to IOTA!
IOTA net Saturdays at 1300z on 14260 and Sundays at 1300z on 21260!
SM3CVM 2009-November-01
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