[TOEC] [CCF] Skimmer/Cluster in SAC?

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Tue Sep 21 10:19:22 PDT 2010

Hi Ilkka,

The SAC Contest Committee is needless to say the HF Contest Managers
of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. This is a common knowledge that most
of us have no problem to realize.

Of course it would be good if the Contest Committee acts early by adjusting
the rules to the reality, and find ways for how to co-operate in a timely
and efficient manner.

However, my question has nothing of a "semi-official" touch or ambition. It
was an expression of a feeling that few of the Scandinavian participants in
SAC has the slightest clue about - namely how skimmer or RBN affects the
reality for Non-Scandinavian participants in SAC nowadays.

If we shall only let the SAC CC act or to express concerns, opinions and
suggestions, then I am sure we will have to wait for a day or two until
something will happen. If someone has a problem with open dialogue around
our common contest, then please address that to the four members of the "SAC
Contest Committee", with a suggestion for them to take the lead in the
process of keeping SAC up to date. Their silence is a reason for many "semi
offical" expressions and actions...

The rules of today have been in need for at least some small adjustment, due
to appearance of new technology since the time of the paper-logs.... but not
even that has been accomplished in the 5 or more years this has been a
valid issue...

So Illka, if you personally can not handle open discussion through TOEC or
CCF, where actually important subjects are questioned or commented, I would
suggest that you contact your HF Contest Manager in Finland and ask him to
act on behalf of you and others that might have the same opinion as you.

I have no ambitions to change any rules of SAC in a "semi official way", but
to share some of the impressions I have from SAC 2010 CW contest...  If you
are of the opinion that SAC CC is handling things in the way they should be
handled - you are of course entitled to this opinion.

My opinion is that the efficiency of the "SAC Contest Committe"
definitely has a potential to be improved. One first step is to actually
start acting as Managers - to cooperate, to develop and to sort out common
challenges related to SAC issues. If silence and non-activity are keywords,
then such discussions are created.

Please Ilkka, I am also keen to know what kind of "elegant treatment of SAC"
you have seen during the last years. Absence of action - is that called
"elegant treatment" in your opinion?

SM6LRR, Mats

2010/9/21 Ilkka Korpela <Ilkka.Korpela at helsinki.fi>

> Hi Folks
> I did more thinking: Why doesn't sactest.net provide
> a platform, where everyone can send the telemetry from
> their station?
> - frequency of the TX
> - frequency of the RX with the operator on-line
> - frequency range of the SDRs in use
> - frequencies of the RX-stations around the world that one listens to
>  (using some decoder)
> Then we'd just let the computerized stations to work the contest.
> Seriously, we are not far from this scenario.
> Less seriously, who'd care?
> I guess I would.
> I don't like these "discussions", and especially when they are
> "semi-officially"
> started by SM6LRR, who is not an official member of the SAC contest
> Committee,
> that consists of representatives of SRAL, SSA, EDR, and NRRL (and the small
> ones). I'm again asking, who are the members (I asked this a while back)?
> I'm more in favor of an approach, in which the Committee asks the
> participants,
> e.g. when the results are sent to the participants by e-email, to register
> and give opinions at a website. That's fair.
> SAC deserves more elegant treatment.
> ilkka

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