[TOEC] Introducing VOACAP DX Charts

Jari Perkiömäki jpe at uwasa.fi
Fri Jul 24 13:32:23 EDT 2015

Hi all,

After I have now more or less finalized the VOACAP Propagation Planner service (...for now...), I decided to create a spin-off
service that calculates short-path (SP) and long-path (LP) HF propagation predictions from the user's QTH to some of the upcoming

I call this service 'VOACAP DX Charts', and the address is : www.voacap.com/dx.html . This service of course uses much of the same
technology I created for the Propagation Planner.

Currently, the following DXpeditions are included:

- TI9/RA9USU, Cocos Isl (Jul 2015)
- K6W, Wake Isl (Sep 2015)
- TX3X, Chesterfield Isl (Oct 2015)
- 3B9HA, Rodrigues Isl (Nov 2015)
- 3C7GIA, Equatorial Guinea (Nov 2015)
- VK9WA, Willis Isl (Nov 2015)
- 3Y0F, Bouvet (Dec 2015/Jan 2016)
- KH5, Palmyra (Jan 2016)
- VP8SGI, South Georgia (Jan 2016)
- VP8STI, South Sandwich (Jan 2016)
- FT/J, Juan de Nova (Mar 2016)
- VK0EK, Heard Isl (Mar/Apr 2016)

More info at: http://voacap.blogspot.fi/2015/07/introducing-voacap-dx-charts.html

Please let me know if you find bugs, or want more DX sites to the list.

73 Jari OH6BG

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