[TOEC] Heating up the SAC Polar Battle - Announce your plans

SM5AJV sm5ajv at qrq.se
Sun Sep 11 09:56:00 PDT 2011

I reminder to all SAC enthusiasts!

Plese consider to announce your planned operations in SAC
in order to inspire others to also participate. We want
this SAC to be a very active one, with tons of Scandinavian
stations on the bands. That in turn, will generate a lot
of participants from outside Scandinavia! Fun for everyone!

Announce your plans on http://tinyurl.com/6yohw6l
or the very looong one
http://qrq.se/sac/english/announce-your-sac-operations/sac-2011-announced-operations-2/or the loooong one

73 & CU in SAC!
Ingo SM5AJV / SE5E

> Even though http://sactest.net is the official SAC site, I have
> continued one more year with the SAC Announcement page on
> http://qrq.se/sac/
> http://qrq.se/sac/english/announce-your-sac-operations/sac-2011-announced-operations-2/
> Please feel free to announce your up-coming plans in SAC 2011 and
> inspire others to participate in the upcoming SAC Polar Battle.
> The page is for all participant, both within and outside Scandinavia.
> Take care when selecting 'class' several new classes/categories has
> been added in the new rules and they are different depending on your
> location. Read the new rules at http://sactest.net
> Start Heating up the Polar Battle!
> 73
> Ingo SM5AJV / SE5E

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