TopBand: 160 contest/rules for this weekend

Greg Weinfurtner
Thu, 05 Dec 1996 16:20:14 -0500

	Here are the rules for the upcoming contest:

                            ARRL 160-Meter Contest

OBJECT:       This is a CW operating event where you can work anyone-
              your next door neighbor, some guy in the next town, any
              other US or Canadian station, and all the DX station you
              can find.

CLASSES:      You have a choice of entering QRP, low power, high
              power, or multioperator. The less power output you use,
              the more challenging it gets. If you like difficult
              challenges, try QRP. The power choice for single ops
              is up to you.

TIME:         First weekend of December.

              Friday  22.00z   -   Sunday  16.00z

EXCHANGE:     USA:          Signal report and ARRL section
              Canada:       Signal report and RAC section
              All other:    Signal report.

MULTIPLIERS:  Multipliers are ARRL/RAC sections plus VE8/VY1
              (maximum of 77) and DXCC countries (DX stations can
              only work W/VE stations.

SCORE:        For your final score, count 2 points for each QSO with
              a W/VE station, and 5 points for each DX contact. Add up
              all your QSO points and then multiply by the number of
              different multipliers.

LOGS:         Logs must be submitted within 30 days after the contest,
              and sent to:

                      ARRL 160-Meter Contest
                      225 Main Street
                      Ct,  06111

DATA LOGS:    Logs may be uploaded as ASCII entry files, following the ARRL
              Suggested Standard File Format, to the ARRL BBS (860-594-0306);
              or send them via Internet ( ).

              Official entry forms and complete 160-Meter Contest rules
              are available for an SASE from ARRL HQ.

CERTIFICATES: Certificates are awarded to the top-scoring station in
              each single-operator power category and the multioperator
              category in each ARRL/RAC section and each DXCC country.

*                                                              *
* NN    N  SSSSSSS  8888888  OOOOOOO  Greg Weinfurtner AEE BSS *
* N N   N  S        8     8  O     O  Electronic Design Splst  *
* N  N  N  SSSSSSS  8888888  O     O  Ohio University   Athens *
* N   N N        S  8     8  O     O  GO BOBCATS!              *
* N    NN  SSSSSSS  8888888  OOOOOOO                           *
*                                                              *
*   "Can thou send forth lightnings that they may go and say   *
*           unto  thee, 'Here we are'?" Job 38:35              *
*                                                              *
*                   *
*           *

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