Lars Aronsson sm3cvm at bredband.net
Mon Feb 6 13:58:26 PST 2012

The calendar is also available at http://sk3jr.se/index.php/medlemsinfo/dx-kalender

ANTARCTICA ---> OH2FFP will operate from a few bases in Antarctica between mid-
January and mid-February. Callsigns to be used are OH2FFP/p from  
Nordenskiold multinational camp, OJ1ABOA from the Finnish station 
Aboa and SM/OH2FFP from the Swedish station Wasa.

- 6/2 NAURU; C21HA 
by HA5AO and HA5UK with two stations on all HF bands. QSLs via 
HA5UK, bureau, OQRS or LoTW. More details can be found at 

- 6/2 BRAZIL; PS5F SA-088 
from Santana de Fora Island by PP5BK, PP5BZ, PP5VK, PP5ZB, PU5ATX 
and PY3OZ. Activity will be on 40-6 meters using mainly CW and 

- 9/2 BRAZIL; PY/hc and hc/p SA-024 and SA-071 
from Comprida Island (SA-024) and Peruhibe Island (SA-071) by a 
Brazilian and Italian team. QSL via I8LWL.

- 10/2 FRENCH POLYNESIA; TX6T and TX6T/p OC-046 and OC-063 
from Tahiti Island (OC-046 and Mangreva Island (OC-063) by F6BEE, 
G3TXF, VE2TZT, FM5CD and F4BKV from the following islands (dates 
are tentative): 
  Tahiti Island (OC-046) - As TX6T; January 14-16th and February 
  Mangreva Island (OC-063) - As TX6T/p; February 6-7th.  
However, this short operation from Mangareva will depend on the 
early arrival of the return boat from Pitcairn. Activity will be 
on all HF bands. QSL via G3TXF.

YS1GMV, YS1MAE and YS1ZC. Activity will be on 160-10 meters with 
the main focus on the lower bands. QSL via DH7WW. For more 
information, a Web page is now available at http://www.hu2dx.de/

- 12/2 JAMAICA; OE3GEA/6Y5 NA-097 
Activity will be holiday style, mainly CW, operating only 50 watts 
into an Outbacker antenna or dipole. QSL via his home callsign.

- 13/2 WEST MALAYSIA; 9M2MRS AS-015 
from Penang Island by PA0RRS. He will operate exclusively CW, PSK 
and RTTY. QSL via home call, direct or bureau, as well as LoTW and 

- 17/2 NIUE; ZK2C OC-040 
DM2AYO. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres with 
three stations. QSL via DL7JAN, direct or bureau. Further 
information, including suggested frequencies, log search and the 
OQRS for both direct and bureau cards, can be found at 

- 17/2 TOGO; 5V7V  
by I1FQH. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using a 20-10 meters 
Spiderbeam, and on 160-80m and 40-30m using a homebrew vertical. 
His rig will be a K3 w/KL500 solid state amplifier and a Yaesu FT-
817 for 6 meters. QSL via the LoTW (preferred) or via his home 
callsign, direct (w/SASE) or by the Bureau. Visit the 5V7V Web 
page (with an online log check) at: http://www.mdxc.org/5v7v/ 
LAST MINUTE UPDATE: Before going to print, the "DX-World.net" is 
reporting that Franco, I1FQH, appears to have received some 
equipment damaged upon arrival due to severe turbulence affecting 
the aircraft. He is now seeing if he can repair anything with the 
limited means available in Togo.

from Nendo Island by DG1FK and DK9FN. Operations will probably be 
on 160-6 meters depending on the band conditions. QSL H40FN via 
HA8DD, and H40FK via DG1FK.

- 23/2 WALLIS & FUTUNA; FWØR OC-054 
from Uvea Island by HA0NAR and two other operators. They plan to 
have two stations on the air with amps operating on 160-6 meters 
using CW, SSB and RTTY. Focus will be on the lower bands, 
especially 160/80/40/30 meters using Spider (18m) verticals. A 
week long side trip will be also organized to Futuna Island (OC-
118) for the IOTA hunters in early February. The team also plans 
to take part in the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th). QSL for 
both callsigns via HA0NAR. For more info/updates and an online 
logsearch, see the Web page at: http://www.ha0nar.hu/

- 25/2 MAURITIUS; 3B8GY  
by SP2JMB and his XYL SP2TO. Activity will be on all HF bands 
using CW, SSB and RTTY. Also, both operators will be active in 
ARRL International DX CW Contest (February 18-19th). QSL via 

- 26/2 BELIZE; V31RU and V31TF  
by DO5ALX and DG7RO. Activity will be on 30/17/12 bands using SSB 
and RTTY. There is a possibility that they will enter the CQ WPX 
RTTY Contest (February 11-12th). QSL via their home callsigns.

- 28/2 SOLOMON IS.; H44XB OC-047 
from Guadalcanal Island by W1XB. Activity is expected to be 
limited to his spare time. Operations will be QRP (5 watts) on 
20/15/10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign.

from the Princess Elisabeth Station (WAP BEL-02 by ON5TN. QSL via 
ON5TN. Updates on OR4TN can be found regularly on 

from Halley Station V by M0PRL. "The short summer season will 
obviously be very busy, especially with the commissioning of the 
new station, but my intention is to put both the old and new base 
on the air as time permits", he says. QSL direct to M0PRL.

- 29/2 MAYOTTE; FH8NX AF-027 
by F6GNT. Activity will be on 20-10 meters using SSB. QSL direct 
to: Phillip Ward, 36 Totorosa 2, Labattoir 97610, Mayotte. Also, 
QSL via eQSL.

by I2KRR, a volunteering technical support person to the Catholic 
mission in Vanimo, on the north coast of the main island. Activity 
will be on 40/20/15 meters SSB. Operations will be limited to the 
local evenings, plus Saturday and Sunday afternoons. QSL via 
I2RFJ, direct or by by the Bureau. PLEASE no IRCs. For more 
details about P29FR, see QRZ.com
- 5/3 JAPAN; 8J6HAM AS-077 
special event station for the 11th Nishinihon (or West Japan) Ham 
Fair. QSLs for QSOs on HF via bureau, QSLs for satellite QSOs via 

- 10/3 SRI LANKA; 4S7KKG AS-003 
by DC0KK. His preferred modes are CW and digital modes (RTTY, PSK 
and WSJT). QSL via home call (after the direct requests are 
processed, he will confirm all of the remaining QSOs through the 

- 10/3 GUANTANAMO Bay; KG4 NA-105 
Look for the following operators to be active: 
February  4-18th - KN4KL (KG4KL); activity on SSTV, RTTY, SSB, PSK 
and possibly CW. 
February  6-14th - WB4DNL (KG4DL); activity will be mostly on CW. 
February  6-23rd - W4WV (KG4WV); activity on SSB, PSK, RTTY and 
possibly CW. 
February 18-25th - N4SIA (KG4AS); activity on CW, SSB, RTTY and 
February 25th-March 3rd - KD4OS (KG4OS); activity on CW and SSB. 
February 25th-March 10th - K4MIL (KG4SS); activity on CW, SSB and 
RTTY. QSL all callsigns via their home callsigns.

- 11/3 SRI LANKA; 4S7KKG  AS-003 
by DC0KK. Activity will be mainly on CW and the Digital modes. QSL 
via DC0KK, by the Bureau or direct (see QRZ.com). LoTW on request. 
All QSLs for all QSOs will be sent via the QSL Bureau.

QSL via bureau or direct to JA8CJY.

- ca 30/3 ANTARTICA; CE9VPM 
from Chilean Air Base Presidente Gabriel Gonzalez Videla by 
CE3VPM. Activity will be on 20 metres and possibly other bands.

Palmer Station on Anvers Island by KD0MUM. He plans to operate on 
20 metres in his spare time. QSL via K1IED.

by 9A3PM from Kabul Airport. Activity will be limited as he is a 
member of the Croatian Army and operations will only take place 
during his spare time. Look for him to be on the HF bands using CW 
and the Digital modes. QSL via 9A6AA.

In his spare time he will operate mainly CW with some SSB, running 
50 watts "in order not to interfere with the weather station 
equipment". QSL via JG8NQJ (bureau) or direct to JA8CJY. 

- 30/4  KENYA; 5Z4RH  
by IK8VRH is working in Kenya. Requested callsign is 5Z4RH.

- 9/5 DEM. REP of CONGO; 9Q 
by UV5EVJ will be stationed in the province of Katanga with the 
United Nations Stabilization Mission. He plans to be QRV (callsign 
TBA) on 80-10 metres CW and SSB in his spare time. QSL via home 
call, direct or bureau.

by F5TND. Activity has been on 40-10 meters using SSB, RTTY and 

Look for special event station to celebrate the 50th anniversary 
of the Philippine Amateur Radio League (PARL). QSL via the Bureau. 
Also, the PARL is sponsoring a commemorative Diploma for amateur 
radio stations that have established two-way communications with 
at least twelve (12) QSOs with PARL members. Look for more details 
at http://www.dx1l.dxhams.net/events.htm 

8/2 - 10/2 TAHITI; TX6T OC-046 
The VP6T team will be active on their returning from Pitcairn. 
There might be a short operation as TX6T/p from Mangareva (OC-063) 
on 6-7 February, but that activity will depend on the early 
arrival of the return boat from Pitcairn. QSL via G3TXF.

8/2 - 7/3 GRENADA; J38A and J37RO 
by K4LTA and XYL K4UPS. Activity will be active on 160-10 meters. 
Look for K4LTA to be active as J38A during the ARRL DX CW Contests 
(February 18-19th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via LoTW or direct to 
their home callsign. NO Bureau.

8/2 - 28/3 ST. KITTS & NEVIS; V47JA NA-104 
from the Calypso Bay, St. Kitts by W5JON. Activity will be on 80-6 
meters (including 60m) using a Kenwood TS-590S, Yaesu FT-857D, and 
SB200 Amplifier. Antennas include: a 80-10m Multi-band Dipole, and 
metal roof mounted S9, 18' and 31' Verticals and 3 element Yagi 
for 6m. His operations will include the ARRL International DX SSB 
Contest (March 3-4th), and CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 24-25th) as a 
Single-Op/All-Band entries. XYL Cathy (W5HAM) will occasionally 
operate as V47HAM. ALL QSLs go to W5JON. Also LoTW.

by F4BKV as following: 
  E51BKV - February 9th; Rarotonga Island (OC-013), South Cook 
  E51BKV - February 10-15th; Mangaia Island (OC-159), South Cook 
  E51BKV - February 16th; Rarotonga Island (OC-013), South Cook 
  FK/F4BKV - February 18-25th; Ouvea Island (OC-033), New 
  FK/F4BKV - February 26th; Noumea (OC-032), New Caledonia. 
  HL2/F4BKV - February 27th; A briefly stay in Seoul, South Korea. 
Activity from all locations will be on 40-10 meters using SSB and 
the Digital modes (RTTY/PSK31). His equipment will include an 
Elecraft K3 with 500w amp, monoband VDA (vertical dipoles array) 
for 17/15/12/10m and monoband verticals for 40/30/20m. QSL via his 
home callsign and LoTW. For more details, updates and an online 
log search, visit: http://www.f4bkv.net/

9/2 - 13/3 GUADELOUPE; FG/F6ITD NA-102 
Activity will be on SSB and the Digital modes. He plans to visit 
the following two islands: Basse Terre Island (February 9-20th) 
and La Desirade Island (February 20th-March 13th). QSL via his 
home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.

10/2 - 14/4 GUAM; KH2/JS6RRR OC-026 
Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB, FM, RTTY and 
PSK31. QSL via JS6RRR.

10/2 - 15/2 VIET NAM; XV2CNH 
by JA6CNH. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the 
Digital modes. QSL via JA6CNH direct only.

10/2 - 20/2 PALAU; T88ZO and T88ZT OC-009 
from Koror Island by JA1IST and JA9BFM. Activity will be on all HF 
bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL T88ZT via JA3HZT. QSL T88ZO 
via JA1IST, by the Bureau or direct. All QSLs will be sent via the 
Bureau, but if you need his QSL directly, please send your QSL 
with a SAE and 1 IRC or 2 USDs or 2 Euros to: K. Naguro, 2620-1-
711 Nijyo-Fukui, Itoshima, Fukuoka 819-1631, JAPAN. 

11/2 - 20/2 BELIZE; V31SG NA-073 
from St. George's Island by K0UU. Activity will be on 40-10 meters 
CW only. He also plans to participate in ARRL DX CW Contest 
(February 18-19th). QSL via LoTW or direct.

11/2 - 24/2 TEMOTU PROVINCE; H4ØFN and H4ØFK OC-100 
from Nendo by DK9FN (H4ØFN CW) and DG1FK H4ØFK digital modes). QSL 
H40FN via HA8DD (new QSL manager), QSL H40FK via DG1FK. Further 
information, QSLling instructions and operating tips can be found 
at qrz.com under H40FN.

12/2 - 16/2 MARIANA IS.; KHØ 
by JA4JWD, callsign TBA. Activity will be on 80-6 meters using 
mainly SSB and the Digital modes - perhaps some CW. QSL via 

special event operation in celebration of the Arizona Centennial. 
Individual CADXA members will be operating from their home 
stations located throughout Arizona during that week using the 
callsign K7UGA. However, only special operating locations from 
Tucson, Prescott and Phoenix will be on the air celebrating the 
100th anniversary on Tuesday, February 14th, 2012. Operations will 
be on all amateur bands (160-2 meters); and will be using CW, SSB, 
RTTY, PSK31 and Satellite modes. All QSL requests go to K7BHM 
(qrz.com) with an SASE. For more details, please go to the CADXA 
Web site at http://www.cadxa(dot)org/

13/2 - 20/2 MARTINIQUE; FM/R5GA 
Activity will probably be on CW mainly and on 160-10 meters, 
especially on the 30/17/12 meters. His activity will also include 
the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a  Single-Op/All-
Band/High-Power entry and using the callsign TO5X. QSL via LoTW or 
via UA3DX.

13/2 - 20/2 BAHAMAS; C6AKQ, C6APG and C6ALK NA-080 
by N4BP (C6AKQ), K4PG (C6APG) and K7RE (C6ALK) for the ARRL 
International DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a Multi- 
Single entry signing C6AKQ. QSL via N4BP direct. Prior to the 
contest, they will be operating on the 30/17/12 meter bands, HF 
bands using CW and probably the Digital modes. QSL via operator's 
home callsign. All QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW.
13/2 - 21/2 S. COOK IS.; E51NJB 
by N5JB. Activity will be mainly CW and he plans to be in the ARRL 
DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power 
entry. QSL via LoTW or N5JB.

13/2 - 22/2 ANTIGUA; V25AA and V25WY 
by AA9A and W4OWY. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB 
and RTTY. QSL via their home callsign. ADDED NOTE: "The Daily DX" 
reports that N2ED (V26G) will team up for the ARRL CW DX Contest 
(February 18-19th). The callsign is not yet known.

14/2 - 21/2 RODRIGUES I.; 3B9/OE4AAC AF-017 
Activity will be on 40-10 meters CW. QSL via OE4AAC.

14/2 - 22/2 ANTIGUA; V25WY and V25AA NA-100 
by W4OWY and AA9A. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB 
and possibly RTTY. Look for V25AA to be active during the ARRL DX 
CW Contest (February 18-19th). QSL via their home callsigns, by 
the Bureau or direct.

14/2 - 22/2 BARBADOS; 8P9VX, 8P9WH and 8P9CS 
by K3VX, W3WH and K9CS. Their activity will include the ARRL CW DX 
Contest (February 18-19th) as a Multi-Op signing 8P5Y. QSL all 
callsigns via K9CS.

15/2 - 14/3 ST. VINCENT; J88DR 
by G3TBK. Activity will include the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 
18-19th) and the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th) as a Single- 
Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. He will also be in the RSGB's 74rd 
Common-wealth Contest (March 11-12th). Activity outside of the 
contest will be on all HF bands, especially 30/17/12 meters, using 
CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via G3TBK, direct or by the RSGB Bureau.

16/2 - 26/2 BELIZE; V31RR 
by AA4NC (W4MR). Activity will be on CW, SSB, RTTY, and the 
30/17/12 bands. His activity will include the ARRL DX CW Contest 
(February 18-19th). QSL via AI4U.

17/2 - 21/2 PALAU; T88KF 
by JA9APS. Activity will be holiday style probably on 40-6 meters 
using CW, SSB and RTTY, with a TS-570S and R8 vertical. QSL via 
his home callsign. Direct address is: Narumi Kawai, 1-10-14 
Suwanokawara, Toyama, 930-0088 JAPAN.

21/2 - 29/2 SWAZILAND; 3DAØPW 
by G3SWH and EA5ARC (G3OLU). The two will be using a single 
callsign (TBA) and will operate CW only on 80-10 metres with two 
stations. QSL via G3SWH, preferably via the OQRS facility on 
Phil's web site (http://www.g3swh.org.uk/), otherwise direct or 
bureau. Subject to a good Internet connection, there will be on- 
line log on Phil's web site and daily uploads to LoTW. They have a 
webpage at www.g3swh.org.uk/3da0pw.html

23/2 - 26/2 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; K6PV/6 NA-066 
from Santa Catalina Island (USI CA016S, WLOTA 2912, Los Angeles 
County, CA) by N6HE, K6JW, NZ6L, AB6SY, AB9A, AI6DF and KG6WVF.  
Activity will be on 20 meters SSB mostly, with some on 40 meters 
SSB. They will also be in the NAQP RTTY Contest (February 25-26th) 
and the CQWW 160m SSB Contest (February 24-26th). They also plan 
to be om 160/80/40/20/15/10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and 
possibly PSK31. QSL direct to QRZ.com address for K6PV.

23/2 - 27/2 BRAZIL; PV2PC and ZX2S SA-028 
from Sao Sebastiao Island by PT2OP and PY2XB. QSL PV2PC via PT2OP 
and ZX2S via PT7WA. 

23/2 - 8/3 BARBADOS; 8P9CI and 8P9CK NA-021 
by W1USN (8P9CI, QSL via home call and LoTW) and AA1M (8P9CK, QSL 
via home call). They plan to operate CW, SSB and PSK31.

25/2 - 6/3 SENEGAL; 6V7T 
by F5RAV. Activity will probably be on SSB and PSK31, and on 160- 
10 meters (including 17 and 12m with a dipole only). He will also 
be in the French REF SSB Contest (February 25-26th) and the ARRL 
DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th). QSL only direct to his home 
callsign. See details on QRZ.com. He will also try to be active as 
C56/F5RAV (or possibly another callsign) from Banjul, The Gambia 
(C56), between the two weekends (February 27th, and March 3rd, 
2012) with some other operators from Europe.

26/2 - 15/3 BELIZE; V31SU 
by N7MSU. Activity will be mainly 40-20 meters using CW, SSB and 
PSK31. Operations will be from various locations which including 
Caye Caulker, Orange Walk Town, San Ignacio and Gales Point. QSL 
via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct (see QRZ.com for 
address and instructions).

27/2 - 11/3 BELIZE; V31YK 
by DL2AYK. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, possibly 6 meters, 
using CW, SSB, RTTY and possibly some PSK31. He also plans to be 
active in the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th) as a Single-Op 
entry. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

28/2 - 28/3 ST. KITTS & NEVIS; V47JA NA-104 
by W5JON. Activity will be on 80-6 meters SSB, including 60 
meters. He plans to operate in both the ARRL International DX SSB 
Contest (March 3-4th) and the CQ WPX SSB Contest. The station's 
equipment is a Kenwood TS-590S, Yaesu FT-857D, and SB200 
amplifier. Antennas are a 80-10m multi-band dipole, metal roof 
(called "Galvalume", which the vertical uses as the ground 
radials) with mounted S9 (18 ft. and 31 ft. verticals) and a 6m 3 
element yagi. Look for his XYL W5HAM, to also be active 
occasionally as V4/W5HAM. All QSLs go to his home callsign, W5JON. 
Also LoTW.

29/2 - 7/3 MADEIRA IS.; CT9/hc AF-014 
by DJ0IF and SP7VC, during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 3-4th) 
as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via DJ6QT. They will be active before 
and after the contest. QSL via their home callsigns. Checkout the 
CR3L station's Web page at: http://www.cr3l.de/

29/2 - 9/3 NEPAL; 9N7FOX 
by JA8BMK. He will operate holiday style on 80-10 metres CW, SSB 
and RTTY. QSL via JA8UWT, direct or bureau.

1/3 - 8/3 BAHAMAS; C6AZZ 
by K4IIO/GM0IIO. Activity will be on 160-6 meters, mainly CW with 
some SSB. His activity will also include the ARRL DX SSB Contest 
(March 24-25th). QSL via K4IIO.

3/3 - 17/3 ST MAARTEN; PJ7/AA9A  
on a Caribbean holiday tour with the family. Activity is limited 
to spare time on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via AA9A and 

4/3 - 4/4 TANZANIA; 5H3MB 
by IK2GZU, will once again return to the "Mission Ilembula" to do 
some work at the new hospital and orphanage. He plans to be active 
during his spare time on the HF bands. He will use his FT-100 and 
the mission's TS-850 into a tri-band 3 element beam (20/15/10m) 
fixed on Europe and a vertical or dipole for the other bands. QSL 
via IK2GZU, direct or by the Bureau. Also, LoTW (after his return 

5/3 - 18/3 ST MAARTEN; PJ7PT NA-105 
by SP9PT, SP2EBG, SP2GKS, SP3GEM, SP3HLM and SP9-31029. Activity 
will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via SP9PT. For 
more details and updates, visit the PJ7PT Web site at:     

5/3 - 23/3 JAMAICA; 6YØA 
by N2KW. He will be a serious entry in the Commonwealth Contest 
[BERU] (March 10-11th). Outside of the contest, his preference is 
CW, and he will try to work areas that are "propagation 
challenged" to the Caribbean. QSL via Kappy, WA4WTG. Kappy is a 
stamp collector, so please put your unwanted stamps in the 

5/3 - 31/3 ANTIGUA; V21ZG NA-100 
by DL7AFS and DJ7ZG. Their holiday activity will be focused on 15-
6 meters, looking for JA and QRP stations, operating mainly on 

7/3 - 12/3 VIET NAM; 3W4JK AS-128 
from Phu Quoc Island by SP5APW. Activity will be holiday style on 
40-10 meters using SSB, PSK31 and RTTY, with possible operations 
on 6 meters. He use a Elecraft K3 with microKEYER II and Buddipole 
antennas. For updates, watch his blog http://as-128.blogspot.com/

7/3 - 14/3 VIRGIN IS.; NP2/N 157TG and NP2/N1SNB NA-106 
from St. Croix. Activity will be on all bands and modes including 
60 meters. QSL via N0TG, direct or Online Request 

7/3 - 24/3 TONGA; A35YZ 
SP3DOI. Activity will be active on 160-6 meters using several 
station operating on CW, SSB with one station exclusively 
dedicated to RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV. QSL via DL7DF, direct or by the 

8/3 - 13/3 CHATHAM IS.; ZL7/VO1AU OC038 
He will operate CW and SSB, including an entry in the RSGB 
Commonwealth (BERU) Contest on 10-11 March. QSL via VO1MX. 

8/3 - 15/3 BERMUDA; VP9/G3PJT 
Activity will include the RSGB Commonwealth Contest 2012. QSL via 
his home callsign. For more details, see http://www.beru.org.uk/

10/3 - 15/3 CLIPPERTON I.; TX5Q 
by KK6EK, N7CQQ and others with two stations for approximately one 
week. Details about the DXpedition can be found at 

12/3 - 30/3 CURACAO; PJ2/DK5ON SA-099 
Activity will be on 40-6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL 
via his home callsign.

15/3 - 21/3 FIJI; 3D2YA OC-156 
from Yageta Island, Yasawa IOTA Group by JA1NLX. Activity will be 
on 80-10 meters, mainly CW, possibly RTTY and SSB. QSL via his 
home callsign. He will QSL all QSOs via Bureau. The log will be 
uploaded to LoTW when he returns home. Direct QSL will be welcomed 
with SASE (1 IRC or 2 USDs). Further information can be found at 

16/3 - 21/3 MEXICO; XF1AA NA-189 
from Isla Isabel by a team of ten operators. Activity will be on 
CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via IT9EJW.

16/3 - 23/3 SAO TOME & PRINCIPE; S92DX, S9CW and S9SX AF-023 
from Ilheu das Rolas by K0KKO and K0GUV. Activity will be on the 
HF bands and 6 meters. They plan to have two 6 meter stations on 
the air (50.105/SSB and 50.105.7/CW). They also plan to use EME. 
No other details were provided. For updates, watch:  

21/3 - 6/4 MAYOTTE; FH/DL7BC AF-027 
His activity will include an entry in the CQWW WPX SSB Contest, 
possibly using a TO callsign. QSL via the info on QRZ.com or Web 
site at http://www.qslnet.de/member/dl7bc/index.htm

24/3 - 6/4 GUINEA-BISSAU; J52 
from Cumura by I3LDP, I3VJW, IK3ESB, IK3IUL, IK3RBE, IK3VVD, 
IK3VZJ, IZ3BUR and IZ3STA. QSL Manager is I3LDP. For more info, 
visit the J52 Web site at: 

24/3 - 14/4 REUNION I.; FR/F5UOW and TO2R 
by F5UOW. During this period he will also use the callsign TO2R 
between March 26th and April 9th. Activity will be limited to his 
free time on 40-10 meters mostly on CW. QSL via F5UOW, direct or 
by the Bureau.

28/3 - 10/4 N. COOK IS.; E51M OC-014 
from Manihiki Atoll by DJ8NK, DJ9HX, DJ9KH, DK9KX, DL6JGN, PA3EWP 
and SP3DOI. They will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on 160-6 metres 
with five stations. QSL via DJ8NK, direct or bureau. Further 
information, including an OQRS for direct/bureau cards, can be 
found at http://www.manihiki2012.de/

2/4 - 9/4  TONGA; A35XG 
by JA1XGI. Activity will be on 20-6 meters (especially 30/17/12m) 
using mainly CW, with some SSB and the Digital modes. He is 
expected to use a 2 element beam on the HF bands.  
Suggested frequencies are: 
  CW   - 10115, 14015, 18080, 21015, 24895 and 28015 kHz 
  SSB  - 14175, 18135, 21260, 24940 and 28450 kHz 
  DATA - 10140, 14088, 18102, 21088, 24920 and 28088 kHz 
QSL via JA1XGI, direct or by the Bureau. QSOs will be uploaded to 
LoTW. He now has a Web page up for his A35XG operation at: 

2/4 - 9/4 CURACAO; PJ2/hc SA-099 
by PA7JWC and YL PD7DB. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW, 
SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL via LoTW or to their home callsigns. More 
details and updates are available at: http://www.pa7jwc.nl/

3/4 - 30/4 MOROCCO; CN2RN 
by F8FGU. Activity will be on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL 
via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.

4/4 - 11/4 SWAZILAND; 3DAØFC 
ZS6ACT and ZS5LH. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using SSB, RTTY 
and PSK. Suggested frequencies are: 
  SSB  - 3780, 7063, 14185, 18136, 21290, 24930 and 28490 kHz 
  RTTY - 3590, 7040, 10149, 14084, 18104, 21084, 24924 and 28084 
  PSK  - 7038, 14072, 18102, 21072, 24922 and 28122 kHz 
QSL via ON4CJK, direct or by the Bureau. A 3DA0FC Web site is 
currently under construction that will include an online log at: 

5/4 - 17/4 EAST MALAYSIA; 9MØL AS-051 
from Pulau Layang, Layang Island (Swallow Reefs) by members of the 
Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitter Society (MARTS) and the 9M4SDX 
Team. Tentative dates are between April 5-17th, with operations 
divided between 3 teams of operators: Team A: April 5- 17th, Team 
B: April 5-11th and Team C: April 10-17th. The current team 
consists of 9M2TO (Project Coordinator), 9M2CLN (Team Leader 
Malaysia), JE1CKA (Team Leader Japan), 9W2SWC (Web Master), 9W2AVI 
(T-Shirt Designer). More details will be forthcoming. A Web page 
is up but still under constructions at http://9m0l.legendchew.com/

18/4 - 23/4 AUSTRALIA; VK8PDX/p OC-185 
from Bremer Islets by VK4LDX/VK8PDX. He will use his Spiderbeam 
tri-bander (for 20/15/10m) on a 10m Spiderbeam mast. Modes will 
probably be on SSB, PSK31 and RTTY (he doesn't do CW). QSL via his 
home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. He does not use eQSL or 
LoTW. For updates, watch his Blog Web page at 

30/4 - 4/5 PALAU; T88RF 
by JJ2RCJ/AB2RF. Activity will be focused on the low bands and the 
Digital modes (PSK63/RTTY/Hell). QSL only via JJ2RCJ, by the 
Bureau or direct. Also via LoTW.

11/6 - 22/6 TANZANIA; 5H9CP  
by NK8O/VE3ISD. He states, "I am primarily a CW operator. QRP and 
straight key operators, please be ready! After fighting through 
pile-ups with my QRP station at home, I understand the challenges. 
The rig on this trip will be an Elecraft KX3 and antenna arrays 
will depend on the trees, how high I can get the ropes to go, and 
whether a dipole, loop, or vertical will be the 
best for the site from which I choose to operate. Times and 
frequencies will be published [QRZ.com] before my departure for 
Tanzania, but they definitely will not be written in stone. 
Operating times will depend entirely on my responsibilities and 
schedule at the Nyakato Health Center." QSL via NK8O.
CW: 28040, 24920, 21040, 18098, 14040, 10115, 7030 and 3530.
SSB: 28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 14260, 7055 and 3755.
The frequencies are NOT exclusive to IOTA!
IOTA net Saturdays at 1300z on 14260 and Sundays at 1300z on 21260!

SM3CVM 2012 - February 06

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