[TOEC] Logging program

Mel SM0MPV sm0mpv at ssa.se
Tue Aug 13 09:51:14 EDT 2013


Could someone here recommend a logging program for keeping and
tracking DXCC, IOTA, RDAs and counties? The program must be able to
combine the tracking for several different call sings, like the logs
for SM0MPV, SM0MPV/3 and 8S0C, so I can have the overall view.

This subject might be a little bit out of scope for this group, but I
will give it a try.

During contests I use N1MM and export the ADIF file to DX4WIN I have
for long been using DX4WIN as a logging program and been pleased with
it, mostly due to Jim’s  (AD1C) good work with updating the CTY file,
all help programs and other support. As I have noticed on the DX4WIN
reflector an increased arguing against few updates and the need of a
general face lift for the program I am a bit worried the program.
Therefore I am interested to hear your opinion and hope this question
is not too much out of topic for this group.

73 de Mel - SM0MPV
8S0C - Contest Call

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