ARONSSON sm3cvm at swipnet.se
Mon May 10 13:51:19 PDT 2010

The calendar is available at http://www.sk3bg.se/

PRINCE EDWARD & MARION IS; ZS8M AF-021. ZS1HF expected to reach Marion Island on 15 April. He will be there on a 12-month work assignment, but it will take a few weeks before he can get on the amateur radio bands. He will be active during his spare time, and will operate SSB and digital modes on 160-10 metres, plus 6 and 2 metres. He has a website at http://www.zs8m.com/

MACQUARIE ISLAND; VKØ/ZL4DB. By ZL4DB during a three month stay on Macquarie Island. Exact dates have not yet been announced. Activity will be SSB only. QSL via ZL4PW. 
Please note that he is not an experienced DXer, but is there involved in pest eradication (to curb the rabbit and rat population) on the island. Also, Macquarie Island is ranked #15 in The DX Magazine's "2009 Most Needed Countries Survey" (world-wide) list.
- 11/5 KENYA; 5Z4/LA9PF
He plans to operate on all bands and modes running 100 watts into a 3-element beam or a loop. He also expects to operate as 7Q7PF from Malawi during that time frame. QSLling information at qrz.com under LA9PF.

from Chichijima Island by JG7PSJ. Activity will be on 40-10 meters (possibly 80m) using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via his home callsign. Visit his Web page for more details at http://sapphire.es.tohoku.ac.jp/jd1bmh/index.html

from Moreton Island. He will operate holiday style using a light weight QRP CW rig and concentrating around the QRP frequencies on 40, 30, 20 and 17 metres. QSL via home call.

- 15/5 SENEGAL; 6W/F1TZG 
from Somone. He will be operating from 6W7RV radio shack on 160-6 meters using SSB only. QSL via his home callsign.

- 15/5 PERU; OA4/DL5YWM
He plans to operate in his free time from Lima. Side trips to different call areas are possibile, as well a "last minute" operation from an island.

- 16/5 JAPAN; 8J4BARA AS-007
The special event station is working from the "Rose Festival" in Bara on Honshu Island.

from Beijing. He will focus on 40 and 17 metres. QSL via I0SNY (direct only).

- 18/5 MALDIVES; 8Q7IA AS-013
by UX4UL. He operates CW, SSB and BPSK on 40, 20 and 17 metres. QSL via UY5ZZ.

- 22/5 MAURITIUS; 3B8/PA7JWC AF-049
from Pereybere, Mauritius Island. Activity will be on the HF bands and 6 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. His equipment is an ICOM IC-7000 into end-fed antenna for 20m and dipoles for 40m and 15m, and a vertical for 6m. QSL via the LoTW or to his home callsign direct or by the Dutch QSL Bureau. For more info and updates, visit http://www.pa7jwc.nl/

from Punta Cana by ON4ARV. He plans to operate daily on 10, 15 and 20 metres.

- 23/5 MALDIVES; 8Q7SR AS-013
from Embudu Island by DL5JAG on holiday. QSL via his home callsign, direct w/SAE and proper postage for return. Log will be uploaded to LoTW 1-2 months after his holiday, and for eQSL.cc about 1 month. Also, he does mention to visit the following Web page http://www.protectthemaldives.de/

from Amelia Island. He will operate CW and SSB around the IOTA frequencies on 20-10 metres. QSL via home call.

from Thule by NØRC. Activity will be limited as work permits, but he plans to be on every other day and try to get on the air for contest weekends, but he cannot guarantee this. Look for the log to be uploaded to LoTW and EQSL. QSL direct to NØRC or by the Bureau.

expects to be QRV from Mindanao Island. He operates CW only. QSL direct to Hans Bohnet, Purok 5, Lower Bon-Bon, Libertad, Butuan City 8600, Philippines or via the DARC bureau to DL5SDF (bureau card requests will have to wait until June 2010, when he will go back to Germany).

will be active every odd day on 20 metres BPSK31 (14070 kHz), and on 40 metres BPSK31 and JT65A (7038-7040 kHz) starting at 3 UTC. QSL direct to HA3JB.

- 10/6 CHAD; TT8
by F4EGS. Currently his callsign is not yet known, but it will possibly be his old callsign TT8PK (operations in 2006-2008).
Activity will be limited to his spare time on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and some RTTY. His equipment will be a FT-850 and a old R7 vertical (which he would like to replace). QSL via F4EGS, by the Bureau or direct (QRZ.com address). 

- 13/6 JAPAN; 8J2SEA AS-007
active during the "30th All Japan Making Rich Sea Conference" in Gifu. The QSLs for all stations above can be sent via the JARL bureau.

- 30/6 JAPAN; 8J1P, 8J4P and 8J6P
will be active on various bands and modes to celebrate the International QRP Day (17 June). QSL via operators' instructions.

- 30/6 PERU; OA6/OE3NHW
from the Andes and as OA4/OE3NHW from Lima. QSL via home call, bureau preferred.

The next FIFA Soccer World Cup will take place in South Africa in 2010. Operations through May 31st will be only on the air over weekends. However, operations between June 1st and July 12th, will be on the air 7 days a week. Frequency band selections and times will be dependent on propagation conditions. Preferred fre- quencies are:  
CW  - 3510, 7010, 14010, 21010 and 28010
                 SSB - 3780, 7080, 14180, 21280 and 28480 kHz
Electronic QSL cards must be sent to: wcs at sarl.org.za
All stations logged will get a special QSL card via the Buereau. Direct QSL can be sent to: PO Box 1721, Strubensvallei, 1735, South Africa. Please included a self-addressed envelope (DL size) and 1 IRC or 1 USD.

- 9/8 CHAGOS IS; VQ90JC or VQ9JC AF-006
from Diego Garcia by ND9M. He expects to get the callsign VQ90JC for him to use in late May and early June, CQ WW WPX CW Contest included.

will be operated to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Wireless Institute of Australia. All of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. Direct cards with return postage may be sent to Wireless Institute of Australia, P.O. Box 2042, Bayswater VIC 3153, Australia. Details on the centenary programme and the relevant operating award can be found on the WIA website http://www.wia.org.au/

- 31/10     CANADA; VA7PX NA-075
                from Mayne Island. QSL via VE7AXU via bureau or direct.

by UN7FW. The special callsign is for the 25th anniversary of Vostochny opencast coal mine in Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan. QSL via IK2QPR.

- 2010 TAIWAN; 3H1ØØTW, 3T1ØØTW and 3TØTW AS-020
Taiwan is celebrating 100 years Republic of China. The special event stations are working from the capital Taipei of Taiwan. QSLs for all three stations should be sent via the BV bureau.

He plans to be active on 40-10 meters mainly on CW. Activity over the past week has been on 20/17/12 meters CW. QSL via DO8LA.

- 2010 MARSHALL IS.; V73NS OC-028
from the Kwajalein atoll by WD8CRT, who will have to work here for two years starting on Jan 5, 2009. He will work mostly in CW on 160-6m. QSL via bureau or direct to Neil Schwanitz, PO Box 8341, APO, AP 96557, USA. His website is http://www.qsl.net/v73ns/

by RW1AI. He will be active from the clubstation R1ANP. QSLs for this operation via RW1AI.

- 2010 VENEZUELA; 4M200/YV200/YW200
Look for several different stations to be active to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Venezuela's Independence. Some of the stations that have been active are:
   4M200AJ - Operator Manuel; Activity mainly on PSK on 40/30/20/15/10m. QSL via YV5AJ. 
   YV200D - Operator Paolo; Activity mainly on RTTY on 30m. QSL via YV1DIG.
   YW200A - Operator Alfredo; Activity on PSK and SSB on 20/15m. QSL via YV5SSF.
   YW200ER - Operator Elvis; Activity on SSB on 40/20/15m. QSL via YV8ER.
   YW200L - Operator Frank; Activity on RTTY and PSK, on 30/15m. QSL via YV5LI.
   YW200T - Operator Juan; Activity on SSB, RTTY and PSK, on 40/30/20/15m. QSL via YV5JBI.
A "Bicentenary of Venezuelan Independence Award" is available by working all the 6 special callsign: 4M200AJ, YV200D, YW200A, YW200ER, YW200L and YW200T. More information is expected to be available at http://www.radioclubvenezolano.org/concurso.htm

- 2010 MEXICO; 4A1B 
Two hundred years of Mexican independence and the 100th anniversary of the Mexican revolution are celebrated by the Radio Club Queretaro (XE1RCQ). The special callsign 4A1B will be activated throughout the whole year 2010. The QSL manager is LZ3HI. The logs will be uploaded to the LoTW as well. 

- 2010 MEXICO; 4B
Celebrating the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution and the Bicentennial of Mexico's Independence, amateur radio operators from Mexico have been authorized to use special prefix 4B through the end of the year.

- 2010 BARBADOS; 8P55AW NA-021
The members of the "Amateur Radio Society of Barbados" (ARSB) are celebrating the 55th anniversary of their radio club this year. For this reason a special event station will be active throughout the year. QSL via bureau ok.

- 31/3 2011 ANTARCTICA; VU3BPZ and AT1ØBP
from the Maitri Base (WAP IND-03) by VU3BPZ. Updates and more details are expected on the WAP Web site at http://www.waponline.it/

- ca 22/4 2011 ANGOLA; D2QR
by UT1EO from Lunda Norte Province in northeast Angola. Activity
will be on 40-10 meters on all modes. QSL via RW6HS.

by F5PHW. Since he is there for work, his on air activities will be limited, but he will try to operate as much as possible. If he lives in a house, Phil intends to be active on all HF bands from 80-10 meters mainly on CW and RTTY (possibly some PSK31) with very little SSB using only 100 watts. His antennas from the house QTH will be: 80-40m - Inverted V + HF6VX (GP), 30m - HF6VX, 20-10m - HF6VX + Spiderbeam (not sure). However, if he lives in an apartment the antenna may only be the HF6VX. QSL via F8BPN, by the Bureau or direct.

- August 2011 BAHRAIN; A92IO
by EI3IO. Operations will initially focus on the bands 3.5 MHz to 30 MHz. He also intends to be QRV on 1.8 MHz for the 2010/2011 winter season. QSL direct to A92IO (Dave Court, P.O. Box 31183, Budaiya, Bahrain) or via the bureau to EI3IO. Direct cards may also to be sent to EI3IO, however these will only be auctioned once or twice per year. Further information can be found at http://a92.ath.cx/

- 30/4 2012 KENYA; 5Z4RH 
by IK8VRH is working in Kenya. Requested callsign is 5Z4RH.

13/5 - 16/5 NEW CALEDONIA; FK/W3HQ OC-033
from Lifou, Loyalty Islands by W3HQ and VK2DON. Their activity will be on 40/30/20 meters using CW only. QSL via W3HQ.

by DJ8NK and F6EXV guest operating. They will concentrate on RTTY (DJ8NK) and CW (F6EXV) with two stations. Look for them on 40-6 metres, with some possible activity on 80 and 160 metres. They are unlikely to have Internet access from the station and there will be no on-line logsearch. QSL direct to Christian Saint-Arroman, Chemin de Mousteguy, 64990 Urcuit, France.

15/5 - 19/5 TURKEY; TCØ7DX AS-115
from Island of Suluada in the Mediterranean Sea by a team of Czech operators. Operators mentioned are TA2ZAF (OK1MU), OK1CW, OK1DF, OK1FIA, OK1TN, OK2ZW and OK2ZAW. They will have two stations on the air using CW and SSB, with some planned hours of operation on RTTY. Radio equipment to be used are: two IC-746PRO and two TS-480SAT with two 800W amps. Antennas are: 5 band Spiderbeam, multiband vertical AV-640, loops for 30/40m, 2 elements on 50 MHz HB9CV and trapped dipole for 20/15/10 meters. QSL via OK2GZ, by the Bureau or direct or via E-mail request. In case of an InterNet connection on the island, they plan to have online logs updated regularly. Visit the TC07DX Web site at http://www.okdxf.eu/expedice/tc07dx/

15/5 - 25/5 MAURITIUS; 3B8EME 
by PE1L, PA3CEE and PE9DX trying to make moonbounce QSOs. They state on their Web page that 3B8 is the 3rd top most wanted DXCC
entity on 144 MHz. QSL via PA3CEE. For more details, visit the Web page at http://www.emelogger.com/mauritius/default.asp

15/5 - 9/6 VIETNAM; XV2W
by W6NWS. Activity will include the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 29-30th). QSL via his home callsigns or LoTW.

17/5 - 22/5 ALGERIA; 7U3GDW 
Special event station 7U3GDW ("Great Desert of the World") will be active from Djelfa, Algeria for the International Amateur Radio Meeting. QSL via 7X2DD. Further information on the event, hosted by the Radio Club of Djelfa (7X2VFK), can be found at qrz.com under 7U3GDW.

18/5 - 19/5 SAMOA; 5WØOX OC-097
by UX0HX, RK3FA, UR3HR, US7UX, UT1HF and UT5UY. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10 metres. QSL via UR3HR, direct or bureau. More information, including details on how contribute  to the expedition, at htpp://www.uz1hz.com/pacificodyssey.html

19/5 - 23/5 ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON; TO2FH
by a team of Brazilian operators. More details are forthcoming.

20/5 - 23/5 TURKS & CAICOS; VP5/PY2WAS NA-002
from Providenciales. He might be joined by PY1YB. Expect activity in 80-10 metres CW and SSB. QSL via PY2WAS, direct or bureau.

21/5 - 23/5 AUSTRALIA; VK4YN
from Undara Volcanic National Park (WFF VKFF-506, GL: QH21HS) by VK4FD and VK4DMC between 0000-2359z, May 21-23rd. Suggested frequencies are per the WFF website +/- QRM. Antennas are: a 4 element tri-band Yagi 10/15/20m, double extended zepp 40m, and G5RV for 80m and the WARC bands. QSL Manager is VK4FW, fastest way is via OQRS at http://www.odxg.org/

22/5 - 24/5 ARGENTINA; LU8XW SA-008
from the City of Tolhuin on Tierra Del Fuego Island starting at 0100z, on May 22nd through 0300z, on May 24th. Activity is to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their radio club. Operations will be on CW, SSB, PSK, RTTY and the satellites. QSL via LoTW or direct to WD9EWK. All contacts on this expedition are valid for the Radio Club Ushuaia Permanent Diploma. For more details, check out their Web page at http://www.lu8xw.com/index.php

22/5 - 1/6 C. KIRIBATI; T31X and T31UR OC-043 
by UX0HX, RK3FA, UR3HR, US7UX, UT1HF and UT5UY. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10 metres. QSL via UR3HR, direct or bureau. More information, including details on how contribute  to the expedition, at htpp://www.uz1hz.com/pacificodyssey.html
24/5 - 31/5 LORD HOWE I; VK9LL
by VK2CCC (LY1F). Activity will be limited to his spare time on 160/80 meters, and he plans to participate in CQ WPX CW Contest (May 29-30th). QSL cards will be available via an "Online QSL Request System" at the following Web page. QSL by other methods such as LoTW and by the Bureau or direct are via VK2CCC. For updates and possibly more details, visit                      http://www.qrz.lt/ly1df/vk9clh.htm

25/5 - 2/6 MONGOLIA; JT9YAB and JT9YW
by UA9YAB (JT9YAB) and RW9YW (JT9YW). They will be operating from a car using a "minimum complete set of equipment", with am emphasis on 6 metres. The main reason for this trip is to find a suitable location for a second operation that will focus on 160 and 80 metres in October-November. QSl via home calls.

27/5 - 31/5 NICARAGUA; YN2GY
by K9GY from YN2N, QTH in Grenada, during the 2010 CQ WPX CW Contest (May 29-30th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. Outside of the contest, look for CW activity on 30/17/12 meters. Also look for him on 6 meters. QSL via LoTW or to his home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

28/5 - 6/6 PALESTINE; E4X
by EA5RM and the Tifariti Gang (EA2RY, EA5FX, EA7AJR, EA7KW, F5CWU, F6ENO, F9IE, IN3ZNR and UT7CR). They plan to operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres, with at least three stations active at the same time on different bands and modes. QSL via EA5RM. The website for the expedition is at http://www.dxfriends.com/e4x/

29/5 - 30/5 CQWW WPX CW Contest

2/6 - 6/6 TOKELAU IS; ZK3X OC-048
by UX0HX, RK3FA, UR3HR, US7UX, UT1HF and UT5UY. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on 160-10 metres. QSL via UR3HR, direct or bureau. More information, including details on how contribute to the expedition, at htpp://www.uz1hz.com/pacificodyssey.html

by JE1WVQ from Georgetown. QSL via his home callsign.

3/6 - 9/6 WESTERN KIRIBATI; T30XG or T30/T32XG 
by JA1XGI/W8XGI. Activity will be on 40-6 meters, including 30/17/12m, using CW and the Digital modes. QSL via JA1XGI, direct or by the Bureau.

5/6 - 25/6 MALDIVES; 8Q7TB 
from Embudu by PF4T. Activity will be on 40 and 20 meters using SSB, RTTY and BPSK31. He will also try 17/15/10 meters and says "Working conditions will be very simple consisting of 100 watts PEP from an Yaesu FT897d transceiver. The antenna will be a Windom FD4 80-40-20-17-15-10 meters and an Inverted V G5RV 40-20 meters. The Inverted V will be 20m suspended from the top of the coconut palms approximately 10 meters from the sea." QSL via PF4T direct for a quick reply or by the Bureau via PA0LEY or PF4T. Visit his Web page at http://8q7tb.pf4t.nl/

6/6 - 28/6 SINGAPORE; 9V1/AD6ZJ
Activity will be limited because this is a business trip. Look
for him mainly on the weekends and nights on any open bands, but he will focus on 30/17/12 meter bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via LoTW or to his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.

8/6 - 17/6 ST. MARTIN; FS/K9EL NA-105
from French St. Martin by K9EL. Activity will be holiday style (on a family vacation). He will be using an IC7000 and verticals for 80-10 meters, possibly a yagi for 6 meters and be on mainly CW and SSB. RTTY is possible as well. Skeds welcome. Please QSL to his home callsign, Bureau cards are "OK".

9/6 - 18/6 BRAZIL; PW8J and PW8L SA-041 SA-016
from Ilha dos Lencois and the island of Sao Luis by PY7ZY, PY2XB, PY7XC and PY0FF. They plan to have three stations with two amplifiers, verticals and wire antennas. On 16-18 June they will          operate as PW8L from the island of Sao Luis. QSL to P.O. Box 152, Joao Pessoa - PB, 58010-970, Brazil. The website for the    expedition is at http://www.pw8j.com/

9/6 - 19/6 MONTSERRAT; VP2MRT NA-103
from Gingerbread Hill, St. Peters Parish, by KB4CRT. Activity will be on 40-2 meters using CW, SSB, possibly PSK, and the June VHF Contest. He states that he will be running 100w, QRP 5w, HFpack 5w or 10w. QSL via KB4CRT, direct (w/SASE or DX 2GS).

10/6 - 17/6 TURKS & CAICOS IS; VP5/WB2REM and VP5/KD2JA NA-002
from Providenciales Island (Grid FL31VS) by WB2REM and KD2JA will be operating with the special callsign VQ5M during the ARRL June VHF Contest (June 11-13th). Operation for the contest will be on 6 meters CW and SSB only. Outside contest, look for them to operate on 160-6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via KD2JA.

10/6 - 21/6 SAN ANDRES & PROVIDE; 5J0 NA-033
from San Andres Island by K7BV. This will be his third time in activating HK0-land on 6 meters. He plans to use his new M2 6M8GJ 8 element 42' boom yagi and KW amplifier. Visit his Web page at http://www.qth.com/k7bv/caribe2010/

18/6 - 20/6 TAIWAN; BW2/JK2VOC
QSL direct to his home callsign.

July RUSSIA; WRTC 2010
WRTC Championship Competition is being held in Moscow, Russia, this coming July 2010. This time, teams will be set up in tents with generators supplying the power. Special new rules will allow both operators to make contacts in a modified form of SO2R with interlocked radios - meaning only one signal at a time is permitted on the air.

1/7 - 13/7 CAPE VERDE; D44TOI AF-086
from Sal Island by HB9BOI. Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

2/7 - 4/7 BRAZIL; PW2K and PS2G SA-071
from the Island of Moela Island by two different team.
   PW2K - A team of 9 operators will have 2 stations on the air. Operators mentioned are PY2AC, PY2DEL, PY2XM, PY2IAY, PY2OE, PY2XV, PY2AN, PY2DY and PY2WAS.
   PS2G - Another team, of only three operators, will participate in the 2010 WLOTA Contest (July 3-4th). Operators mentioned are PY2EL, PY2VM and PY2WC. 
QSL both callsign to PY2WAS. 

4/7 - 1/8 PUERTO RICO; K4C
The Puerto Rico Amateur Radio League will operate special event station K4C to celebrate the XXI Central American and Caribbean Games that will take place in Mayaguez. QSL via KP4ES.

5/7 -14/7 ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON; FP/homecall NA-032
from Miquelon Island by K9OT and KB9LIE. Activity will include the IARU HF Championship Contest (July 10-11th) as two Single-Operator entries. They will operate CW and SSB on 80-10 meters with a possibility of 160m and 6m, if conditions are good. They hope to have internet access from the Motel de Miquelon. Visit their Web site at http://www.hamradio.pnpfarms.com/
QSL via their home callsigns, direct (w/return postage), by the Bureau or LoTW.

7/7 - 22/7 MONGOLIA; JT1/IW5ELA
from Ulaanbaatar by IW5ELA and I5NOC. They plan to operate for one week from the radio club station in Ulaanbaatar. The following week, they will be operating mobile. QSL via his home callsign.

11/7 - 7/8 PHILIPPINES; DU9/PA3GZU OC-130
from Mindanao Island (WLOTA LH-2803). Activity will be holiday style with operations mainly on 20 meters and possibly 40/15/10 meters depending on the conditions using CW, SSB and BPSK31. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau is preferred. There will be a delay but received QSL cards will get answered. DO NOT use surface mail without return postage coverage.

12/7 - 19/7 BELIZE; V31YY, V31SJ and V31UQ
from Placencia (Grid EK56) in south Belize by K5YY (V31YY), W5SJ (V31SJ) and W5UQ (V31UQ). Activity will be on the HF bands, but also focused on the CQ VHF Contest. They plan to look for EU and AS during the week of operation, but also for USA stations that might need a new band country. They will also be listening on 60m after their sunset, top of hour. QSL V31YY via K5YY at the QRZ.com address. QSL V31UQ and V31SJ via W5JAY.

14/7 - 24/7 WALLIS & FUTUNA IS; FW/homecall OC-054
from Wallis Island by JA2NQG, JH2BNL and JI2UAY. Requested callsigns are FW5M, TO2BNL and FW5FM respectively. They will try to go and operate from Futuna (OC-118) during their stay in FW. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using all modes. QSL via their home callsigns.

17/7 - 31/7 SEYCHELLES; S79BWW AF-024
from Mahe by CT1BWW. He plans to operate CW, SSB and possibly RTTY on 80-10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. Further information can be found at http://www.ct1bww.com/s79bww/

21/7 - 26/7 CANADA; VE3ZZ/VY2 NA-029
from Prince Edward Island (CISA PE-001, WLOTA 0523, WW Loc: FN76vs). He will operate from the VY2TT superstation during the RSGB IOTA Contest as VY2X, and outside of the contest. QSL both callsigns to VE3ZZ, direct or by the Bureau.

23/7 - 24/7  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; N8B or maybe N8B/P  
from North Bass Island between 1200z Saturday, July 23rd and 1600z Sunday, July 24th. Suggested frequencies (on or near) are:
CW  - 3530, 7025, 14040, 18098 and 21040 kHz. 
SSB - 7250, 14250-260 and 28450.
Listen for QSL information by the operator.

from Core Banks, North Carolina by N3ND, N4YDU, W4KAZ and W0UCE. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW and SSB. They will also participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry. QSL via N4YDU.

23/7 - 25/7 CANADA; XL2I NA-128
from Isle-aux-Coudres (CISA QC-009, Grid FN47, ARLHS CAN 234), Quebec, to commemorate the 475th anniversary of the arrival of the explorer Jacques Cartier. Activity will be on all bands 80-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY/PSK31. During the IOTA Contest, a station will be dedicated to the contest exclusively on CW and SSB. QSL via VE2CQ, direct or by the Bureau.

24/7 - 25/7 RSGB IOTA Contest

11/8 - 15/8 SOUTH AFRICA; ZS6/hc
by W2LPL and W2DBL. Activity will be on the HF bands, mainly SSB. QSL via their home callsign.

16/8 - 19/8 BOTSWANA; A25/hc
by W2LPL and W2DBL. Activity will be on the HF bands, mainly SSB. QSL via their home callsign.

18/8 - 1/9 ALASKA; KL7RRC and N6PYN/KL7 NA-235 and NA-239 
Chirikof Island (NA-235) and Seal Islands (NA-239) by RV3ACA, N6PYN, N3QQ and UA9OBA. QSL via UA9OBA (Russia and Europe) and N7RO (rest of the world). Bookmark http://www.na-234.com/ for updates.

16/9 - 20/9 GREENLAND; OX6YL
from Kangerlussuaq by six international YLs. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW and SSB. Operators mentioned at this time: Inger/OZ7AGR, Unni/LA6RHA, Ingrid/LA8FOA, Ruth/IT9ESZ, Evelyne/F5RPB and Waltraud/DJ6US. A Web site is currently under
construction at http://www.qsl.net/la6rha/greenland/

GI4FUM is planning a DXpedition to Mozambique in October 2010, to operate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest and also possibly the JOTA. Watch his Web page for updates at http://www.3da0ss.net/

I2YSB, and a team of Italian operators will activate Gabon during the first half of October. The team also intends to activate
an IOTA in the Estuaire Province Group (AF-043) during this DXpedition. An opened survey on I2YSB's Web page is now available to list your wants for bands and modes at http://www.i2ysb.com/joomla5/ More details should be forthcoming.

7/10 - 22/10 TEMOTU; H40KJ and H40BQ OC-065
from Pigeon Island by SP5DRH (H40KJ) and SP3BQ (H40BQ). They will focus on 160 and 80 metres CW, with operations on the higher bands (including some digital modes activity on 20 and 30 metres) depending on propagation. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. Further information can be found at http://www.sp5drh.com/h40/

22/10 - 1/11 SABLE ISLAND; CYØ
There will be a minimal effort during their operation to supply a mulitiplier for the CQWW DX SSB Contest. ALL QSL requests via NØTG. An ONLINE QSL Request service will be established as an optional method. Look for updates on the Web site as details develop at http://www.cy0dxpedition.com/

25/10 - 1/11 SENEGAL; 6V7T
by F5RAV. Activity will be on SSB and PSK31, and on 160-10 meters (including 17 and 12m with a dipole only). He is planning to be in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 30-31st). QSL via only direct to his home callsign. See details on QRZ.com. Also, visit his BLOG page at http://f5rav.free.fr/

25/10 - 2/11 ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON; FP/homecall NA-032
from Miquelon by KV1J. Activity will be on 160-6 meters and 70cm (Satellite AO-51), using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31, generally on the highest frequency band that is open (no permission for 60m). He will also be in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 30-31st) as a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. Log will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL about one week after his return. More information at                      http://www.kv1j.com/fp/october10.html

will once again be active from Somone, which is located 70 km southeast of Dakar. He will concentrate on the lower bands and CW and take part in the CQ WW DX CW Contest (November 27-28th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL via RX3RC, by the Bureau or direct. Look for updates at http://www.ei6dx.com/

1/11 - 15/11 VANUATU; YJØHA OC-035
from Efate Island by HA5UK and HA5AO. Activity is planned for 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK and SSTV modes. More
details, like station setup, antennas, etc. will be forthcoming in due time. A Web site is now active at http://ha5ao.novolab.hu/
A survey is available for band and mode needs. Also an online log will be available on this site. QSL via HA5UK, direct, by the Bureau and LoTW.

17/11 - 1/12 PALMYRA ISLAND & JARVIS; KH5 OC-081
from Jarvis Island (dates depending on weather and sea conditions). A large group of operators will staff 12 stations on CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres. Applications for the required government permits have been submitted to the US Fish & Wildlife Service. No individual contributions are being solicited until the permits have been received.

19/11 - 5/12 KERMADEC IS; ZL8X OC-039
from Raoul Island by the core team of the very successful DXpeditions to Norfolk Island in 2007 (VK9DNX) and Willis Island in 2008 (VK9DWX), plus a few high experienced operators, will be active in November. According to the preliminary schedule, thirteen  operators, DJ5IW, DJ7EO, DJ9RR, DK1II, DL1MGB, DL3DXX, DL5CW, DL5LYM, DL5XL, DL6FBL, DL8OH, DL8LAS and SP5XVY expect to be QRV with seven high power stations on 160-10 metres CW, SSB and RTTY. Further information, including log search and an Online QSL Request System (OQRS) for either bureau and direct cards, can be found at http://www.kermadec.de

from Pagasa Island. The following operators will be active for three weeks: 4F1OZ, 4F8BOF, DU1EV, DV1DIN, DV9XO, EA1DR, EA2TA, EA3NT, F4BKV, JA8BMK, K5YY, N6HC, N6OX, SM0MDG, VK2FXGR, VK2GR, VK3FGRC, VK3FNIK, VK3FT, VK3FY, VK3FZ, VK3PC, VK6YS, VK8NSB and W6KK. More details should be forthcoming.

27/1 - 8/2 SOUTH ORKNEY IS; VP8_so AN-008
from the South Orkney Islands by K9ZO, ND2T, 9V1YC, K0IR, N1DG, N0AX, W3WL, N6MZ, I8NHJ, N4GRN, WB9Z, W7EW and VE3EJ on all HF bands 160m-10m using SSB, CW and RTTY. QSL Manager is Garry, VE3XN. The website for the DXpedition is at http://www.vp8o.com/   

CW: 28040, 24920, 21040, 18098, 14040, 10115, 7030 and 3530.
SSB: 28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 14260, 7055 and 3755.
The frequencies are NOT exclusive to IOTA!
IOTA net Saturdays at 1300z on 14260 and Sundays at 1300z on 21260!

SM3CVM 2010-May-10

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