TopBand: Of clicks and men...
Garry Shapiro
Sun, 08 Dec 1996 23:19:45 -0800
Larry Tyree wrote:
> Can someone who knows Vic, VE7UZ tell him about his problem?
> He has a bad spur/parasitic on about 1822 when he is transmitting
> on 1832. It is well over S9. Maybe another Yaesu?
> Tree N6TR
> PS: ES1QD called me on this freq so I like it! (1822.4)
If there is one thing it is risky to tell any macho DXer or contester,
it is that his signal is less than perfect. There seems to be a direct
link between such signal-narcissism and testosterone level.
Here in Silicon Valley, where men are men and signals are loud and
everyone is in everyone else's near field, this is exacerbated during
contests. Two of my friends across town--both normally nice guys and
both experienced engineering managers--are hurling thunderbolts at each
other on the subject of clicks and spurs, as a result of two days of
them, just completed.
Sometimes it is good to be at the bottom of a canyon.
Garry Shapiro, NI6T
Editor, The DXer
newsletter of the Northern California DX Club
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