TopBand: XZ1N Stats
Bob Eldridge
Sun, 1 Dec 1996 14:07:08 -0800 (PST)
Comment on Warren's "XZ1N Stats":
>with North American (15%) stations being worked only during the brief
>windows available to us. . . . openings to North America (those
>times in which we could both hear and be heard) were very brief >(minutes
at a time) . . . worked inbetween these bursts. Robin put forth >an almost
super-human effort on this band . . . . All comments >regarding this
operation are welcome.
>73 de Warren/K7WX
Just for the record, the "brief windows" on 160 were almost for sure only
because of the difficult receiving conditions at XZ1N. The consistency of
the transmitted signal (and the patience and persistence of the operator)
were truly remarkable.
For example on the 21st the signal was good copy here from 1400Z to 1547Z
(my sunrise 1536), and I copied his QSO with VQ9SS, and the text of his
transmission about the settings he had to use on his receiver, and his pleas
for "no EU". Most of the time he was 100% copy.
Considering the fact that the direct path skirts the Arctic Circle, and the
known difficulty of the path from here to India, this was a remarkable
transmitting performance.
I mention this because most people interpret "openings" to mean just "path
openings", and some could miss the fact that these were probably just the
brief breaks in the local QRM.
Bob Eldridge VE7BS,
Erickson Rd, Pemberton B.C. V0N 2L0
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