Lars Aronsson SM3CVM sm3cvm at bredband.net
Sun Jun 9 15:39:52 EDT 2013


The calendar is also available at


– 10/6                ETHIOPIA; ET3AA 

                           by K4ZW, mainly in CW. QSL via N2OO.


– 10/6                SAINT BARTHELEMY; FJ/K5WE and FJ/N5WR NA-146 

Activity will be on all bands 80-6 meters, mostly CW, some RTTY 

and SSB. QSL to their home callsigns.


– 11/6                TURKS & CAICOS IS.; VP5/W5CW 

from Caicos Is. QRV on 160-6m in CW and SSB. QSL via h/c.


– 14/6                FRENCH GUIANA; FY/F5UII 

Activity will be on the HF bands on SSB. He suggests to look for 

him during the weekday mornings about 1000-1100z and after 2100z. 

Possibly during the weekend of June 8-9th, Christian will try be 

active from Royale Islands (SA-020)with a multiband wire antenna 

which will allow him to be active on 80-10 meters SSB. This 

activity is not yet certain. For more details and updates, visit     



– 15/6                BAHAMAS; C6ABB, C6ALC, C6APX and C6ATT. NA-001 

from New Providence by N2RFA (C6ABB), K2KJI (C6ALC), KC4PX 

(C6APX) and K2TTT (C6ATT). Their main goal is to participate in 

the ARRL VHF QSO Party (8-10 June); outside the contest they 

will be QRV on 40-10 metres. QSL via home calls.


– 16/6                BONAIRE; PJ4V SA-006 

by 9M6DXX. Activity will be "holiday-style" on SSB only using 100 

watts to a Spiderbeam. QSL via M0URX, direct or by the Bureau, 

preferably using OQRS (see http://www.m0urx.com/oqrs/). Logs will 

be uploaded to LoTW within a few days of the end of the operation 

at the latest.


– 19/6                ASIATIC RUSSIA; RA9ODD/Ø and/or RZ9OWE/Ø 

RA9ODD will embark on the M/V 'Spirit of Enderby' on a 17-day 

cruise in the Sea of Okhotsk. Depending on local and weather 

conditions, plans are to visit the following islands:

8 June - Iony Island, AS-069

9 June - Shantarskiye Islands, AS-044

10 June - Malminskiye Islands, AS-172

12 June - Talan Island, AS-059

14-15 June - Yamskiye Islands, AS-170

19 June - Atlasova Island, AS-025

Grigory will be QRV as RA9ODD/0 and/or RZ9OWE/0, possibly around 

14260 and 21260 kHz. His operating time will be limited to a few 

hours only.


– 20/6                CAPE VERDE; D44TWO AF-005 

from Leeward Islands by DF2WO. Activity will be holiday style on 

the HF bands. He usually has a Kenwood TS-50 and is running 80 

watts using CW and SSB on all bands, except on 160/80 meters. QSL 

via M0OXO.


– 22/6                ST. LUCIA; J68HZ NA-108 

by K9HZ. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. 

There will be a special emphasis on 160 and 80 meters on all 

modes. His equipment will consist of an Elecraft K3, a 3 element 

beam for 20-6 meters and wire antennas for 160-30 meters. QSL via 

his home callsign. He does use the LoTW and eQSL.

– 23/6                CANADA; XL3T 

by VA3RVK to commemorate the "Canadian Arctic Expedition" (1913 - 

1916), including the WPX contest. QSL via VE3AT.


– 24/6                CANARY IS.; EH8FSJ 

will operate in the context of the ”Fiestas San Juan      

Bautista de Arucas" from Lomo Jurgon bei Arucas (DME 35006) on 

Gran Canaria. QSL via EA8RKL (EURAO-bureau  

http://eurobureauqsl.org/), eQSL.


– 30/6                CANADA; CK3C 

by VE3RHE for the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Arctic 

Expedition (1913-1916) (including the RAC Canada Day Contest). 

QRV on 40, 20, and 10. QSL via VE3RHE (d/B), LotW. 



– 31/8                JAPAN; 8N1A  

celebrates 40 years of cooperation between the Association of      

Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Japan on all bands. OP are 



JH8XGS, and JH0HST. QSL via bureau.


- 31/12              PHILIPPINES; DS4DRE/5 AS-060 

from Hajo Island. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW and 

SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct (he is a stamp collector) 

or by the Bureau.


- 31/12              ANTARCTICA; RI1ANP  

from Russian Antarctic station Progress by RW6ACM. QSL via RN1ON, 

direct or bureau.


- 31/12                                             ANTARCTICA; VKØJJJ

from Mawson Base in the Mac Robertson by VK6JJJ, a member of the 

"Antarctica Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition 

2013/14". His equipment includes a SDR transceiver Flex 5000A, an 

Emtron DX-2SP linear amplifiers, a MFJ-986 tuner and a Heil 

Headset. His antenna is a sloping Delta Loop. He will work with 

QRO on 160m-6m with emphasis put on 6m in SSB and digital modes. 

QSL via K7CO.


- 31/12              MEXICO; 4A1TD  

The Club de Radio Experimentadores de Occidente celebrates its 

80th anniversary this year, and will be active at various times, 

including several contests. QSL via XE1GZU.


10/6 – 13/6      SOLOMON IS; H44IOTA OC-158 

from Mana Island, Florida Islands by a group of operators, who 

will travel to various IOTA-locations in the Solomon Islands 

until July 16. QRV on 80-10m in SSB and CW. QSL via NR6M. 

http://www.h44iota.com https://twitter.com/h44iota/ 




11/6 – 28/6      STAINT MARTIN; FS/K9EL 

Activity will be on 80-6 meters. Daily uploads to ClubLog and 

LoTW are planned. QSL via his home callsign.


12/6 – 21/7      PARAGUAY; ZP99E 

by members of the Radio Club Paraguay Filial Itapua (ZP9EE) from 

the local ruins of the Jesuit Missions of La Santísima Trinidad 

de Paraná and Jesús de Tavarangue. Operators mentioned are 

ZP9MCE, ZP9CN, ZP9GB and ZP9DK. Activity will be on 

40/30/20/15/10 meters using CW and SSB, with some PSK31. QSL via 

EA5ZD. Log will be available on QRZ.com and ClubLog.


13/6 – 17/6      CUBA; T46C NA-204 

from Santa Maria Island by the Cuban T46A group. The operators 

mentioned are CO6LC, CO6EC, CO6YAC, CO6WYR, CL6RLD and CO6LP. 

They will try to maintain three stations on the air transmitting 

on 160-10 meters, including 30/17/12 meters, using CW, SSB and 

RTTY, into yagis, beverages and verticals. QSL via EA5GL.


14/6 – 28/6      BRITISH VIRGIN IS.; VP2V/W9DR NA-023 

from the Island of Anegada. Activity will be on 50.115 MHz (SSB) 

and 50.115.6 MHz (CW). He will also be running a beacon on 

50.115.6 when the band is not open. Please submit confirmation 

request (QSL) to W9DR home address (QRZ.com)


15/6 – 30/6      BRAZIL; PS2013CCB 

Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital 

modes. Operations are to celebrate the FIFA Confederations Cup 

Brasil event. QSL via PS7AB, only via the Bureau, LoTW, EQSL or 

Bureau E-mail request <ps7ab at yahoo.com>. SWL request are welcome. 

Please, "=> NOT <=" direct QSL.


16/6 – 20/6      HONDURAS; HQ8S NA-035 

from Swan Island by HM2DMR. Activity will be on 160-10 meters. 

For more details and updates, watch http://hriotas.com/


17/6 – 24/6      SOLOMON IS; H44IOTA OC-258 

from Sikian Atoll by a group of operators, who will travel to 

various IOTA-locations in the Solomon Islands until July 16. QRV 

on 80-10m in SSB and CW. QSL via NR6M. http://www.h44iota.com 





19/6 – 24/6      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; homecall/p NA-213 

from Dauphin Island by KV4T, KI4GGJ, AJ4T, W4CCF and KJ4AVG. 

Activity will be on the HF bands using CW and SSB. QSL via their 

home callsigns.


22/6 – 29/6      GUANTANAMO BAY; KG4RX, KG4TO and KG4AS  

by K4RX (KG4RX), AC4TO (KG4TO) and N4SIA (KG4AS) for a 6 meter 

DXpedition in WW, grid FK29kv. They will use a K3 with PR6 and 

KPA500 into a 6M5XHG optimized 6 element yagi. There will also be 

some simultaneous CW HF operations on all bands. KG4RX and KG4TO 

will have their logs on ClubLog. QSL to their respective home 



22/6 – 7/7        CHAGOS IS.; VQ93JC  

by ND9M. Since the dismantling of the club station on VQ9 Jim      

sets up a field-day style station, an FT-897 and a dipole 10m 

high, for each activity. QSL via ND9M.


22/6 – 10/7      BONAIRE; PJ4D SA-006 

by DL1DI. He will be there on holiday. Look for more details to 

be forthcoming.


1/7 – 7/7           SOLOMON IS; H44IOTA OC-100 

from Nendo Island by a group of operators, who will travel to 

various IOTA-locations in the Solomon Islands until July 16. QRV 

on 80-10m in SSB and CW. QSL via NR6M. http://www.h44iota.com 





1/7 – 7/7           FIJI; 3D2WN  

by AA2WN. The main purpose is scuba diving, but he will be active 

when [he's] not diving. He'll be running 100 watts from an 

IC706MKII using a dipole mostly on 17 and 20 meters CW, SSB and 

possibly some digital modes. QSL via AA2WN and LoTW.


1/7 – 16/7        SENEGAL; 6V7S  

by RK4FF. Activities will take place in CW/SSB/RTTY on 

80/40/20/15/10m. QSL via homecall.


5/7 – 9/7           ST. MAARTEN; PJ7/AF6KJ and PJ7/AF6WU NA-105 

Activity will be on multi-bands and multi-modes on HF according 

to the best available propagation. QSL both callsigns via AF6WU, 

direct or by the Bureau. Also eQSL, LoTW and Clublog. For direct 

QSLs, U.S. stations send 1 US stamp, $0.33 does it.


6/7 – 16/7        ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON; FP/KV1J NA-032 

from the Island of Miquelon. Activity will be on 160-6 meters 

using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 (but primarily SSB and RTTY). He 

will generally be on the highest frequency band that is open, and 

he may try 6 meters if there is any indications of openings.  

Also, look for him on the satellites, weather permitting. He will 

also be in the IARU HF Contest (July 13-14th) as a Single-Op/All-

Band/Mixed-Mode/High-Power entry. QSL via KV1J, direct or by the 

Bureau and also LoTW. For more details and updates, check out his 

Web page at: http://www.kv1j.com/fp/July13.html


6/7 – 25/7        HAITI; HH5/KCØW 

Activity will be 160-6 meters using CW only. He will use a 

vertical antenna placed directly over salt water. He states that 

the location in Haiti has unobstructed HF takeoffs to North 

America, Europe & Africa. QSL only direct to his home callsign. 

No LoTW or Bureau QSLs.


9/7 – 10/8        ST. KITTS & NEVIS; V47JA NA-104 

by W5JON. Activity will be on 160-10 meters (including 60m) using 

SSB and RTTY/Digital modes. Equipment is a Kenwood TS-590S, Yaesu 

FT-857D, and SB200 Amplifier. Antennas include: a 80-10m Multi-

band Dipole, and metal roof mounted S9, 18' and 31' Verticals and 

3 element Yagi for 6m. His operations will include the IARU HF 

Championship Contest (July 13-14th) and the RSGB IOTA Contest 

(July 27-28th0 as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. Also, XYL Cathy, 

W5HAM, will occasionally operate as V47HAM. ALL QSLs go to W5JON 

direct or via LoTW.


9/7 – 12/7        SOLOMON IS; H44IOTA OC-163 

from Vanikolo/Utupua by a group of operators, who will travel to 

various IOTA-locations in the Solomon Islands until July 16. QRV 

on 80-10m in SSB and CW. QSL via NR6M. http://www.h44iota.com 





10/7 – 14/7      SAINT MARTIN; FS/AF6KJ and FS/AF6WU  

Activity will be on multi-bands and multi-modes on HF according 

to the best available propagation. QSL both callsigns via AF6WU, 

direct or by the Bureau. Also eQSL, LoTW and Clublog. For direct 

QSLs, U.S. stations send 1 US stamp, $0.33 does it.


12/7 – 16/7      ALASKA; KØDCH/KL7 NA-041 

from Mitkof Island. Activity will be on or near the usual island 

and IOTA frequencies. QSL via his home callsign direct only.


13/7 – 20/7      CAYMAN IS.; ZF2WN 

by AA2WN. The main purpose is scuba diving, but he will be active 

when [he's] not diving. He'll be running 100 watts from an 

IC706MKII using a dipole mostly on 17 and 20 meters CW, SSB and 

possibly some digital modes. QSL via AA2WN and LoTW.


14/7 – 16/7      SOLOMON IS; H44IOTA OC-065 

from Pigeon Island, Reef Islands by a group of operators. QRV on 

80-10m in SSB and CW. QSL via NR6M. http://www.h44iota.com 





16/7 – 20/7      HONDURAS; HQ8D NA-223 

from Vivorillos Island by HM2DMR. Activity will be on 160-10 

meters. For more details and updates, watch http://hriotas.com/


19/7 – 21/7      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; KT3Q/6 NA-144 

from Anacapa Island by DF8DX. Activity will be on the HF bands, 

CW only, using 100 watts into a vertical antenna. QSL via DF8DX,

by the Bureau or direct.


21/7 – 29/7      CHINA; B4/BA4MY AS-146 

from Jiming Dao Island. Activity will be on all HF bands and 

modes, but will also include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest 

(July 27-28th) using the callsign BY4IB. QSL both callsigns via 

BA4EG, direct or by the Bureau. Also, QSL via LoTW or eQSL.


24/7 – 28/7      CANADA; CF2I NA-128 

from Ile Verte by members of the "NA-128 Contest Group". Their 

activity will include the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27-28th) as a 

Multi-Single entry. The group will operate many stations from the 

lighthouse keeper's quarters on many bands (CW, SSB and RTTY, 

PSK63) before and after the contest. The group will operate ONLY 

on CW and SSB on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80m DURING the contest. The 

complete log will be uploaded to LoTW few days after the contest. 

Paper QSL is via VE2CQ. For more info, visit their Web page at 



26/7 – 28/7      BRAZIL; PX8Z SA-060 

from Cotijuba Island by PY8WW, PY8AA, PU8WZT, PS8RV, PR8ZX and 

PU8RGV. Activity coincides with the RSGB IOTA Contest weekend. 

Operations will be on all bands using CW and SSB. QSL via PY8WW.


26/7 – 29/7      JAPAN; JI3DST/1 AS-008 

from Shikine Shima. Activity will include an entry in the RSGB 

IOTA Contest (July 27-28th). He might also use the callsign 

JI3DST/JI1 during his stay on the island. QSL via his home 

callsign by the Bureau (preferred). For more details and updates, 

visit his Blog page at http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ji3dst/


2/8 – 20/8        TANZANIA; 5H3BB  

by KF8UN. Activity is possible on 40-15 meters, but mostly 20 

meters and on SSB with some CW. He will use an IC-706 into a mag 

mount vertical and/or dipole. QSL via his home callsign direct.


3/8 – 4/8           REUNION I.; TO1PF AF-016 

A team of operators from Reunion Island will be active from the 

UNESCO World Heritage site of "Piton de la Fournaise" [Peak of 

the Furnace] volcano. Operators mentioned are FR1JB, FR1GZ, 


FR4PF, FR4PG, FR5CU, FR5FC and FR5HV. The volcano is a shield 

volcano on the eastern side of Reunion island. It is currently 

one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Activity will be 

on all HF bands and modes. QSL via FR1GZ.


4/8 – 10/8        UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; W4OTN/p NA-067 

from Hatteras Island. Activity will be holiday style on the 

higher HF bands (20-10m). QSL via his home callsign, by the 

Bureau or direct.


8/8 – 15/8        BERMUDA; VP9/K9GY or K9GY/VP9  

by K9GY/T6MO. Activity will probably be mainly CW on 40-10 meters 

and include the Worked All Europe CW Contest. QSL via K9GY.


15/8 – 21/8      AUSTRALIA; VK5CE/p OC-261 

from Flinders Island. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, with most 

of the operations being on 40/20/15m, using SSB and PSK. QSL via 

his home callsign. For more details and updates, watch Craig's 

Blog page at http://oc261.blogspot.co.uk/


16/8 – 20/8      GREENLAND; OX  

from Kangerlussuaq by an international group of Yls, LA6RHA, 

JR3MVF, HL1KDW, WA0WOF and SM6KAT. The last YL expedition was in 

2010 and was very successful. For more information, visit their 

Web site at: http://home.online.no/~la6rha/greenland2013.htm


18/8 – 25/8      CANADA; AE1C/VE9 NA-014 

from Grand Manan Island. Activity will be holiday style on the HF 

bands using 200 watts and a vertical antenna. QSL via his home 

callsign (LoTW preferred), eQSL or direct.


6/9 – 16/9        LAOS; XW 

by 9M6DXX, 9V1YC, EA2TA, EA3NT, EA5KA, F4BKV, G3XTT and MM0NDX. 

They plan to operate five stations from 160-6 meters using CW, 

SSB and RTTY. A Web site is currently under construction and will 

be available soon. The callsign and more details will be 

announced later.


22/9 – 29/9      LORD HOWE I.; VK9LL  

by VK2CCC (aka LY1F). Activity will be limited to his spare time 

with a focus on 160/80 meters. QSL via LoTW, and by the Bureau or 

direct via VK2CCC. For updates and possibly more details, watch 

the following Web pages: http://www.qrz.com/db/VK9LL/


28/9 – 11/10    REPUBLIC OF CONGO; TN5MS 

planning by 4 Dutch radio amateurs. Operators mentioned are PA3A 

(CW/SSB), PA8AD (CW/SSB), PA3AN (SSB/RTTY) and PD1AEG. Activity 

will probably be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. The 

equipment consists of 3 transceivers and linears. The antennas 

are verticals for 160-30m and beams for 20-10m. For 160m and 80m 

extra receiving antennas will be used to improve station 

reception capability. If conditions allow it and permission is 

received, they will try to activate 6m. They take special care to 

listen for remote locations and small stations. The goal of the 

team is to work as many different stations as possible in the 

different modes. All donations and surplus from the QSL will be 

transferred to the Mercy Ships Charity Project. QSL via PA3AWW, 

by the Bureau or direct (see info on the Web page). Also, QSLs 

can be requested with a donation via the OQSL request service on 

the Web page. LoTW will be uploaded 6 months after the DX- 

pedition when logs are checked. The team is not using eQSL for 

answering QSL. For more details and updates, visit their Web page 

at http://www.tn5ms.nl/index.php/


October            WAKE I.; K9W OC-053 

The actual days of use will be announced on our website and 

through the normal media channels. Please check our web site 

often for updates: http://www.wake2013.org/


1/10 – 11/10    SABLE I.; CYØP NA-063 

by VE1RGB, WA4DAN and AI5P. An all bands 160-10 meters, 

CW/SSB/RTTY operation is planned. Look for more details to follow 

in the coming months. 


1/10 – 16/10    NICARAGUA; YN 

by a Spanish team from the Aitana DX Group (ADXG). Operators 

mentioned are EA7FTR, EA5HPX, EA5FX, EA5KM, EA1ACP and EA1DVY. 

Activity will be on all bands using CW, SSB and RTTY. Pilot 

station is EA1AZ. Callsign will be announced soon. The team has a 

Web site which will be running shortly. QSL via EB7DX.


3/10 – 17/10    MAYOTTE; FH AF-027 

members of the "Italian Dxpedition Team" have announced that 

their next DXpedition will be to the Island of Mayotte Island. 

The only other details that were provided are: HF Pilot station: 

Fred, IK7JWY. 6m Pilot station: Sergi, IK0FTA. More details will 

be forthcoming. Official website: http://www.i2ysb.com/


9/10 – 17/10    SENEGAL; 6V7T  

by F5RAV. Activity will be on SSB and PSK31, and on 40-10 meters 

(including 17 and 12m with a dipole only). A side trip to N'gor 

Island (AF-045) is planned for three days during this period. QSL 

via only direct to his home callsign. See details on QRZ.com. 

Also, visit his BLOG page at http://f5rav.free.fr/


15/10 – 22/10  MOZAMBIQUE; C82DX  

An international team of operators from Xai Xai (WW Loc KG64). 

Operators mentioned are N1DG, N4XP, CT1EEB, DJ9ZB, I8NHJ, N6MZ, 

N9JA, WB4JTT, W6OAT, ZS6EZ (C92Z), ZS6P (C91TJL) and ZS6RI. 

Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. 

Suggested frequencies are:

CW - 1826.5, 3523, 5405, 7023, 10103, 14023, 18079, 21023, 24894 

and 28023 kHz  

SSB - 3790, 5403.5, 7082, 14185, 18140, 21285, 24955 and 28485 


RTTY - 3580, 7035, 10142, 18099, 21080, 24912 and 28080 kHz   

6M - 50107/CW and 50107/SSB

The C82DX Web page is available at http://c82dx.com/


22/10 – 27/11  SENEGAL; 6V7S  

by RK4FF. Activities will take place in CW/SSB/RTTY on 

80/40/20/15/10m. QSL via homecall.


26/10 – 30/10  BRAZIL; PR5C SA-047 

from Mel Island by members of the CMDXGroup. Operators mentioned 


and PY5ZW. Activity will be on 160/80/40/20/15/10/6 meters using 

CW and SSB. They will have four radios (1x FT2000 and 3x FT897D) 

with three 700w amps. QSL direct to PU5SVE. All QSOs will be 

confirmed via LoTW and eQSL. For more details and updates, visit 



28/10 – 10/11  GRENADA; J3 NA-024 

by OE2ATN and OE2SNL on a suitcase Dxpedition. The callsign has 

not been issued yet. Operations will be on CW, SSB and RTTY with 

100-200 watts. A Web page is under constructions. More details 

will be forthcoming.


6/11 – 17/11    BANABA I.; T33A OC-018 

Activity will be on all bands and modes with six stations. Two or 

three experienced operators are being sought. A website is under 

construction at HTTP://www.t33a.com/


8/11 – 20/11    JUAN FERNANDEZ IS.; XRØZR 

by a multi-national Dxpedition to Robinson Crusoe Island in the 

Juan Fernandez Archipelago. Activity will be on all bands and 

modes from 1.8 MHz to 50 MHz with special attention to be made to 

accommodate distant stations during periods when propagation 

permits. They are planning to have 4 stations running simulta- 

neously. The team will consist of IW3SQY (Team Leader), IZ8GCE, 

IV3DSH, EA3AKY, SP3DOI, CE3PG and WA7NB. Website: 



12/11 – 26/11  AMERICAN SAMOA; KH8/N6MW and N8A OC-045 

by ZL1GO (JE4EKO), JH3PRR, W6SZN, 9M6XRO and ZL3CW (F2CW/WE3B). 

The focus will be on "Maximum number of different stations 

contacted; CW, some SSB and RTTY if/when things slow down; EU 

when possible on higher bands; and Significant 160m effort." For 

more details and updates, visit http://www.n8a.eu/


19/11 – 21/11  ASCENSION I.; ZD8W AF-003 

by W6NV. Activity will include the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 

24-25th) with two other operators to make it an international 

team. Look for activity outside of the contest on the HF bands 

and 6 meters. QSL via W6NV.


21/12 – 6/1      TEMOTU; H40FN OC-100 

from Lata, Nendo Island by DK9FN. QSL via HA8DD, direct only. 

More details will be forthcoming. Watch the QRZ.com Web site at:      



Jan/Feb 2014   AMSTERDAM & ST. PAUL IS.; FT5ZM 

An international team of 14 experienced DXpedition operators, led 

by K0IR, will depart from Fremantle, Australia, in early January 

of 2014. Their destination will be Amsterdam Island (FT5Z). The 

team has been granted an 18 day access to the island to occur 

between the dates of January 15th and February 20th of 2014.

Once ashore, the team will move to two station positions assigned 

by TAAF. The two locations are about 2 kilometers apart. Each 

location will allow a full complement of antennas. The separation 

will allow simultaneous CW/RTTY and SSB transmission on the open 

bands. The group plans on eight stations; four at each location. 

Elecraft K3's, a full complement of antennas, and 500 watt and 

1.5 KW amplifiers will be the backbone of the station 

configurations. The operators are well known in the DXing and 

contesting world and include: 9V1YC, EY8MM, FM5CD, HK1R, K4UEE, 

K9CT, LA6VM, N4GRN, N6HC, VE3EJ, VE7CT, W6IZT, WB9Z, and yours 

truly K0IR. Our website is in the final stages of preparation, 



19/2 – 27/2      BERMUDA; VP9/G7VJR NA-005 

QSL via M0OXO.



CW: 28040, 24920, 21040, 18098, 14040, 10115, 7030 and 3530.

SSB: 28560, 28460, 24950, 21260, 18128, 14260, 7055 and 3755.

The frequencies are NOT exclusive to IOTA!

IOTA net Saturdays at 1300z on 14260 and Sundays at 1300z on 21260!


SM3CVM 2013 – June 09

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