[TOEC] [CCF] Letter to SAC Contest Committee about SAC 2010 results

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 04:32:13 PDT 2011

Hello Ilkka,

TNX 4 feedback!

I hope that your interpretation of this period as "protest" period is
correct, but the text  "Maintenance, the result list is not safe!!" appeared
just a few days ago, following a period of 10 days when one could interpret
the results as Final. On OZ Contest Reflector, nothing indicates that the
results are preliminary and subject to change.

The "protest" was delivered already on October 16th, and a reminder
sometimes in December to SAC CC. The protest was based on the Claimed Scored
that each participants delivered when submitting their logs. No reply.

I hope that you this year will manage with the goal to win the SOMB HP SSB
Class :)

73 de LRR

2011/3/24 Ilkka Korpela <Ilkka.Korpela at helsinki.fi>

> Quoting "Mats Strandberg" <sm6lrr at gmail.com>:
> Mats,
>  I think one can publish claimed scores, and results that
> are subject to chance before becoming final results (after a
> period of protests e.g.). Then finally, one sends the trophies
> out etc.
>  My interpretation is that we are living this protest period.
> Results are not yet final.
>  What comes to CC. We are trying to get some feedback from the CC members
> in PileUP! 15(3) or at least 15(4), for SAC 2011 marketing purposes.
> ilkka
> p.s.  I hope that during this period more QSOs are found in my SSB
> log and I would win SAC SOAB HP ssb at least once in my life.

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