[TOEC] FINAL CALL --> Meet ZL8X on the CCF/OHDXF cruise 21-23 January 2011

LPPS Ltd lionel at lppsltd.co.uk
Thu Jan 13 12:41:46 PST 2011

Will qsl's for 5R8X, ZL8X and other expeditions be issued during the
Convention please?
Pasi - I'm not sure if you have any other DXCC Card Field checkers on
the trip but I will gladly check cards if they are presented to me -
payment MUST be by credit card.
No 160m sadly as there will be no ARRL man present.
Can you mention this to those attending please?
I will e-mail any forms that are required - please let me know if you're
bringing any cards for checking.
DXCCV Field Checker

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